RIP George Floyd

I must be getting washed. It took me a second to figure out what thurl could possibly mean #PhillySlang

You could of just asked bruh lol
Man, just watched a video of another punk cop with no fight skills pull his gun and kill another king.
If these are real, jesus christ at some of those. It’s 2020 and these people are using passwords like ‘friday’ to secure a law enforcement email account.

:rofl: at “hotdog” and “password” actually being used. But on the other hand, they clearly aren’t the brightest bunch so, it’s kind of expected.
Queens Center Mall in Elmhurst, Queens (one of the hardest hit hoods in NYC of Coronavirus) boarded up the mall in prep for today's 1pm protest. I predict a huge disaster especially given the close calls that QCM has had in the past. I really hope that I'm wrong but these broke kids are savage *** parasites.

just saw on niketalks favorite news channel fox news the nike in soho had their glass window smashed

At this point they should just announce which stores don’t get looted, cuz it seems everything being got in soho

people are just doing damage just to do it
lululemon store across from nike soho window is smashed
This proves the violence, was necessary. This also proves what white america fears most. Do not mess with their starbucks. Do not mess with their Nordstrom. Do not mess with their luxury goods at all. They will then want to give you the changes that you are rioting for. My only regret is that it wasn’t the 40 million Black people in america, doing it alone.
Hope just cuz the weekend over ppl don’t chill...Already got the ball rolling no point in stopping now, gotta keep the pressure up
The two officers who tazed the kid in the car were fired. I noticed how they told the kid to get out the car, so he reached to unbuckle his seatbelt to comply and they tased him for "reaching". And while he was being tasered frozen they told him to take his hand out his pocket. Zero logic. You can clearly see in the video the kid was buckled in and trying to remove his belt to get out but they just kept tasing him.
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