Remember when everyone used to complain about Yuku... ???

Originally Posted by Zyzz

i get white screen all the time

I get it like everytime I make an actual post I just figured it was a part of NT now lol
If you're encountering the white screen issue and you'd like to help us diagnose the problem, you can document each occurrence for us over the coming week.  Every time you get a white screen, note the EXACT time it appears (please note your time zone) and the specific URL you were attempting to load.  The more data we have to work with, the easier it will be to isolate the problem.  You can send your lists to [email protected] 
Although the site's performance has improved considerably over the past few months and we have added a number of new features, including improved double post protection, better URLs (which include topic text rather than just topic numbers), and a style switcher (which allows users to toggle between the classic NT theme and a lighter version designed with accessibility in mind), the Yuku platform still has a very long way to go. 

Like anyone who makes frequent use of NikeTalk, I'm relieved that the worst problems seem to be behind us, yet I'm also disappointed that Yuku continues to lag behind competing products like vBulletin and IP.Board in several key respects. 

I was given a hard deadline regarding the scheduled move from our existing, outdated server configuration to a brand new, cutting edge cloud hosting environment.  That move should have been completed by the end of March.  Despite our considerable frustration, I still believe that we have an opportunity to do something pretty special in this space with Yuku.  According to quantcast data, NikeTalk is currently responsible for approximately 15% of Yuku's total traffic.  As such, our satisfaction is very important to them.  The CMO and CEO of Yuku's new parent company will be traveling from New York to meet with me next week to present their vision for the company and devise a road map for our desired upgrades.  To make sure our interests remain properly aligned, we will be receiving significant financial compensation from them until upgrades essential to our core functionality have been completed.  This will enable us to make another large donation in the not too distant future and gives everyone on Yuku's end a strong incentive to expedite the upgrade process.

One way or another, we'll make this right. 
If you're encountering the white screen issue and you'd like to help us diagnose the problem, you can document each occurrence for us over the coming week.  Every time you get a white screen, note the EXACT time it appears (please note your time zone) and the specific URL you were attempting to load.  The more data we have to work with, the easier it will be to isolate the problem.  You can send your lists to [email protected] 
Although the site's performance has improved considerably over the past few months and we have added a number of new features, including improved double post protection, better URLs (which include topic text rather than just topic numbers), and a style switcher (which allows users to toggle between the classic NT theme and a lighter version designed with accessibility in mind), the Yuku platform still has a very long way to go. 

Like anyone who makes frequent use of NikeTalk, I'm relieved that the worst problems seem to be behind us, yet I'm also disappointed that Yuku continues to lag behind competing products like vBulletin and IP.Board in several key respects. 

I was given a hard deadline regarding the scheduled move from our existing, outdated server configuration to a brand new, cutting edge cloud hosting environment.  That move should have been completed by the end of March.  Despite our considerable frustration, I still believe that we have an opportunity to do something pretty special in this space with Yuku.  According to quantcast data, NikeTalk is currently responsible for approximately 15% of Yuku's total traffic.  As such, our satisfaction is very important to them.  The CMO and CEO of Yuku's new parent company will be traveling from New York to meet with me next week to present their vision for the company and devise a road map for our desired upgrades.  To make sure our interests remain properly aligned, we will be receiving significant financial compensation from them until upgrades essential to our core functionality have been completed.  This will enable us to make another large donation in the not too distant future and gives everyone on Yuku's end a strong incentive to expedite the upgrade process.

One way or another, we'll make this right. 
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