Rick Ross - High Definition is bananas

Feb 15, 2006
High Definition #%%##+# my life a motion picture

Song is crazy Ross killed it
Triple beam dream is the track you should of made a thread for.Nas verse is really good.High Definition is appreciated also.
Definitely one of my favorite tracks off that tape.

The whole project was fire. Save for maybe one or two songs.

Originally Posted by SportsJunkie

Triple beam dream is the track you should of made a thread for.Nas verse is really good.High Definition is appreciated also.

what he said but like monet above said you cant go wrong with damn near any track on here
Triple Beam Dream is nice too for sure. Nas went in

High Definition gives that "%%@$ the world" feeling to the fullest though
^ right. the song is cool...but imo a lot more take precedence. The world is ours for one...that song just make you want to build your own throe to sit on. Tape is awesomeness though.
Tape is almost flawless ... Some of these tracks were suppose to be on God Forgives I Dont as far as I know .... He gave us a sneak peak last year when he came to the office before the health scare
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