RIP George Floyd

Want to know something even worse
alot of people in this picture are still alive

the chick who got emmett till killed just died a year or so ago. ***** even Admitted she Lied

never understood why a race is against another just for skin color differences

rip to mr Floyd

that video really irks me, dudes cuffed, why tf you pressing on his neck continuously
mass shooters get treated better by cops
So proud of the folk on Min for burning Target down. They need to burn more ish down. Wish I could be out there w them.

Not a single Photo or video showing a black person lighting any building on fire yet the public automatically accuses black protesters of burning down entire blocks
I’m in my 20s so maybe a bunch of y’all are young as hell so hopefully y’all grow up and realize looting and destruction ain’t the right thing.
How can we change those racist people's heart/spirit? Is there no way to change those hardened hearts, that eliminating them is the solution?
There isn't. It's engrained in their reality that black people are inferior, because it was taught to them implicitly and explicitly by their parents, who learned it from their parents.

Those that reject that generational racism are veritable outcasts to their family, adding further pressure to younger members of the family to stay in line.

They really do need to die, individually and the whole family. It's an engrained psychosis, not a simple preference.
There are better ways than doing stuff like that. That's going backwards instead of making forward progress. I grew up during the LA riots and that for sure didn't solve a thing. Here we are today as it continues to happen.
Just fed up man. Seems like that’s the only power we have in this country. Burn their communities like they burned down ours. I also grew up during the LA riots. My cousin got killed during the riots.
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