RIP George Floyd

Oh, it isn't because she is JUST HINDU.

This has been an "Asian problem" going on since forever, passed on from generations to even today...............................

I'm well aware...I simply drew the parallel between what SHE might be and Abrahamic religions .By no means did I exclude other spiritual practices.
I had a feeling this moment was going to happen, that a native Asian outside of America was gonna show their true colors about this situation..........and I say this as an Asian-American himself (Filipino-American, more specifically).

And to think after seeing tons of posts of some folk from South Korea and Japan giving support to #BlackLivesMatter that the "Eastern World" would have finally turned the tide on how they viewed Blacks overall, AND NOPE, right on cue there is the "classic ignorant Eastern mindset" Asian finally popping in.
wait wait wait
hold up
America is far too late, more than 400 years, to understand the effects of prejudice and oppression amongst black Americans. Didn't learn before, haven't learned yet. Trump is going to try to enact more strict control to preserve law and order, obviously skewed. Imbalanced. The more ignorance, misunderstanding, and unnecessary issues that are executed, the more the people rebel and are blamed. Americas hustling backwards in terms of this. :smh:
Many Asians hate other Asians, too. The most important thing to them is to look out for themselves.

The "villager's mindset" is a common characteristic given when describing most Asian ethnicities and communities, and anything that "endangers their CULTURE" is seen as a threat to them BUT they'll praise anything that "benefits their culture."

wait wait wait
hold up

Never claimed to be, I only spoke things from my perspective and observation.........and I never felt "the need" to tell another group or Black person how to act about this because I wasn't in "the shoes of a Black person" to be able to relate to that perspective.

But as someone that used to getting bullied or made-fun of in a Long Island elementary school for being "not white" and "a cross eyed *****," I can emphasize in Black folk getting marginalized for the color of their skin and their ethnicity and to a greater extent......their normal, everyday behavior being different than another community's.

Yet they want every jordan 1 size 8-9.5

I'm a Size 12.....and that **** gets sold out across the board all the time :smh:
The "villager's mindset" is a common characteristic given when describing most Asian ethnicity and communities, anything that "endangers their CULTURE" is seen as a threat to them BUT they'll praise anything that "benefits their culture."

Never claimed to be, I only spoke things from my perspective and observation.........and I never felt "the need" to tell another group or Black person how to act about this because I wasn't in "the shoes of a Black person" to be able to relate to that perspective.

But as someone that used to getting bullied or made-fun of in a Long Island elementary school for being "not white" and "a cross eyed *****," I can emphasize in Black folk getting marginalized for the color of their skin and their ethnicity and to a greater extent......their normal, everyday behavior being different than another community's.

I'm a Size 12.....and that **** gets sold out across the board all the time :smh:
Yea size 12 became the new size 8-9.5 cuz the Asian sneaker market crashed and big sizes type limited now. Actually every size type pain in the *** to get
I don’t wanna start that stereotyping thing but in my experiences Asians for the most part like to group amongst themselves.
Yeah, they'll group together as homies but when it comes down to it, a Chinese dude ain't just gonna willingly lend his hand out unless it benefits them. I remember when I first got my license and every time I would tell my dad I'm going out to help a homie with something, his immediate response is usually "what do you get out of it?"
I had a feeling this moment was going to happen, that a native Asian outside of America was gonna show their true colors about this situation..........and I say this as an Asian-American himself (Filipino-American, more specifically).

And to think after seeing tons of posts of some folk from South Korea and Japan giving support to #BlackLivesMatter that the "Eastern World" would have finally turned the tide on how they viewed Blacks overall, AND NOPE, right on cue there is the "classic ignorant Eastern mindset" Asian finally popping in.

Malaysia is not East Asian. Huge difference between East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Many Asians hate Black people.

Many Black people hate Asians.
A lot of Asians think they white and want to be white. That’s why Asian cops are 10x worse than white cops most of the time. Every experience I’ve ever had with Asian cops was terrifying.

'Cuz it goes back to what me and Mr Dink Mr Dink said, most Asian ethnicities will only look out for those that BENEFIT THEMSELVES.............and a majority of the time, white people putting asian folk on that "model minority pedestal" gives Asian that incentive to side with them on nearly every moment.
Kind of a nice thing for me to keep in mind, even though I never really specified between East or Southeast Asia this time.

You implied it the moment you brought up Korea and Japan and “Eastern mindset.”

To group Malaysia/SE Asia as part of “Eastern mindset” isn’t correct.
Yeah, they'll group together as homies but when it comes down to it, a Chinese dude ain't just gonna willingly lend his hand out unless it benefits them. I remember when I first got my license and every time I would tell my dad I'm going out to help a homie with something, his immediate response is usually "what do you get out of it?"
Yea that’s very seldom in my experience. And seldom meaning I don’t remember any doing so for me but I’m a never say never type of dude so don’t wanna say never lol
'Cuz it goes back to what me and Mr Dink Mr Dink said, most Asian ethnicities will only look out for those that BENEFIT THEMSELVES.............and a majority of the time, white people putting asian folk on that "model minority pedestal" gives Asian that incentive to side with them on nearly every moment.

i see this

its def gotten better as a whole now tho
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