RIP George Floyd

That Katie James is apparently Chinese and

:lol: ? Where in "Hindu" does it say black people are cursed? This Katie James is Chinese and Brazilian. Not sure if shes Hindu. 61% practice Islam and 19% practice buddhism in Malaysia, 6.3 worship Hinduism.

While an alliance between the Hindu far right and the Western alt-right may appear confounding on the surface, it actually has a long history, going all the way back to the construction of the Aryan race identity, one of the ideological roots of Nazism, in the early 20th century.

Pseudo-scientific Nazi race theory established a hierarchy of subordinate races below the Aryan “supermen”, according to which Asians occupied an inferior status. The Japanese, however, Germany’s close allies, became “honorary Aryans”. Modi’s Hindu nationalists and the Saudi Wahhabis are Trump’s “honorary Aryans”.

And you might be right...but her last name (Brahmacharini) gives me enough reason to suspect what I suspect. And by the way...Islam is an Abrahamic religion right? so...if Malaysia is 60% that...I'm still on the mark with what im saying :lol:
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Don’t need to. He already proved that he doesn’t know the difference between East Asia and SE Asia the moment he grouped them all together.

But...they are grouped together for what he's referencing. He literally said EASTERN as in THE GLOBE. Not specifically EASTERN in any one continent.
Black youth in oakland organized an amazing protest today. had to be at the very least, 5,000+ folks. absolutely beautiful and peaceful march from a local high school down the police station. ran into some former students of mine who used to bang different sets but were there together. was dope to see that unity.

the cold part about all this is the county established an 8pm curfew just today. the protest officially ended at 7pm but of course a lot of youth lingered around to kick it with homies, chop it up and just be youth. before they knew it, it was 8pm. the police showed no consideration or remorse; started teargassing innocent teenagers. **** THE POLICE ON EVERYTHING. trick *** mayor of oakland aint said **** about it either. and yet somehow these boys in blue wanna act stupid and pretend like they dont know how they breed contempt towards police.

I feel like the generation who were coming of age when Trayvon Martin passed is fed up. Changed my life and my outlook on thing.
All in the name of being looked at as the “model minority”, not realizing how demeaning it actually is to be looked at that way

as an asian person myself, i know it's incumbent upon me and people within our community to help (if not force) our folks to understand how trying to position themselves next to whiteness aint how we win; inherent within that work is getting them to unlearn the anti-blackness that they've internalized by playing the model minority role. in a way, they've become what paulo freire calls the "sup-oppressors" (basically, folks who think they doin it but they really not because really they're truly under the thumb of white supremacy)

as Mr Dink Mr Dink pointed out, there's a lot of asian folks who are selfish and comfortable because of the privileges they've been given. i can't blame them for trying to hold onto that class privilege and access and at the same time, we not gonna let it slide.

And you might be right...but her last name (Brahmacharini) gives me enough reason to suspect what I suspect. And by the way...Islam is an Abrahamic religion right? so...if Malaysia is 60% that...I'm still on the mark with what im saying :lol:
Crazy. But my opinion is the the caste system is based more on colorism and job status, its man made instead. I read Hitler and Nazis were all misled by Aryan invasion theory, the true Aryans/Dravids were separate groups. Dravids were the original settlers in India. Aryans were Indo-Iranian. The infamous swastika is called swastik in sanskrit, its a hindu symbol of good luck.

This Modi is crazy also, my opinion, an old boomer like Trump.

And bramacharini, she prob converted. Thats no excuse for her ignorance.

Number 5 myth.
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Michael Tracey claimed 80 year old Maxine Waters Physically assaulted him...because she told him get tf out her face with dumb questions :rofl:


Yo is an incel, racist reactionary loser. Who spreads conspiracy and misinformation.

doublemesh96 doublemesh96 falling into that soros paid protestor project veritas stunts is dumb. I understand the point. White people for sure, are pouring gas on the fire and inciting violence on some COINTELPRO ****. I’m just imploring y’all to know the finesse. And WHO is saying what, and what the angle is.

Them soros conspiracy theories led to 11 people dead at that Pittsburg mass Zealand and some more ****. It’s right there with “Great Replacement”, 4chan ****. And that’s the territory.
Thoughts on privatizing the police force?

if this means they become as harmless as the questionably overweight sentinel standing outside of my 24 hour fitness with a "Topflight Security" badge on his jacket...then most definitely, contract out policing!
Are you guys watching protestors in DC trapped in a house? #savejenny
Cops are waiting for them to leave the house to put them under arrest for violating curfew.
Are you guys watching protestors in DC trapped in a house? #savejenny
Cops are waiting for them to leave the house to put them under arrest for violating curfew.

there's gotta be at least 20 usless cops. bruhs the amount of taxpayer money that's about to go into these fat mutha****as overtime is about to be in the hundreds of thousands...just for this singular event in which they're standing around doing nothing. overtime is where pigs loot their king's ransom. it's absurd yall
are y’all not seeing the MULTIPLE videos of undercover cops and white folks in masks destroying **** and exciting riots??? **** that video I posted I can go get 10 other receipts but y’all wanna harp on the wrong ****. You got it. Stay safe.

Dude in that STUPID video you just posted. Is obviously lying. He said he went to, and signed up to be a paid protester with how much he wanted to be paid :lol:. And Soros invited him to LUNCH LMAO. You think it works like that? No. What you’re spreading foolishness.

We clearly understand that some white groups are infiltrating these black protestor and pouring gasoline on these protests. That’s clear as hell. But the video you posted...with the people in it, the title, the venue, the it relates to what you’re saying.....AINT IT.

Can’t let the foolishness slide. Be safe tho.
are y’all not seeing the MULTIPLE videos of undercover cops and white folks in masks destroying **** and exciting riots??? **** that video I posted I can go get 10 other receipts but y’all wanna harp on the wrong ****. You got it. Stay safe.
That video is not receipts.

You posted a video from a hack reporter (that pushes conspiracy theories about liberals he dislikes), that interviewed a random dude at a rally, and presented his ramblings as fact. The right wing media fear mongers about Soros all the time, if this **** was real and that easy, it would have been exposed by now. You can go to the website he mentions in the video and see that it doesn't ask for the info he said it does.

He said that from signing up on a website, he was able to have lunch with a high profile billionaire. :lol:

If you have real receipts about situations going on right now feel free to post them. No one is pushing back on the point that their are bad actors at play. But that Tracey video was just some *******.

But be safe my guy. Sincerely.
This is what I hear, “yeah yeah yeah undercovers and whites are intentionally pouring gas on the fire but **** all that let’s have a George soros debate so I can win and be right”

“I didn’t miss your point I just think it’s not important, lemme debunk this video tho”

jeezus CHRIST 🤦🏽‍♂️
there's gotta be at least 20 usless cops. bruhs the amount of taxpayer money that's about to go into these fat mutha****as overtime is about to be in the hundreds of thousands...just for this singular event in which they're standing around doing nothing. overtime is where pigs loot their king's ransom. it's absurd yall
When they’re not terrorizing black people that’s exactly what they’re doing. Doing nothing and collecting money
Crazy. But my opinion is the the caste system is based more on colorism and job status, its man made instead. I read Hitler and Nazis were all misled by Aryan invasion theory, the true Aryans/Dravids were separate groups. Dravids were the original settlers in India. Aryans were Indo-Iranian.

And bramacharini, she prob converted. Thats no excuse for her ignorance.

Number 5 myth.

Interesting. She didn't really provide any references or go in depth about anything she's attempting to debunk. Regarding #5...she literally just said "Caste was an ancient system of occupational class delineated in Hindu texts that over the years developed into a rigid social hierarchy" and didn't explain WHY there's an idea that these "Hindu texts" are liturgical.

This part gives an in-depth account of the oppression in the apartheid caste system, and the restrictions placed on the subjugated races with full quotations and references to the `sacred' scriptures that sanction these. The varna caste system is decidedly racial in origin [ Greg ], whilst the jati profession-based caste system is not.

Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 3.57.30 AM.png

So when you say this caste system was based "more" on "colorism"...there's an answer to WHY "colorism" was a component of that system and I just laid it for you. You can try to duck the smoke but it's there fam.
This is what I hear, “yeah yeah yeah undercovers and whites are intentionally pouring gas on the fire but **** all that let’s have a George soros debate so I can win and be right”

“I didn’t miss your point I just think it’s not important, lemme debunk this video tho”

jeezus CHRIST 🤦🏽‍♂️
Famb days ago I made a post in here saying that more attention needs to be given to the white supremacists trying to use the protest as cover to do BS.

No one is saying that a point about bad actors being out there is not important.

We are just pointing out the video you posted proves nothing. It doesn't support any valid point. It has nothing to do with what you are trying to say. It is just some random nonsense.

Why you have such an issue with people pointing that out is beyond me.
This is what I hear, “yeah yeah yeah undercovers and whites are intentionally pouring gas on the fire but **** all that let’s have a George soros debate so I can win and be right”

“I didn’t miss your point I just think it’s not important, lemme debunk this video tho”

jeezus CHRIST 🤦🏽‍♂️

You hearing wrong. Step back. Stop being defensive. What you posted, isn’t an example of what you’re trying to get across. That’s all that being said.

Make it make sense.
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