Riley Cooper is a FOOL!

Yes. White people talk to other white people about race. And when the Riley Cooper, Paula Dean, Kramer situations come up, the vast majority of us agree that those people are pathetic F'ing morons, who don't represent us.
Doubt it
Why do blacks need to stop saying the n-word because other races want to join and use it?

Why do whites argue this verbatim?

Is it because you want to say the word?

Or is it not the word, but the fact that someone is telling you that you CAN"T say something you think your entitled to say ?

If blacks want to say it and want no one else to say it, then why should people be in uproar about it?

Also do any non-blacks on this board feel as though they should be able to say the word?

Be honest.
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because it's racist to tell a certain race what to do.

that's kind of the definition of racism.
How so? And by who's standards is that classical racism? Like I said in my post above. I don't think the word is what is tripping people out. It's the fact that they are being told that they can't do something that they feel is their right to do, which is say whatever they want to.
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It's only 2 reasons why a white person would use the word. Either they think it's cool and they want to fit in or they're like Riley Cooper.

You can say whatever you want but if you're saying it around black people a lot of us are not letting it fly.
It's only 2 reasons why a white person would use the word. Either they think it's cool and they want to fit in or they're like Riley Cooper.

You can say whatever you want but if you're saying it around black people a lot of us are not letting it fly.
what about song lyrics?
really shouldn't take an explanation...

you're telling a race of people what they should and shouldn't do... based on their race.

that's like telling race X, they shouldn't eat spaghetti, it really doesn't suit them.
Something like this needs an explanation to explore why people want to use the word and why they think they should have the right to do so.

In case you haven't noticed almost every minority group in this country puts limits on how people view and use their culture. It just so happens blacks happen to have a culture that people find cool but dehumanize at the same time.

I refer you back to my post to answer those other questions.
In case you haven't noticed almost every minority group in this country puts limits on how people view and use their culture. It just so happens blacks happen to have a culture that people find cool but dehumanize at the same time.

so you're fine with socially acceptable racism?
so you're fine with socially acceptable racism?
To me that isn't racism. It's the majority's frustration in being told by the minority that they can't do something that they believe they have every right to do.
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To me that isn't racism. It's the majority's frustration in being told by the minority that they can't do something that they believe they have every right to do.
OK this reactionary knee-jerk behavior really is whatever. White folk have always used the N-word, but stopped using it publicly when it became un-PC (but continued to do so in private). Ya'll just want to re-emerge from the racist closet ya'll were hiding in all along. There's no other explanation as to why you need to use the word so bad.
What's wrong with you people? The dude said the N word, he apologized. His apology is worthless cause he doesn't mean it. But what else do you want from him? You think he should get suspended? Should he give money to a black charity? Should he adopt a black baby? Get over's out of your hands, unless your an eagles fan and you will boycott their games till they release him.
I don't think he should be suspended. There are plenty of white NFL players saying that word in private, he already paid a fine... let him live.
What shoelyesses said about having a degrading word that only blacks can be able to use as a trump card is a good and valid point.

However as I said earlier, the word has become slang to alot of people of many races. My homie, my dude, my nia etc.

Its not my place to correct someone on it and personally I feel it sounds ******ed and forced when other white people use it.

If white people use it, they use it but they shouldn't have a look of shock and bewilderment if a black dude calls them out on it and takes exception to their use of the word and they need to respect that black person(s) feelings on the issue.
What's wrong with you people? The dude said the N word, he apologized. His apology is worthless cause he doesn't mean it. But what else do you want from him? You think he should get suspended? Should he give money to a black charity? Should he adopt a black baby? Get over's out of your hands, unless your an eagles fan and you will boycott their games till they release him.

:wow: :smh:
Why do blacks need to stop saying the n-word because other races want to join and use it?

Why do whites argue this verbatim?

Is it because you want to say the word?

Or is it not the word, but the fact that someone is telling you that you CAN"T say something you think your entitled to say ?

If blacks want to say it and want no one else to say it, then why should people be in uproar about it?

Also do any non-blacks on this board feel as though they should be able to say the word?

Be honest.

I personally stop using the word on a regular basis 10+ years ago.
Our older generations don't like it and I understand why.
if the eagles end up lettin him go it wouldnt surprise me if he never play in the nfl again. just based on the fact that most the players in every locker room is black & that would cause tension, plus riley cooper aint even that good to have to deal wit extra drama just to have him on your team
What's wrong with you people? The dude said the N word, he apologized. His apology is worthless cause he doesn't mean it. But what else do you want from him? You think he should get suspended? Should he give money to a black charity? Should he adopt a black baby? Get over's out of your hands, unless your an eagles fan and you will boycott their games till they release him.

strong avy to post ratio....

it's like paul mooney say "everybody wanna be a *****, don't nobody wanna be a *****"
if youre not a professional rapper/singer, are you obligated to perform?

MAAAAN , that reminds of my this Kdot show I went to last year. White cuz was going IN on ALLLLL the lyrics, not sensoring himself or nothing. Ain't nobody wanna ruffle feathers, so we let him rock (there were a LOT of other black people near him, and he was solo dolo) . Dude was jumping up and down and straight up YELLING the **** too. I shrugged it off as him just being ride or die for Kdot and ultra in the moment that he was performing right in front of him.

:rolleyes :\
what about song lyrics?

if youre not a professional rapper/singer, are you obligated to perform?
i wouldnt say singing along is performing, are you saying that a non black should not be able to "perform" a song with the word in it?

Yeah it's a different context but it would still make you look like a clown. There's a reason why Eminem and Action Bronson don't use it. They know that there's a understanding.

I noticed a long time ago that white people that hang around black people really have no desire to use it all whether it's in a song or not and white people that don't are always the ones saying "Why can't we say it". Like I said it's only 2 reasons why they want to say it.
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