Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

They interviewed a black chick that was in restroom with the killer and she said he asked if there were any other black people in the restroom. Mention he had nothing against black people and they had been thru enough.
Which seems interesting that was Latin Night
They interviewed a black chick that was in restroom with the killer and she said he asked if there were any other black people in the restroom. Mention he had nothing against black people and they had been thru enough.
Which seems interesting that was Latin Night
If I remember the terrorist got rejected by a Latino on the Grindr app. Makes sense kinda
there are black latinos, tho...
ignorance is ignorace i guess. its so sad.

was he conflicted with his own homosexual feelings or was it his support of isis or both or neither?
Im not trying to put words in your mouth my man, im just going off your comments in here. How do those weapons "protect" you against the above? You agreed that you believed owning such weapons, along with other citizens, would level some form of playing field which implies armed conflict against an imperial or tyrannical govt. Seems a very brash way of thinking for someone like yourself.

Maybe I was unclear,apologies.

It is only about self defense.

You know my stance on this current paradigm and you know that I believe in peaceful radical change.

Protection in my house hold for even a 1% probability of tyranny doesn't contradict any of my beliefs.

Right on. I have no opposition to guns in the household of responsible individuals. But i think whatever the outcome of the less guns vs. More guns debate, its far from the direction of a solution to siuations like the OP.
Right on. I have no opposition to guns in the household of responsible individuals. But i think whatever the outcome of the less guns vs. More guns debate, its far from the direction of a solution to siuations like the OP.

Absolutely. People are quick to see the branches or the leaves but they rarely see the roots. You'd be hard press to find anyone in mainstream media bring up the root causes of these kinds of incidents.
there are black latinos, tho...
ignorance is ignorace i guess. its so sad.

was he conflicted with his own homosexual feelings or was it his support of isis or both or neither?
Tough to say for sure. Sounds to me like he was just grasping at straws with the whole ISIS thing. Like he needed to convince himself he was dying for a "reason" while he was really pissed off about something closer to him.
One of the survivors said that he was saying that America needs to stop bombing his country. Stupid... he is from america.

Sounds like it was a mixture of things but doesn't appear to be any outside terror cell help or intricate plot

Crazy about the wife.
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Closeted male prolly got rejected acted like any person with entitled issue but took it super far.

Played that isis card to keep his man card. In some dl dude stuff.... yeah a like to have sex with men but i aint gay like that steez.

Love it how these politicians are super pro varsity lgbt now
But remember when
They wanted to get married
Adopt kids
Donated blood
Get health benefits for life partners
Live a life

They introduced MOUNTAINs of anti lgbt legislation

Selective memory cards running outta soace
There's a documentary on right now on pbs about NRA, and mass shootings in America. Pretty good so far.
Couple of experts on CNN believe more arrests will be coming soon as they think there was communication between the shooter and more parties leading up to the Pulse shooting.
Is it safe to say that if the shooter had a pistol instead of an assault rifle there would likely be less casualties?
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I'm happy it's so why aren't we more stringent in screening who is able to get one compared to owning a less mass lethal weapon such as a pistol?

To go even further, why are guns which are capable of killing such massive amounts of people in such a short time legal for the common man with a mental illness, like this shooter, to obtain in the first place? 

Shouldn't something be done about this in the future?
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Yall cant even answer my question i asked
An AR would level the playing field from what he's saying. It wouldn't just be him against the gov. The scenario he is describing is as old as civilization. It's how the U.S was founded. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again.
Wait, so you guys best defense on owning a semi auto rifle is another civil war?

I'm happy it's so why aren't we more stringent in screening who is able to get one compared to owning a less mass lethal weapon such as a pistol?

To go even further, why are guns which are capable of killing such massive amounts of people in such a short time legal for the common man with a mental illness, like this shooter, to obtain in the first place? 

Shouldn't something be done about this in the future?
That's the question they just refuse to answer over 3 days and 50 pages!
Wait, so you guys best defense on owning a semi auto rifle is another civil war?

What reason would you approve of?

I don't own a rifle BTW.

That's the question they just refuse to answer over 3 days and 50 pages

Plenty of gun owners agreed, run full background checks. There needs to be reform.
Some aren't for it. Shouldn't be allowed to buy anything at a gun store, if you're on a watch list.
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Wait, so you guys best defense on owning a semi auto rifle is another civil war?

What reason would you approve of?

I don't own a rifle BTW.

That's the question they just refuse to answer over 3 days and 50 pages

Plenty of gun owners agreed, run full background checks. There needs to be reform.
Some aren't for it. Shouldn't be allowed to buy anything at a gun store, if you're on a watch list.

But should the every day civilian be able to own automatic weapons?

Pls respond.
Ya'll ever think the gun was obtained illegally but just played off like it was legally obtained so there is less backlash on the incident?
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