Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

Is it safe to say that if the shooter had a pistol instead of an assault rifle there would likely be less casualties?

Most likely.

But at the same time, he could've done the same thing with handguns. I have a 9mm that holds 16+1. He could've easily had 1 in each hand. Lighter rounds and less space consuming. 1 in each hand, 1 on each hip and could literally fit 160 loaded rounds into a fanny pack...

Not to mention that you can buy mags that hold 100 rounds for a glock.

In this case, I don't think it would've mattered what type of gun he had. I'm sure when he walked through the front door, tons of people all ran to the back, bathroom, closets, behind the bar, etc, and all he had to do was follow and shoot. They were trapped. Rifle, handgun, .223, 9mm, most of his kills weren't because of the type of weapon.

It's very sad and unfortunately, it won't stop. Mental illness and hate is very rampant. We're very fortunate to live in a country where this isn't an everyday thing that's happening all around us. A place where not hearing gunshots for a day is strange. I read these stories from other countries and it blows my mind and saddens me. Whether it's boko haram mass killing people and tearing down cities, parents killing their children in "honor killings" or airstrikes completely obliterating people and their homes..
But should the every day civilian be able to own automatic weapons?

Pls respond.

Nobody owns legal automatic weapons.

Semi-automatic, sure, most people already do. if you can pass a thorough background test. I own weapons and i wouldnt have a problem if it took me a half a Saturday to take a few IQ/mental tests on top of a standard background check.
Nobody owns legal automatic weapons.

Semi-automatic, sure, most people already do. if you can pass a thorough background test. I own weapons and i wouldnt have a problem if it took me a half a Saturday to take a few IQ/mental tests on top of a standard background check.
That's not true. You need a class 3 license and a federal tax stamp and you too can legally own a fully auto weapon depending on the state that you live in.
^^^^ yea i looked that up u gotta do ALOT of things to get a fully automatic. it should be like that with assault rifles imo.

anderson cooper grilled this chick yesterday.
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Is it safe to say that if the shooter had a pistol instead of an assault rifle there would likely be less casualties?
Most guns are semi auto.

I don't think that most ppl realize that. Whether it be a glock or an ar15 they are semi auto guns.

The term assault rifle means nothing IMO. Any gun can assault.

One could get a glock with a drum or a 33 round magazine and do as much damage as someone with an ar15 but most ppl don't realize that.

Now if this guy really had a fully automatic gun then that's another story.
A regular joe needs a couple of thousand dollars and a relatively clean background an he or she could get a fully auto weapon depending on the state. It's really not that hard.

I think ppl have to educate themselves on guns before saying what we should or should not do.

Again, most guns are semi auto. Like most meaning like almost anything that's out there is a semi auto. Literally. Almost any hand gun and rifle is going to be semi auto with obvious exceptions.

So when we talk about banning so called assault rifles ppl need to understand that that won't solve anything unless we are talking about banning every semi auto gun out there.

You ban assault rifles. Ok. And saiga 12 shot guns? Glocks with no safety that we can put "extendos" and drums in?

I'm just saying.
Nobody owns legal automatic weapons.

Semi-automatic, sure, most people already do. if you can pass a thorough background test. I own weapons and i wouldnt have a problem if it took me a half a Saturday to take a few IQ/mental tests on top of a standard background check.

Actually, yes people do legally own automatic weapons.

It's just very rare, expensive and restricted to certain licenses, etc..

If you found a fully auto rifle that was pre 1986, you can legally buy it, but expect to pay 10s of thousands of dollars.

If you have your class 3 license, you may own, buy and sell class 3 weapons. Fully auto, silencers, etc..

Hell, you can buy a fully auto shotgun with drum mags.

Not to mention, anybody can go buy a bump fire stock. Essentially turns a semi auto into fully auto by using the recoil to fire the next round. Look that up on YouTube..

I believe that the process should be so detailed, that it could take months to get a gun, and I'm a gun lover. I own quite a few firearms, including ARs and AKs.

I would have no problem at all paying for a firearm and waiting 2-3 months to get it.

Matter of fact, transferring a fully auto takes 4-5 months...

The problem is, the ATF and FBI isn't big enough to handle every purchase. There needs to be 10-12 agencies all over the US that do nothing but back ground checks.

If a background check sits for 72 hours with no response, it's automatically passed. They have to give you your firearm because they say after 72 hours, no red flags were raised..

I've had 4 firearms where the background checks didn't come back at all. That just tells me that they have too much on their plates..
Am I bugging or is the conversion being "directed" by the media?

Most headlines read "shooter" this and "gunman" that.

Like the fact that this dude is being labeled a "shooter" on every google news article and not a "terrorist" or "islamist" is interesting to say the least...


a glock 20 with 33rd stick would have accomplished the same things... more capacity enough velocity to penetrate walls and bodies etc

now if he only had a 9mm or .38 or something then yea he may have "only" killed a cpl dozen but its semantics at the point... still unacceptable

this is why i dont get the "assault rifle" stuff

theres actually a simple fix here that many states have alrdy figured out... limit magazine capacity, make mag swaps take longer (see california)

still not gunna stop psychos from doing psycho things with the TENS of MILLIONS of guns alrdy on our streets
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Right now they're on sale for $99 and any regular Joe Schmo can order one..

Totally legal (as of now)

You can buy that 100 round drum mag for less than $120.

Watch until the end

Right now they're on sale for $99 and any regular Joe Schmo can order one..

Totally legal (as of now)

You can buy that 100 round drum mag for less than $120.

Watch until the end
people havent used bump fire or drums in an attack yet

that doesnt make the weapon automatic either. it uses the recoil inertia

a true automatic would shoot fractionally faster and be easier to conceal because you dont have the bulky stock.

that being said. it should be outlawed. you can fire 100 rds in 20 seconds
Am I bugging or is the conversion being "directed" by the media?

Most headlines read "shooter" this and "gunman" that.

Like the fact that this dude is being labeled a "shooter" on every google news article and not a "terrorist" or "islamist" is interesting to say the least...


Maybe it has to do with the revelation that dude frequented that club, approached another male about having a relationship and used a gay dating app?

The ISIS angle got blown to hell with those revelations, much to the dismay of the Trump crowd. And ISIS.
Also, he supposedly claimed support to 3 different groups, all of which that don't like each other :lol:

a glock 20 with 33rd stick would have accomplished the same things... more capacity enough velocity to penetrate walls and bodies etc

now if he only had a 9mm or .38 or something then yea he may have "only" killed a cpl dozen but its semantics at the point... still unacceptable

this is why i dont get the "assault rifle" stuff

theres actually a simple fix here that many states have alrdy figured out... limit magazine capacity, make mag swaps take longer (see california)

still not gunna stop psychos from doing psycho things with the TENS of MILLIONS of guns alrdy on our streets

Did dis dude just say a glock wit an extendo would have done the same thing as an ar-15? Ar's do way more damage baby gurl.
A Glock 20 is easier to handle than an AR and it has a wide range of calibers. So I can see a guy with a g20 using 10mm rounds and 30 round clip doing mass damage

Look at this video

Did dis dude just say a glock wit an extendo would have done the same thing as an ar-15? Ar's do way more damage baby gurl.
listen little boy... ive forgotten more about ballistics than youll ever comprehend...

a glock 20 is a 10mm not something youve seen your boy carrying. I dont know why im explaining this to you but certain loads of 10mm can travel 1400 fps at 200 grains. an ar 15... 223 fires 155 grain projectiles at about 15-1600 fps

what that means is... YES a 10mm can easily penetrate interor walls/bars/chairs and kill people just as the rifle did

I did not say it would do the same things only that the results in that given situation would have been VERY similar with a 10mm glock with a proper loadout

good day, sir.

^ That's the thing... the media is sensationalizing AR-15s as this super deadly weapon when in reality it's just a rifle and there are tons of rifles and handguns in circulation today that is capable of doing the same type of damage.

People are mistaking fully automatic assault rifles (banned) with an AR-15 just because of the way it looks.

This rifle below uses the same ammo, same clip, and does exactly what the AR-15 does.

View media item 2069386
I don't see too many politicians and news media wanting to banned the Ruger Mini-14 ranch rifle. The reason why so many of these killers are using the AR-15 because it's the most popular rifle sold in America! It's like 9 out of 10 people have Iphones... well it's the same thing with the AR-15, 9 out of 10 rifles owned by an average gun owner is probably an AR-15.

Banning the AR-15 isn't going to work. What this country needs is a more comprehensive background check. Mental illness, known associates, travel locations, online activity, and most importantly their prescription history. We do not need someone on narcotic prescription to treat their bipolar issues owning a gun.
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Right now they're on sale for $99 and any regular Joe Schmo can order one..

Totally legal (as of now)

You can buy that 100 round drum mag for less than $120.

Watch until the end
people havent used bump fire or drums in an attack yet

that doesnt make the weapon automatic either. it uses the recoil inertia

a true automatic would shoot fractionally faster and be easier to conceal because you dont have the bulky stock.

that being said. it should be outlawed. you can fire 100 rds in 20 seconds

James Holmes used a drum but it jammed up and he didn't know how to clear it.

:lol: :lol:
Most guns are semi auto.

I don't think that most ppl realize that. Whether it be a glock or an ar15 they are semi auto guns.

The term assault rifle means nothing IMO. Any gun can assault.

One could get a glock with a drum or a 33 round magazine and do as much damage as someone with an ar15 but most ppl don't realize that.

Now if this guy really had a fully automatic gun then that's another story.

No it can't

That's just firing, that's not the damage the round is doing.

An AR-15 is also going to go through people which causes more damage and can cause more fatalities and physical damage, because of the size of the round
Spark notes on what people want on the gun laws ? Don't really keep up too much i just know its legal to keep at home right ?
This whole thing really breaks my heart, a majority of my friends are gay and imagining that something like this could happen to them breaks my heart. Pray for Orlando. These acts of terrorism or hate crimes or what have you are becoming to frequent. I don't understand why people have to be so hateful in regards to a situation that doesn't affect their lives. If you're disgusted by it or don't agree with it then fine, but to target and kill these people? come on son....
A Glock 20 is easier to handle than an AR and it has a wide range of calibers. So I can see a guy with a g20 using 10mm rounds and 30 round clip doing mass damage

Look at this video

Unless you're the Sandy Hook dude that took himself out with one nobody uses 20s. 10mm is like the neglected, ******ed baby of 9 and 45.
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