RIP George Floyd

They don’t own anything in that community though. Many of those stores in the hood exploit poor black people and treat them like trash. High prices, inferior products, and disrespectful service. F em.

Exactly. Louder for the people in the back. I reside in the Bronx and all that you mention is so true. Which is why I do not support Bad businesses. The customer service specially is piss poor yet when white folks come in they suddenly perk up and put on a happy face.
I hear all that Fam but this is bigger than your Brother now.

This is about ALL of us.

400 years is enough and we have tried it EVERY OTHER WAY.


We been on our knees...they didnt listen.

Now we standing up....

They brought this Bible thumper out for a reason.

His words are empty.

Jesus tore **** up...and we should too.

John 2:15

In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables. 15 So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!”…

Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again.” 20“This temple took forty-six years to build,” the Jews replied, “and You are going to raise it up in three days?” 21But Jesus was speaking about the temple of His body.…

THIS is why they killed him -

How come ya'll don't preach about this on Sunday???

Ohhhh I remember:

I can appreciate the family though keeping a united front on controlling George's narrative and not let them paint him in any sort of negative light.
Those cells gotta be PACKED

If you thought another wave was happening cuz of the protests, all those people crammed in holding cells gonna spread rona even more.
Yeah, the next wave is probably gonna be bad. Even if the protest and arrest don't spike it that much, people are tired of lockdowns so they will not accept another one to suppress another wave.
I don’t know what they feed em on fordham road goddamn them girls got the biggest asses in nyc lol.
I could be there with my boys just chillin like the milf guys from American Pie

:lol: dead on. Some are fugazi but it’s whatever :lol: It kills me when they get their butt done but they got the skinniest legs you’d ever see.

:lol: just make sure you ask for ID though. and make sure she don’t got a man. :lol:.
:lol: dead on. Some are fugazi but it’s whatever :lol: It kills me when they get their butt done but they got the skinniest legs you’d ever see.

:lol: just make sure you ask for ID though. and make sure she don’t got a man. :lol:.
Oh yea the obvious fake ones are no bueno. But you can tell for the most part with the leggings whether the *** real or fugazi.
Don’t wanna detract too much from the topic at hand though but yea you can get caught up real easy with the wrong chick out there lol
They don’t own anything in that community though. Many of those stores in the hood exploit poor black people and treat them like trash. High prices, inferior products, and disrespectful service. F em.
Cats playing checkers. They are playing chess.

They want them to tear down the neighborhood so they can come in and rebuild and price them out.

They want that neighborhood for it's close proximity to Manhattan for shorter commute times. It's harder to evict them now because it would cause outrage. It's easier to evict them once they rebuild under the guise that they couldn't afford it and they should move elsewhere. There will be less outrage.

Same ish that went on in Brooklyn with all those abandoned and dilapidated buildings in neighbors that used to be undesirable

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it
....and his Black family.

his daughter is a junkie and shes nuts

i have to admit im not a big fan of the mayor myself after the way he handeled the coronavirus in early march
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Anyone got a link on the Whitlock situation and why he was fired? I’m not seeing anything? They need to get Marcellus cune *** outta here too
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