RIP George Floyd

If a celebrity donates, cool.

If they don't, cool.

If they do and don't say anything about it, cool.

They don't OWE us/anybody ANYTHING.
I would disagree. Celebs are people with privileges that alot of people or fans admire them for. Because of our demand and their efforts and abilities, they rise to very high levels with lots of money. They're in the position to influence, so responding with the right energy that the people or society call for is some of the least they can do. Otherwise what pedestal do they have?

Tryin to flex on a man in custody. Keep clout chasin.
Are some of yall really clowning folk who are upset they got there stores robbed/lively hoods taken?
The president indicates support for sending in the military under the Insurrection Act.

I want how Trump & all the people on the far right are heavily leaning into the Antifa thing & left extremist......... They barely mentioned black people at all & that's kind of the scary part.

We have so many Docile *** people playing for our team that their not even worried abut us destroying anything despite us having every reason to do it.
I would disagree. Celebs are people with privileges that alot of people or fans admire them for. Because of our demand and their efforts and abilities, they rise to very high levels with lots of money. They're in the position to influence, so responding with the right energy that the people or society call for is some of the least they can do. Otherwise what pedestal do they have?
You shouldn’t have to use influence to tell people that this is wrong. Cmon now.
I would disagree. Celebs are people with privileges that alot of people or fans admire them for. Because of our demand and their efforts and abilities, they rise to very high levels with lots of money. They're in the position to influence, so responding with the right energy that the people or society call for is some of the least they can do. Otherwise what pedestal do they have?

Then that's where we disagree. If you're silent at a time like this, I know EXACTLY what you're about.

Cool. We can disagree on it.
Th k you sir. Sorry for the derail.
You don’t have to apologize but I do appreciate it, I understand you are very passionate about the topic. It was just getting a little out of hand. If you want me to unban you from the thread I will, let me know. but I would like to keep the discussion in there on topic as much as possible.
You don’t have to apologize but I do appreciate it, I understand you are very passionate about the topic. It was just getting a little out of hand. If you want me to unban you from the thread I will, let me know. but I would like to keep the discussion in there on topic as much as possible.
I like the way you handled that. Very mature and professional.
You shouldn’t have to use influence to tell people that this is wrong. Cmon now.
Unfortunately theres lots of sheep. Some of the most non famous passionate people are in very few numbers to influence or change the mindset or opinion or even do something like Kim Kardashian going to the White House to get Trump to give clemency to Alice Johnson.
Damn the owner of riff LA tried to commit suicide :smh:

apparently lost 2.3 million worth of **** and OG 85 1s.

people got life ****ed up man smh. if I got robbed and left butt *** in the streets I’m not killing myself:smh:

I wouldn't go spreading rumors like this without facts. Yes their business was reselling shoes and gear but I doubt he did that over material possessions.
Wherever there is white rule, racism will be at play. There is a reason why South Africa and apartheid actually was a problem. There is a reason why Germany and other European countries are having issues as well. While america was the first country to legalize racism, the rest of the Western world followed suit. Don’t forget about how this all got started through Queen Elizabeth and Isabella.

Queen Elizabeth and em got it from the Portuguese.

Totally ruined one of my favorite Tina Marie songs when I found out the truth.

Portugues enslaved Japanese and Chinese too...but I digress.

Now remember - the Moors had already ruled (and modernized) Southern Europe for about 700 years before the following facts occurred...but don't tell Louie Gohmert and the "Proud Boys" :lol:.

African slaves prior to 1441 were predominately Berbers and Arabs from the North African Barbary coast, known as ‘Moors” to the Iberian. They were typically enslaved during wars and conquests between Christian and Islamic kingdoms.[6] The first expeditions of Sub-Saharan Africa were sent out by Prince Infante D. Henrique, known commonly today as Henry the Navigator, with the intent to probe how far the kingdoms of the Moors and their power reached.[7] The expeditions sent by Henry came back with African slaves as a way to compensate for the expenses of their voyages. The enslavement of Africans was seen as a military campaign because the people that the Portuguese encountered were identified as Moorish and thus associated with Islam.[8] The royal chronicler Gomes Eanes de Zurara was never decided on the “Moorishness” of the slaves brought back from Africa, due to a seeming lack of contact with Islam. Slavery in Portugal and the number of slaves expanded after the Portuguese began exploration of Sub-Saharan Africa.[9]

Prince Infante D. Henrique is to Africa / Black People what Christopher Columbus is to the Americas / Native Americans.

Slave raids in Sub-Saharan Africa began in the 1430s and 1440s as war campaigns, but this period was short-lived. The Portuguese quickly transitioned into a trade network with African nobility and slavers. Prince Infante D. Henrique began selling African slaves in Lagos in 1444. In 1455, Pope Nicholas V gave Portugal the rights to continue the slave trade in West Africa, under the provision that they convert all people who are enslaved. The Portuguese soon expanded their trade along the whole west coast of Africa. Infante D Henrique held the monopoly on all expeditions to Africa granted by the crown until his death in 1460. Afterward, any ship sailing for Africa required authorization from the crown. All slaves and goods brought back to Portugal were subject to duties and tariffs.[10] Slaves were baptized before shipment. Their process of enslavement, which was viewed by critics as cruel, was justified by the conversion of the enslaved to Christianity.[11]

The high demand for slaves was due to a shortage of laborers in Portugal. Black slaves were in higher demand than Moorish slaves because they were much easier to convert to Christianity and less likely to escape. Although it was more expensive to purchase a slave than it was to employ a freeman, the sparse population and the lack of free labor made the purchase of a slave a favorable capital investment. The number of black slaves in Portugal given by contemporary accounts argue that Lisbon and the colonies of Portugal averaged a maximum of 10% of the population between the 16th and 18th centuries, but these numbers are impossible to verify. Most slaves in Portugal were concentrated in Lisbon and to the south in the Algarve.[11] The number of black slaves brought to Lisbon and sold cannot be known. This is because the records of both royal institutions responsible for the sale of black slaves, the Casa de Guiné and the Casa dos Escravos were damaged during the earthquake of 1755 in Lisbon, and the fiscal records containing the numbers and sales of these companies were destroyed. The records of the royal chronicler Zurara claim that 927 African slaves were brought to Portugal between 1441 and 1448, and an estimated 1000 black slaves arrived in Portugal each year afterward. A common estimate is that around 2000 black slaves arrive in Lisbon annually after 1490.[12]

Because of Portugal’s small population, Portuguese colonization was only possible with the large number of slaves they had acquired. In the late 15th and into the 16th centuries, the Portuguese economic reliance on slaves was less in question than the sheer number of slaves found in Portugal.[9] People wishing to purchase slaves in Portugal had two sources, the royal slaving company, the Casa da Guiné, or from slave merchants who had purchased their slaves through the Casa de Guiné to sell as retail. There were up to 70 slave merchants in Lisbon in the 1550s. Slave auctions occurred in the town or market square, or in the streets of central Lisbon. The sale of slaves was compared by observers as similar to the sale of horses or livestock. The laws of commerce regarding slavery addresses them as merchandise or objects. There was a period of time set upon purchase for the buyer to decide if he is happy with the slave he had purchased.[13]

This is the main difference between the European and Arab Slave Trade.

Europeans had no Sharia Law that prevented them from dehumanizing human beings.

Arabs did.

Islamic sharia law allowed slavery but prohibited slavery involving other free men, allowing only the enslavement of prisoners of war;[80] as a result, the main target for slavery were the people who lived in the frontier areas of the Muslim world. Slaves initially came from various regions, including Central Asia (such as mamluks) and Europe (such as saqaliba), but by the modern period, slaves came mostly from Africa.[81]

According to the sharia law, slaves were allowed to earn their living if they opted for that, otherwise it is the owner's (master) duty to provide for that. They also could not be forced to earn money for their masters unless with an agreement between the slave and the master.[82]

This concept is called مخارجة (mukhārajah) (Lane: "And خَارَجَهُ He made an agreement with him, namely, his slave that he (the latter) should pay him a certain impost at the expiration of every month; the slave being left at liberty to work: in which case the slave is termed عَبْدٌ مُخَارِجٌ") in Islamic law. If slaves agree to that and they would like the money they earn to be counted toward their emancipation, then this has to be written in the form of a contract between the slave and the master. This is called مكاتبة (mukātaba) in Islamic jurisprudence which is only, by consensus, a recommendation,[82] and accepting a request for a mukātaba from slaves is thus not obligatory for masters.[83] Although the owner did not have to comply with it, it was considered praiseworthy to do so.[84]


Carry on.
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LAPD suggests you move out your community when you become a member, why?

Police need to required to live in said community. That's one way you can hold them accountable.

I don't know how you feel about me if you up and moved to the valley with the rest of the racists in Simi Valley.

Simi Valley residents can keep their Simi Valley cops.

If you're born in South Central. You patrol South Central.
I wondered why many NYPD/FDNY lived in Staten Island in New York.
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