Rep for all my single fathers out there!

Sep 1, 2012
What's good NT. Just wanna post how enjoyable it is for me being a single father. His mom is not out of the picture, but I do have my son majority of the time. He just turned 2 and is showing his personality real well in all kind of activities that has me in aww... how can he be so skilled for 2 year old?! To think that I have the blessing to raise and watch him become great has become a big deal to me and has made me mature ALOT at 22. I know NT has some single fathers, state that ish and be proud of that! dude will hoop any 2 year old tho (just serious)

Me and him at Mt. Rainier
Props to you dude. You are really a man.

A lot of guys will claim to be men, but don't know what it takes to be one. It's hard being a single parent and most single dads don't get the credit that they deserve as much as moms.

You're appreciated man. I hope your kid turns out to be an amazing person.
Not sure on how to get full custody. But me and his mother have joint custody. I just have him a tad bit more and we are not together.
good to hear you're being there for your little man. props


Its tough at first, trust me i was in the same boat. my son was 3 months old when me and BM split. its gets easier when the little ones get older.
Salute to every one of you guys raising your kids by yourself, you guys don't get as much love as a single mother gets and you guys definitely deserve it. Raising a child is tough. Reading some of these posts i'm thankful for my daughter's mother, she might be a ***** sometimes, but she's a damn good mother, couldn't imagine raising my daughter by my lonely.
its good to see other single fathers being there for their kids. There is a lot of dead beat dads who bounce when it gets hard.

:pimp: to all you single fathers doing things right out there..
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Successful rep beg is successful.
Maybe the word "rep" in the title was misused, but I wasn't looking for them. Just wanted all of the fathers doing it by themselves to show some love to their kids. But now that you mentioned I guess we do deserved to be "repped" not all men can deal with these responsibilities.
My daughter stays with me 5 nights a week. She is seven years old. I have to be so creative and engaged to keep her entertained. I have no cable TV, so she is forced to learn and do activities here. I am currently teaching her how to play chess. She is so smart, savvy, and just so amazing. I am glad I have her the majority of the time because I don't want her to turn out like her mother. It's crazy that her mother thinks she is winning too because she has a lot of freedom. I want her to keep thinking that way because it just gives me more time to build an unbreakable bond with my daughter. Years from now she is going to realize she missed out on an opportunity to get to know such an amazing kid, but by then it is going to be too late.
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Not repping that **** is trivial

But respect to all of you Fathers that take care of your children :pimp:
Not a father, or single, but my Dad left when my twin brothers were a few months old.

Proud to say I'm their father figure and have helped them grow into amazing people.
"this daddy, lil n____!!" -Martin Lawrence

single dad is like logical woman... Almost as rare as a holofoil (sp?) Mew...

y'all don't get ANY credit, though... we need Kesha Cole or Nicki minaj to make a song about single daddies.

No kids on my end, but I got an orphanage brewing in this one chick.
Maaaan my girl is a shy of 3 months and real talk I couldn't imagine doing this without her around. Props to y'all single dads...
Single father checking in.

I love my girls and wouldn't trade them for the world. Its nice having my own time with them and teaching them from my perspective and experiences. When they're with me they get love, honesty, an understanding of the real world and lessons about the rewards and consequences of their decisions. Something we enjoy doing is watching dvd's of the cartoons I grew up on. They love He-Man, so I got them the first season box set and every weekend they want to watch as many episodes as possible. I have my daughters 5 days a week, except the first week of every month. It's a lot of work now, but I look forward to seeing them as adults one day who took what I taught them and ran with it.
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