Richest 17 year old on instagram

He's giving the 15k away tomorrow and giving 20k out next, lol.
My next giveaway will be 20k ***. I wonder who will be the lucky peasant to win that 15k tomorrow.
This child 
why are people trying to make themselves feel better by assuming this dude has depression? lol..if he has family money then let him be..dont try and make yourselves feel better by saying.."well at least i have friends, and this guy doesnt"

stop shows your insecurities too..just deal with it..
Uncontrolled social networking is the bane of this generation's existence.

QFT. too many inflated egos, self importance, attention whoring, all of it. this dude is the definition of all that...the only thing worse is a fat ugly girl posting "s3xxxxi pix" for the "HaTeRrrrrrZ"
haha son is making fun of dudes who post pictures of money, sayin "on my grind"

NT's mad because he makes you look like a peon 
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