Relationship/girl help thread. Vol. semi long distance (Edit: Update on page 5)

Lol, now I'm feeling myself too much... this thread has a weird vibe. Now I'm coming off as cocky.
Lol, now I'm feeling myself too much... this thread has a weird vibe. Now I'm coming off as cocky.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by cocolicious

She's asking you to wait a year for her but that doesnt mean you have to accept it. You do have the choice to say no I want a girlfriend who's around more. And you can't compare someone asking you to wait a year so they'll have more money to pay their bills to change your career because I'll get lonely. Get a grip.

Exactly! So stop acting like she has to accept an alteration or change in her career! It would be a decision she can make on her own. Doesn't matter if you can compare it or not. That's besides the point. You're trying to make her a victim for whatever reason and its not working. We both have choices we can make. Nobody's forcing anyone to do anything.

It's not really that she has to make that decision or not, it's just that it's a stupid and immature thing to even have her consider. Where as her asking you to wait until she has to do what she has to do to earn more money, is a realistic option for you to consider.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by cocolicious

She's asking you to wait a year for her but that doesnt mean you have to accept it. You do have the choice to say no I want a girlfriend who's around more. And you can't compare someone asking you to wait a year so they'll have more money to pay their bills to change your career because I'll get lonely. Get a grip.

Exactly! So stop acting like she has to accept an alteration or change in her career! It would be a decision she can make on her own. Doesn't matter if you can compare it or not. That's besides the point. You're trying to make her a victim for whatever reason and its not working. We both have choices we can make. Nobody's forcing anyone to do anything.

It's not really that she has to make that decision or not, it's just that it's a stupid and immature thing to even have her consider. Where as her asking you to wait until she has to do what she has to do to earn more money, is a realistic option for you to consider.
This got to be about sex and you're not saying, cuz it doesn't even sound crazy. It prolly aint as bad as you make it, you may have her for a day or two instead of days every now and then. Otherwise you got cell phones, skype, email etc. Calm down b.
This got to be about sex and you're not saying, cuz it doesn't even sound crazy. It prolly aint as bad as you make it, you may have her for a day or two instead of days every now and then. Otherwise you got cell phones, skype, email etc. Calm down b.
Even if it were just about sex, that is an extremely vital part of a relationship. Can't have a good relationship without good sex. Luckily for me, when she's out she buys all kinds of lil fits and stuff to wear in the bedroom, so I'm good in that department.
Even if it were just about sex, that is an extremely vital part of a relationship. Can't have a good relationship without good sex. Luckily for me, when she's out she buys all kinds of lil fits and stuff to wear in the bedroom, so I'm good in that department.
OP, if you're worried so much about her leaving for a 'year', why not move on and find another girl. You're 23 years old, your still young and have your whole life ahead of you.

As stated before, it would be selfish for you to ask her to change careers or to ask her to not give up her days off. Shes doing this to better herself, and possibly, better the relationship with you. You continue bringing up children and marriage and such, so why wouldn't you want her to make a little bit of money to get herself out of debt? Would you rather her stay with you, start a family, but shes living check to check because of the amount of debt + the addition of a baby. Shes trying to better herself which in turn could possibly better the relationship.

Again, your still mad young, if you feel a year is unreasonable amount of time to be away from your gf, move on, find another gf, even if you dont see a future with that new person, date anyways for the practice, for the life experience, for growth. Not everyone is going to be the 'right' one, but every relationship will give you growth, so its never 'time wasted.'
OP, if you're worried so much about her leaving for a 'year', why not move on and find another girl. You're 23 years old, your still young and have your whole life ahead of you.

As stated before, it would be selfish for you to ask her to change careers or to ask her to not give up her days off. Shes doing this to better herself, and possibly, better the relationship with you. You continue bringing up children and marriage and such, so why wouldn't you want her to make a little bit of money to get herself out of debt? Would you rather her stay with you, start a family, but shes living check to check because of the amount of debt + the addition of a baby. Shes trying to better herself which in turn could possibly better the relationship.

Again, your still mad young, if you feel a year is unreasonable amount of time to be away from your gf, move on, find another gf, even if you dont see a future with that new person, date anyways for the practice, for the life experience, for growth. Not everyone is going to be the 'right' one, but every relationship will give you growth, so its never 'time wasted.'
If you truly cared about her you wouldn't ask her to do something stupid like quit her job for you

Your 23 years old grow up

If things don't work out with her or that 1 year thing just ain't going to work for you just leave her and move on

There is a lot of other great girls out their

And i know it will suck because you really like her but thats life +@#% happens
If you truly cared about her you wouldn't ask her to do something stupid like quit her job for you

Your 23 years old grow up

If things don't work out with her or that 1 year thing just ain't going to work for you just leave her and move on

There is a lot of other great girls out their

And i know it will suck because you really like her but thats life +@#% happens
What I am curious about is what about this woman makes you even CONSIDER waiting a year to sit around a wait for her. Considering you haven't known her for 4 months?
What I am curious about is what about this woman makes you even CONSIDER waiting a year to sit around a wait for her. Considering you haven't known her for 4 months?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

it's 1 friggin year.
suck it up dude

IF you're serious about planning the future with this person, isn't 1 year of sacrifice worth having financial stability when you DO take that next step?

This! The same thing basically happened to me with my ex in the military. @#+! did not work out. We're way younger than you though.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

it's 1 friggin year.
suck it up dude

IF you're serious about planning the future with this person, isn't 1 year of sacrifice worth having financial stability when you DO take that next step?

This! The same thing basically happened to me with my ex in the military. @#+! did not work out. We're way younger than you though.
No ones failing to realize anything. She's not asking for you to 'give up' a year, she's telling you how it's going to be. Either you take it or leave it. It's not like shell be gone the whole time like she's being deployed or something.
No ones failing to realize anything. She's not asking for you to 'give up' a year, she's telling you how it's going to be. Either you take it or leave it. It's not like shell be gone the whole time like she's being deployed or something.
You're tripping. She wants to make extra cash to do something constructive. That choice to work more in order to pay off her debt will be beneficial to her and the relationship in the long run. You mean to tell you you can't let her do her thing to get her *%*% together? That's hella selfish my dude.

The year she takes to get things situated could also be a year you take to get your own stuff situated. Get it together and make it work. She sounds like a good catch that you're willing to let go of because she's not around to smash and take care of you?
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