REBECCA BLACK Friday friday gotta get down on friidaayyyyyyyyyyyyy

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23




OMG This could be thread of the year

I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

This and the "My Jeans" "I'm Zack" good god where do you people find this stuff
Originally Posted by OGskinnyJ

Originally Posted by Jokey III


YoAm I the only one who is seriously annoyed by the way she talks, I'm saying like the way her mouth moves, drove me crazy.

I noticed that too. I don't know if you're familiar with Saved By The Bell but her mouth moves like Screech. It's mad obnoxious. 
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by OGskinnyJ

Originally Posted by Jokey III


YoAm I the only one who is seriously annoyed by the way she talks, I'm saying like the way her mouth moves, drove me crazy.

I noticed that too. I don't know if you're familiar with Saved By The Bell but her mouth moves like Screech. It's mad obnoxious. 

Good call, she kinda reminds me of screech now that you mention that,
Pure Gold. Stuff is too funny. Can't believe people throwin money at these kids just to find the next Bieber.

Note to self, have a kid, tell them they have musical talent, make a video and put it online and watch the money flood in.
Originally Posted by bonde111

Pure Gold. Stuff is too funny. Can't believe people throwin money at these kids just to find the next Bieber.

Note to self, have a kid, tell them they have musical talent, make a video and put it online and watch the money flood in.
pretty sure it was the kids that threw money at ark music to make this monstrosity 

I dig it though 
Originally Posted by OkieDoqui

Originally Posted by justforsneaks

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

You know none of us actually like the song, and we all know it's terrible? 

You know this is a complete joke and is supposed to be funny because of how bad it is?

Do you understand now? 

What I don't understand is everything about you mentally and why the OP posted this on general instead of the music forum. 

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