Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting


Son pulled them thangs out like a Looney Tunes character. I'm way too paranoid right now man.
I just found out that Omar was the demoralized guard in The Big Fix, damn.

Spot on, mass murdering dude. Not to get the tinfoil hat, but this is a bit sketchy.
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He (almost) kept his promise of not killing black people, even after claiming he wanted to "kill all the.... "

he killed Tevin Crosby and another girl, nevermind

Dude screams Tamerlan Tsarnaev, I don't even think he is a closet gay. Just from the thing the one girl in the bathroom said, he looks like a disgruntled dude turned extremist.

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When could you ever? :lol:

But there is a lot going on w/ this situation that lack consistency w/ reports and it makes you question some of the events.

What's the word on the crisis actors that were said to be there?

No doubt they're mixed in with the real victims, same **** with the Boston amputees.
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^ yup, and after the Boston Marathon.

It's convenient though. Makes it easy to figure out whom to ignore in a discussion.
******* disgusting :smh: I didn't realize this was a thing until they were saying the chick Patience Carter was one.
Like real talk I won't be surprised if it's not a real death toll or outright fake.
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i believe it

she wrote a freakin poem in the hospital?!?!

and then they said she got outside but insisted they go back in to "save" her friends cousin?

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