Religion = Insanity?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by howdeepisyourlove

People please relax. Don't spue your negative energy out like that. First of all who are you'll to questions religion before you question yourself. It's not like you had the choice to be what you are in your human life. For example humans don't get an option to be asian chinease or asian korean or to be african american or ethiopian. Nobody picks it on their own God picks that for.

Maybe sit out the next few plays champ...

If you're trying to say religion isn't a choice... 

   well in many ways religion is NOT a choice, it's both. Religion is an extension of your socialization as a human-being. Muslims are born, muslims are raised. However, like many other values people are raised with (Eg. racism, sexism, homophobia, (bad values) and open-mindedness, kindness, acceptance (good values)), they continue to evolve as you mature as a human-being. Some people are able to overcome bad habits they picked up from society and their parents, but for many it is as difficult as changing their blood type.

If you were raised all your life to believe the lockness monster is God, no matter how much logic people throw at you it will be difficult to think otherwise.
You're somewhat right. I understand there are places in this world where it might not be safe/prudent to make a decision on what you believe. I can't imagine growing up in an ultra orthodox Muslim family in Saudi Arabia or in an ultra fundamentalist community in the deep South. I don't take for granted that I grew up in a the liberal enclave that is the San Francisco Bay Area and I'll never forget actually growing up attending a deeply Christian school for over a decade.
Luckily we're in America, and judging by the demographics of NT that I've observed over the years, and most of us live on either sides of the coasts where it's more open to the idea of questioning what one believes. Maybe I'm stupid for thinking that if people only spent a bit more time thinking about what it is they have decided to put their faith in that we'd have less religious dogma seeping into society. People say religion is a personal subject and it doesn't affect anyone else but that's absolutely untrue. People vote based on what they believe and people in government make laws based on what they believe. Those two things alone impede a multitude of things such as civil rights, stem cell research, abortion rights, drug laws, education, and etc. 
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

OP your completely right. Sometimes i wish would America would just go primarily atheist/agnostic already. Everyone will then soon realize that we were a step ahead of everyone.

How people havent realized that religion is stupid already with wars going on because of it baffles me.
Cool we got people killing others cause the enemy doesnt believe in your made up guy in the sky, where then those same guys that's the enemy is fighting for their own made up guy in the sky.

Its a stupid mess. They are insane.
No reason we cant believe a higher power is out there though. Its just not one of the multiple different gods we made up on this earth thousands of years ago.

If there is a god its too complex to comprehend. Its not Jesus, Allah, Buddah, etc.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

OP your completely right. Sometimes i wish would America would just go primarily atheist/agnostic already. Everyone will then soon realize that we were a step ahead of everyone.

How people havent realized that religion is stupid already with wars going on because of it baffles me.
Cool we got people killing others cause the enemy doesnt believe in your made up guy in the sky, where then those same guys that's the enemy is fighting for their own made up guy in the sky.

Its a stupid mess. They are insane.
No reason we cant believe a higher power is out there though. Its just not one of the multiple different gods we made up on this earth thousands of years ago.

If there is a god its too complex to comprehend. Its not Jesus, Allah, Buddah, etc.
Times were different back then, the romans had their set of laws which were crazy too.

Yea christians believe in having a personal relationship with God (not all christian sects believe in revelations like evangelist) but the bible was written back then, around the time the earth was created according to the bible and a little after the death of christ. (a lot if not most prophecies (not sure) written in the old testament were about the coming of Gods son anyways). It was more of an inspiration then dictation.

Thats also another reason why I dont believe in these "revelations" some christian be having, who you for God to be talking to be you son

again Im not the most religious person (I would not be in the in the spandex thread
)but there is def something out there. There is not one civilization in history that did not worship some sort of higher being.
Times were different back then, the romans had their set of laws which were crazy too.

Yea christians believe in having a personal relationship with God (not all christian sects believe in revelations like evangelist) but the bible was written back then, around the time the earth was created according to the bible and a little after the death of christ. (a lot if not most prophecies (not sure) written in the old testament were about the coming of Gods son anyways). It was more of an inspiration then dictation.

Thats also another reason why I dont believe in these "revelations" some christian be having, who you for God to be talking to be you son

again Im not the most religious person (I would not be in the in the spandex thread
)but there is def something out there. There is not one civilization in history that did not worship some sort of higher being.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Times were different back then, the romans had their set of laws which were crazy too.

Yea christians believe in having a personal relationship with God (not all christian sects believe in revelations like evangelist) but the bible was written back then, around the time the earth was created according to the bible and a little after the death of christ. (a lot if not most prophecies (not sure) written in the old testament were about the coming of Gods son anyways). It was more of an inspiration then dictation.

Thats also another reason why I dont believe in these "revelations" some christian be having, who you for God to be talking to be you son

again Im not the most religious person (I would not be in the in the spandex thread
)but there is def something out there. There is not one civilization in history that did not worship some sort of higher being.
In regard to the bolded, I firmly believe that is because people were ignorant. The human race has accumulated more knowledge in the past hundred years than it has in the thousands of years preceding it. Science has gotten to a point where we can put a man on the moon. Imagine Moses seeing an airplane fly overhead. He'd probably think that was god too.
I believe that in history, religion has always had a place in civilizations to explain what was unexplainable to people at the time. The thing is, we're living in 2010 and I feel we're at a point where people need to detach from such things. They are truly holding us back.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Times were different back then, the romans had their set of laws which were crazy too.

Yea christians believe in having a personal relationship with God (not all christian sects believe in revelations like evangelist) but the bible was written back then, around the time the earth was created according to the bible and a little after the death of christ. (a lot if not most prophecies (not sure) written in the old testament were about the coming of Gods son anyways). It was more of an inspiration then dictation.

Thats also another reason why I dont believe in these "revelations" some christian be having, who you for God to be talking to be you son

again Im not the most religious person (I would not be in the in the spandex thread
)but there is def something out there. There is not one civilization in history that did not worship some sort of higher being.
In regard to the bolded, I firmly believe that is because people were ignorant. The human race has accumulated more knowledge in the past hundred years than it has in the thousands of years preceding it. Science has gotten to a point where we can put a man on the moon. Imagine Moses seeing an airplane fly overhead. He'd probably think that was god too.
I believe that in history, religion has always had a place in civilizations to explain what was unexplainable to people at the time. The thing is, we're living in 2010 and I feel we're at a point where people need to detach from such things. They are truly holding us back.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Chadleroy

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Are we do for another religion bashing thread already

Albeit I'm not fond of religion myself, these threads are just about as tired as the programmed troll responses.
I don't think there's anything wrong with questioning this kind of stuff. Actually, I think it's important to question this kind of stuff. People just take it in stride since America is such a religious country. I'm waiting for atheism/agnosticism bashing thread. I want to see what kind of malarkey people can come up with.
name a country that isn't religious...
* applies for visa for one of these countries 
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Chadleroy

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Are we do for another religion bashing thread already

Albeit I'm not fond of religion myself, these threads are just about as tired as the programmed troll responses.
I don't think there's anything wrong with questioning this kind of stuff. Actually, I think it's important to question this kind of stuff. People just take it in stride since America is such a religious country. I'm waiting for atheism/agnosticism bashing thread. I want to see what kind of malarkey people can come up with.
name a country that isn't religious...
* applies for visa for one of these countries 
True knowledge can not be gained until it is challenged by those that believe in it.

People are scared.

I'm under the impression that those with the strongest mentality and mental fortitude are atheists or even agnostics.
True knowledge can not be gained until it is challenged by those that believe in it.

People are scared.

I'm under the impression that those with the strongest mentality and mental fortitude are atheists or even agnostics.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You know in all my time on here, I see the same debate over and over. The athiests who think that their opinions on religion spurn the entire functionality angle. Of course there are two rational sides to the issue, you can make that argument for just about any topic. Hence the entire existance of "debate", however, what does cause me to giggle everytime I see one of these religion threads pop up, it is 9 times out of 10 created by someone bashing religion. Seems one side is more bent on expressing their disdain for ones belief in something, than the beliviers are of preaching. You tell me who the condescending are.
I'm waiting for someone religious to make an atheism/agnosticism bashing thread. I can think of a couple NTers having a field day. 

And of course it's atheists/agnostics making these threads, the majority of Americans are religious so it's only natural that those that are believers are comfortable with how things are. They have their support groups in their churches where they can constantly reaffirm to one another why what they believe in is right. Believing religion to be a delusion isn't exactly a community activity so of course people that hold those views are more fragmented.

It might come off as condescending, and maybe it is, but how else can it come off when one side tries to root their argument in logic while the other side clings onto their backward beliefs based on fantasy (virgin birth, noah's ark, jonah and the whale, garden of eden, zombie resurrection, etc.)? I'm curious how a religious person could be condescending towards someone atheist or agnostic. 
but this isn't exclusively an american board. There are several regions and countries specifically in Europe where Christianity (the only religion most athiests know of) is on the decline in every age category. And one of the main gripes with athiests is that religious folks consider themselves morally above others, I was just saying threads like these (and your response) show that vice versa rings true.

Are you trying to say the members of Niketalk aren't a majority American? Hell, if you only visited General, you'd think everyone on here was either from NYC, California, or Ohio. 

I'm well aware Europe is very secular. That's awesome. Not sure how that pertains to the discussion...

I definitely don't consider myself morally above anybody. Everybody has their vices. I love women, recreational drugs, and rock music. None of which affect the lives of others. Unlike religion 
religion is steady on the decline in america as well.

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You know in all my time on here, I see the same debate over and over. The athiests who think that their opinions on religion spurn the entire functionality angle. Of course there are two rational sides to the issue, you can make that argument for just about any topic. Hence the entire existance of "debate", however, what does cause me to giggle everytime I see one of these religion threads pop up, it is 9 times out of 10 created by someone bashing religion. Seems one side is more bent on expressing their disdain for ones belief in something, than the beliviers are of preaching. You tell me who the condescending are.
I'm waiting for someone religious to make an atheism/agnosticism bashing thread. I can think of a couple NTers having a field day. 

And of course it's atheists/agnostics making these threads, the majority of Americans are religious so it's only natural that those that are believers are comfortable with how things are. They have their support groups in their churches where they can constantly reaffirm to one another why what they believe in is right. Believing religion to be a delusion isn't exactly a community activity so of course people that hold those views are more fragmented.

It might come off as condescending, and maybe it is, but how else can it come off when one side tries to root their argument in logic while the other side clings onto their backward beliefs based on fantasy (virgin birth, noah's ark, jonah and the whale, garden of eden, zombie resurrection, etc.)? I'm curious how a religious person could be condescending towards someone atheist or agnostic. 
but this isn't exclusively an american board. There are several regions and countries specifically in Europe where Christianity (the only religion most athiests know of) is on the decline in every age category. And one of the main gripes with athiests is that religious folks consider themselves morally above others, I was just saying threads like these (and your response) show that vice versa rings true.

Are you trying to say the members of Niketalk aren't a majority American? Hell, if you only visited General, you'd think everyone on here was either from NYC, California, or Ohio. 

I'm well aware Europe is very secular. That's awesome. Not sure how that pertains to the discussion...

I definitely don't consider myself morally above anybody. Everybody has their vices. I love women, recreational drugs, and rock music. None of which affect the lives of others. Unlike religion 
religion is steady on the decline in america as well.

I read through the first few pages of this post and thought that it's a very good post, and wanted to share my 2 cents.

I grew up with a very strong mindset, and thought anyone that believed in faith, particularly Christianity were either or all of the following:
1.) weak minded - use god as an excuse for anything and everything.  Why do I need to pray to God to give me an A, or pray that God will heal my paper cut?  It would just heal itself and I have to earn that "A."
2.) brainwashed -  they were told certain things their whole lives, and influenced by parents or peer pressure and brainwashed to believe in a God.
3.) Hypocrites - All the "Christians" I knew in H.S were not any different than anyone else;  Cuss, cheat, lust, smoke, drink, etc....
4.) Insane (Just like OP).

I thought believing in something that you can never see or explain is the most ridiculous thing in the world.  My sister was validictorian in H.S, and decided to go to "seminary" after she accepted Christ in college, instead of pursuing her dreams to be a doctor.  At that point on, I just argued and reasoned how God is not worth following or the dumbest thing on earth; 

And now I still believe in the above 4 things (but probably in a different perspective), but now I am willing to risk my life to say that God is real, that God loves you and I, that God sent his son to die for us, and live for that purpose.  And I know many others that are also willing to risk or are already doing that, for one purpose: to love god and to love neighbors.  Sometimes, it doesn't take too much discernment to realize what is "love/God" and what is doing or saying "things in god's name" and sometimes it's very tricky.  

I think once we stopped looking at religion, and genuinely seek god with all of our heart, and seek God for who He is, and not what your friend say, or what Niketalk says, or what T.V says, you will find Him.  That's a truth in the bible and not an "if" but guaranteed. (paraphrased via Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Granted, it took a lot of convincing for someone as stubborn as myself to believe in such thing (it would take like 5 pages to type it up), and it was nothing short of a miracle and many people praying. 

This is a cool video that I think illustrates who God is, and what as "christ followers" are supposed to be:
I read through the first few pages of this post and thought that it's a very good post, and wanted to share my 2 cents.

I grew up with a very strong mindset, and thought anyone that believed in faith, particularly Christianity were either or all of the following:
1.) weak minded - use god as an excuse for anything and everything.  Why do I need to pray to God to give me an A, or pray that God will heal my paper cut?  It would just heal itself and I have to earn that "A."
2.) brainwashed -  they were told certain things their whole lives, and influenced by parents or peer pressure and brainwashed to believe in a God.
3.) Hypocrites - All the "Christians" I knew in H.S were not any different than anyone else;  Cuss, cheat, lust, smoke, drink, etc....
4.) Insane (Just like OP).

I thought believing in something that you can never see or explain is the most ridiculous thing in the world.  My sister was validictorian in H.S, and decided to go to "seminary" after she accepted Christ in college, instead of pursuing her dreams to be a doctor.  At that point on, I just argued and reasoned how God is not worth following or the dumbest thing on earth; 

And now I still believe in the above 4 things (but probably in a different perspective), but now I am willing to risk my life to say that God is real, that God loves you and I, that God sent his son to die for us, and live for that purpose.  And I know many others that are also willing to risk or are already doing that, for one purpose: to love god and to love neighbors.  Sometimes, it doesn't take too much discernment to realize what is "love/God" and what is doing or saying "things in god's name" and sometimes it's very tricky.  

I think once we stopped looking at religion, and genuinely seek god with all of our heart, and seek God for who He is, and not what your friend say, or what Niketalk says, or what T.V says, you will find Him.  That's a truth in the bible and not an "if" but guaranteed. (paraphrased via Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Granted, it took a lot of convincing for someone as stubborn as myself to believe in such thing (it would take like 5 pages to type it up), and it was nothing short of a miracle and many people praying. 

This is a cool video that I think illustrates who God is, and what as "christ followers" are supposed to be:
Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. - Leo Tolstoy 
 ^ Great Link. 
Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. - Leo Tolstoy 
 ^ Great Link. 
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