Recreational Marijuana Sale Begins in Colorado

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we been asking for this :lol:

but the thread always gets locked due to pics :rolleyes :lol:

that's what I'm saying.

why can't we post pics?

we can objectify scantily clad women ALL day.

we can even talk about POF and sites like backpage, dudes putting FAQs on coppin' prostitutes.....

but we can't post pics of weed?


type of double standard is that?

we got plenty of minors but yet we got a beer and a alcohol thread.

a gun thread.

a cigar thread.

but we can't post a pic of some tasty buds? I've always wanted to throw up a pic or two of what I'm enjoying. It'd be great to know what other NTers from other parts of the nation workin' wit.

Guaran-damn-tee I pearl the best L on NT and can provide pics to prove it. :D Half the time I'm on NT I'm burnin, wish I could bond with my fellow NT brethren openly about it.
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yup sounds about right, i pay $70 for it, but the homie hooks it up.

i think you used the right amount if not more (which isnt a bad thing

eat one for me though!

been wanting to make brownies but hear it stinks up the crib
I do it put apply it to cookies... u get more bang for ur buck seeing that the density of cookies is lesser than that of brownies.... that or I have done cupcakes as well....
stop it.

talmbout running a damn country. have you seen our defense budget? We don't need to be fighting illegal wars and taking up causes for other countries. How are we running our country well with gross misuse of tax money? If we spent half of what we spend on the defense budget on healthcare and education initiatives then maybe this country wouldn't be in such a ******g rut.

I'm all for a sales tax, anything beyond that is OD. Weed =/= alcohol, porn or tobacco. I don't recognize this so called sin tax. Weed is not a vice. Type of ignorance we need to get rid of. Just because something is pleasurable doesn't mean it's a vice. Are warm showers a vice? Long walks? How about breathing clean air, that a vice too?

I know what they do with the budget (hints the 'I might not always agree') but man...everything, from the pens to check off boxes, to the paper the boxes are a million other things costs money.

I used to look at the tax budget and be like 'that's stupid, we spend to much on x' I still do, but that doesn't mean we still don't need the tax, I'd rather have a tax on weed then a tax on fruit.

Taxes are used to encourage and discourage certain behavior, that's one of the biggest power of taxes, you really want a gov. That uses its power to encourage drug use and discourages fruit?

Is weed the same as alcohol? No. Is it still a vice (an unhealthy habit), absolutely.

Potheads create this myth that there are no drawbacks to pot use, but there are...they're not that bad but they're are drawbacks to make it unhealthy, from smoke itself, to the reduction of motor skills... The worst side affect has always been a criminal record, in order to take that away is be glad to be taxed. Anything under 15% is cool to me.
Ice wax is superior to all. No solvents, no butane, no co2. Just good ol ice. This is no where near as yielding as bho, so if u come across this it can easily be $80-100 a g.
So delicious tho. The best hands down.

Then comes flower. But it has to be Real Strong. Not that blue dream, GDP or mr nice guy bunk that goes for 1500p. I personally look for indoor or greenhouse OG. Skywalker OG, holy Grail OG, or GSC will do the trick.

Then comes ear wax, bho, shatter and all that.

Anything after those, and I'm not smoking
I know what they do with the budget (hints the 'I might not always agree') but man...everything, from the pens to check off boxes, to the paper the boxes are a million other things costs money.

I used to look at the tax budget and be like 'that's stupid, we spend to much on x' I still do, but that doesn't mean we still don't need the tax, I'd rather have a tax on weed then a tax on fruit.

Taxes are used to encourage and discourage certain behavior, that's one of the biggest power of taxes, you really want a gov. That uses its power to encourage drug use and discourages fruit?

Is weed the same as alcohol? No. Is it still a vice (an unhealthy habit), absolutely.

Potheads create this myth that there are no drawbacks to pot use, but there are...they're not that bad but they're are drawbacks to make it unhealthy, from smoke itself, to the reduction of motor skills... The worst side affect has always been a criminal record, in order to take that away is be glad to be taxed. Anything under 15% is cool to me.

an unhealthy habit? says who?

Smoking is innately a unhealthy habit.

There is NOTHING intrinsically unhealthy about marijuana itself. You can ingest marijuana in a number of ways. Furthermore marijuana has been proven to be HEALTHY. It's good for a plethora of conditions, from pain relief to PTSD, depression, ASD, IT EVEN KILLS CANCEROUS CELLS!!!!

Reduction of motor skills is also subjective. Not all strains make you uncoordinated and lazy. Sativas actually energize me and get my creative juices flowing. Some hybrids do this as well. But if I want to be productive I won't smoke an indica.

And a criminal record? That's a justification for taxation? Because of unjust laws and a for profit prison system that thrives mainly through this convoluted war on drugs?

Just a terrible argument, period. Gov't takes money to run, but weed doesn't need to be exorbitantly taxed nor categorized as a vice. This is ignorant speak.
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that's what I'm saying.

why can't we post pics?

we can objectify scantily clad women ALL day.

we can even talk about POF and sites like backpage, dudes putting FAQs on coppin' prostitutes.....

but we can't post pics of weed?


type of double standard is that?

we got plenty of minors but yet we got a beer and a alcohol thread.

a gun thread.

a cigar thread.

but we can't post a pic of some tasty buds? I've always wanted to throw up a pic or two of what I'm enjoying. It'd be great to know what other NTers from other parts of the nation workin' wit.

Guaran-damn-tee I pearl the best L on NT and can provide pics to prove it. :D Half the time I'm on NT I'm burnin, wish I could bond with my fellow NT brethren openly about it.

yea bruh, i agree with all of this :smh:

makes no sense

There are negative side effects, they are easily overcome but to act as if introducing any chemical into your body in any more dosage than what you naturally produce doesn't have any effect...that's pothead logic.

I smoke just for some of the negative side effects...forgetting problems of the day...reward system manipulation etc.

Choosing to live in any modern society gives the GOV. the right to tax. It's called a social contract. You don't like that, go be a natural man.

And anything that alters your mind is a's like potheads only like one side of the science argument.

Got some good books I can send you on the psychology, physiology and philosophy of pot, if you really want. ...

That being said, I'm so happy the country is shifting this way, I'm all for it being taxed...both politically and philosophically.

There are negative side effects, they are easily overcome but to act as if introducing any chemical into your body in any more dosage than what you naturally produce doesn't have any effect...that's pothead logic.

I smoke just for some of the negative side effects...forgetting problems of the day...reward system manipulation etc.

Choosing to live in any modern society gives the GOV. the right to tax. It's called a social contract. You don't like that, go be a natural man.

And anything that alters your mind is a's like potheads only like one side of the science argument.

Got some good books I can send you on the psychology, physiology and philosophy of pot, if you really want. ...

That being said, I'm so happy the country is shifting this way, I'm all for it being taxed...both politically and philosophically.

anxiety and distrust?

yeah, gee, wonder why that is....

maybe because in most places it's still illegal and stigmatized? I get nervous smokin' sometimes because I don't want someone smelling it and calling the cops.

But I mean if you're around people you know I doubt that any veteran smoker gets paranoid every time they smoke.

And please stop preachin' about the gov, you know damn well that there are just laws just like there are unjust laws. There are just taxes and improper taxes.

Overly taxing weed because it's weed is an improper tax.

And no not anything that alters your mind is a vice. Food alters your mind, it can effect your mood and create dependency issues. That's why there are comfort eaters.

There's nothing about this subject you can school me on bruh, nothing. :lol: I know your schtick by now bro, you don't ever admit when you're wrong.

You're conditioned into believing marijuana is a drug and you don't even realize it.
But I smoke nothing happens to you when you smoke weed? Nothing? Then what's the point?

Ah, I'm all for a tax on large *** drinks also...discourage certain behavior.

You cool with cops being high? Judges? While on the job? How about surgeons or nurses...there's a reason people get high, it has an affect on you...just like I don't mind paying extra for booze as a recognition that its a vice so would I with pot.
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But I smoke nothing happens to you when you smoke weed? Nothing? Then what's the point?

again son, just because it's a psychoactive and is "mind altering" doesn't mean it's a vice.

a vice is something immoral. NOTHING is immoral about the euphoria I experience when I ingest marijuana, NOTHING.

You really just read bits and pieces of others' posts and throw out all the pertinent information that solidifies their statement. I'm convinced, because I'm pretty sure I gave you a succinct explanation.

Again, lots of things are "mind altering" caffeine, food, even RUNNING for an extended period of time can "alter" the your state of mind.

your argument holds no water.
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I think we need a mod to come in here to let us kno what is and isn't ok to talk about so the thread doesn't get locked ...this is confusing
We have different definitions of vice my friend. To me, vice is anything that is unhealthy that affects your judgement, Anything unnecessary. Eating and running are things we generally need to survive. I don't know where you get this idea that I said anything pleasurable is a vice.

Yea, to me, coffee is a vice.
U do
We have different definitions of vice my friend. To me, vice is anything that is unhealthy that affects your judgement, Anything unnecessary. Eating and running are things we generally need to survive. I don't know where you get this idea that I said anything pleasurable is a vice.

Yea, to me, coffee is a vice.
U don't need to run to survive this isn't 500BC
I'd love to post pics of a recent pick up, but don't wanna get it locked  

If I was in Colorado, I would definitely be growing my own flower. My uncle grows med in Oregon and he pretty much taught me everything there is to know about growing 

And the whole judges, docs, etc being under the influence on the job...why would it be any different from alcohol? You can tell when someone is not fit to do their job. 

Use your brains people
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We have different definitions of vice my friend. To me, vice is anything that is unhealthy that affects your judgement, Anything unnecessary. Eating and running are things we generally need to survive. I don't know where you get this idea that I said anything pleasurable is a vice.

Yea, to me, coffee is a vice.

K whatever, you can call a vice whatever you want.

You can call a pizza a pint of ice cream.

You can say the sky is pink and the ocean is kool-aid.

But the definition of vice is....

immoral or wicked behavior.
synonyms: immorality, wrongdoing, wickedness, badness, evil, iniquity, villainy, corruption, misconduct, misdeeds

You believe whatever you want to believe sir. But as far as legalization goes you're doing NO ONE any favors except those who want to unscrupulously overtax marijuana and those who want to keep the stigma surrounding cannabis alive.

I can't blame average folk for being conditioned into thinking that way, but I can definitely blame fellow marijuana users for letting themselves believe the BS status quo propaganda.
Vice is a practice, behavior, or habit generally considered immoral, depraved, or degrading in the associated society.Vice is a practice, behavior, or habit generally considered immoral, depraved, or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy habit (such as an addiction to smoking). Synonyms for vice include fault, depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness, and corruption.

The opposite of vice is virtue.[1]
Synonyms for vice include fault, depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness, and corruption.

The opposite of vice is virtue.[1]

vice 1 (vs)
a. An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit.
b. A serious moral failing.
c. Wicked or evil conduct or habits; corruption.
2. Sexual immorality, especially prostitution.
a. A slight personal failing; a foible: the vice of untidiness.
b. A flaw or imperfection; a defect.
4. A physical defect or weakness.
5. An undesirable habit, such as crib-biting, in a domestic animal.
a. Vice A character representing generalized or particular vice in English morality plays.
b. A jester or buffoon.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vitium.]

Damn...turns out I have the Internet also...

Does it ultimately matter what I think? Nah...not writing the tax code.

This is what government says
sin tax
noun [Informal.]
1. a tax levied on cigarettes, liquor, gambling, or other things considered neither luxuries nor necessities.

Got a problem, change it...but know I like it so ill be fighting you all the way b.
What do y'all think is gonna be the first story to come out of the legalization? I know there are some folks that are waiting for something negative to happen.
What do y'all think is gonna be the first story to come out of the legalization? I know there are some folks that are waiting for something negative to happen.

besides obvious fed raids?

besides marijuana DUI arrests?

besides things that already happened?

Fox ran a bogus article earlier about a little girl that was hospitalized after ingesting an edible in Colorado. Supposedly the 2 year old girl was ALONE in her huge backward and get this "found" a single chocolate chip edible in the middle of the grass. Her mother said she took a single bite out of the cookie when she found her and took it from her. A half hour later the little girl was acting weird so she took her to the hospital.
Police could not find any sources of said cookie and the little girl is perfectly fine now.

Fox News Gon Fox News.
I think I heard about that. The latest thing I heard about was from CNN. They were having a debate, one was for the legalization and the other wasn't. I didn't catch the whole thing but dude was going crazy about there being vending machines with weed in them. I truthfully don't even see something like that becoming that big, but it just seems like people are trying to find every small reason to stop this from happening.
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