RIP George Floyd

damn really?
I'm well aware...I simply drew the parallel between what SHE might be and Abrahamic religions .By no means did I exclude other spiritual practices.

Mfers foolishly waiting on their “moment.

A thread from a white dude, who grew up on the belief.

Also....Ironically, that dude tear gassed clergy Members of that church.....on his way to take a photo op :lol:.

But the symbolism is always more important than the actual faith. Money, symbolism, greed and power. Faith is just a word that makes them feel good at night, to justify being horrible.
Yeah, they'll group together as homies but when it comes down to it, a Chinese dude ain't just gonna willingly lend his hand out unless it benefits them. I remember when I first got my license and every time I would tell my dad I'm going out to help a homie with something, his immediate response is usually "what do you get out of it?"

my moms was kinda like this but the opposite. she didn't want us to owe people stuff :lol:

I fully respect anyone's opinion on the topic of celebrities not having to speak out. But when Spongebob Squarepants speaking out against BLM more than some of the most prominent Black figures in America, it might be time to ask some questions.

I just saw that video on YouTube right now..........very creepy AND it definitely sends chill down your spine as you constantly hear breathing every second of that 8:40+ minute clip.

You implied it the moment you brought up Korea and Japan and “Eastern mindset.”

To group Malaysia/SE Asia as part of “Eastern mindset” isn’t correct.

I never really thought it that way, I pretty much grouped ALL ASIAN COUNTRIES under the "Eastern mindset." Minus the middle-eastern countries, even though some countries label the Middle-East as Asian as well..........which is technically also correct.
Do you just search Asian on the nt search? Cuz I done never seen you in this thread til someone said many Asian hate black peoples and you ran to the defense of the opposite

get them boogers out your eyes cause I’ve posted in here multiple times. but if you had common sense you could just look at my posts
I just saw that video on YouTube right now..........very creepy AND it definitely sends chill down your spine as you constantly hear breathing every second of that 8:40+ minute clip.

I never really thought it that way, I pretty much grouped ALL ASIAN COUNTRIES under the "Eastern mindset." Minus the middle-eastern countries, even though some countries label the Middle-East as Asian as well..........which is technically also correct.

Read it again.

Don’t need to. He already proved that he doesn’t know the difference between East Asia and SE Asia the moment he grouped them all together.
That Katie James is apparently Chinese and Brazilian.
She's from Malayasia right? Based on her last name I'm going to assume she's Hindu.

Low-key (not even) the big secret is that she's actually alluding to a religious narrative shared (for the most part) by Abrahamic religions and in Hindu in that "Black" people are cursed. As soon as I saw her post...I instantly drew the parallel to Trump doing what he did at that Church today. These people BELIEVE that they are fulfilling a spiritual prophecy. ALL of them. My favorite Chris Rock joke is the one about Black christians having a "short" memory.

It's why religion and spirituality yield a HEAVY influence in everything that shapes the world...and whether WE believe in it or not..."they" do.
:lol: ? Where in "Hindu" does it say black people are cursed? This Katie James is Chinese and Brazilian. Not sure if shes Hindu. 61% practice Islam and 19% practice buddhism in Malaysia, 6.3 worship Hinduism.
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Never claimed to be, I only spoke things from my perspective and observation.........and I never felt "the need" to tell another group or Black person how to act about this because I wasn't in "the shoes of a Black person" to be able to relate to that perspective.

But as someone that used to getting bullied or made-fun of in a Long Island elementary school for being "not white" and "a cross eyed *****," I can emphasize in Black folk getting marginalized for the color of their skin and their ethnicity and to a greater extent......their normal, everyday behavior being different than another community's.
no nah don't take it any kind of negative way
but i swear i had thought u was black
Oh, it isn't because she is JUST HINDU.

This has been an "Asian problem" going on since forever, passed on from generations to even today...............................

Wow. She kept it 100. You can also add Latinos to that as well. I've lived in Flushing my whole life. I've seen that **** firsthand. The one good thing about the pandemic is that I'm seeing significantly less people so I'm not dealing with it on a daily basis but during regular times, the moment I step out it's nasty stares, purse clutching, talking **** in another language. Getting followed around in their stores. It's absolutely offensive to be looked down upon in your own community by people who weren't even here as long as you. Who didn't go to school out here, hang out here. People who weren't even here when the Wendy's Massacre happened (the 20th anniversary was recent), don't remember the old library or the old stores that used to be here. Mutha****as who don't even remember what it was like to get $1 slice from Gloria's or the arcades at Entertainment World. Or being pissed that Queens Surface buses went on strike again.
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Black youth in oakland organized an amazing protest today. had to be at the very least, 5,000+ folks. absolutely beautiful and peaceful march from a local high school down the police station. ran into some former students of mine who used to bang different sets but were there together. was dope to see that unity.

the cold part about all this is the county established an 8pm curfew just today. the protest officially ended at 7pm but of course a lot of youth lingered around to kick it with homies, chop it up and just be youth. before they knew it, it was 8pm. the police showed no consideration or remorse; started teargassing innocent teenagers. **** THE POLICE ON EVERYTHING. trick *** mayor of oakland aint said **** about it either. and yet somehow these boys in blue wanna act stupid and pretend like they dont know how they breed contempt towards police.

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