RIP George Floyd

Sucks when people are more outraged by the destruction of stuff versus the lives of people. Post to SN irony on point

How bout caring about both man? Smh . You’ve got some finite, limited resource of care for people in your heart? It really Sounds like it
while we are on who should and shouldnt die let me say pedophiles should die too. are they worse than racists? idk and idc. the point is that youre talk is just that, talk. hella emotional.

should they both die? sure. however, unless there is a civil war that isn't going to happen. so saying they should die is just you puffing your chest out like you're going to do something. rather than say there are smarter people out there who can figure that out, why don't you help them figure it out instead of spewing that rhetoric like you're about that life.
You do not realize the difference between those in power abusing that power thus perpetuating the system that holds an entire race down

but if you’re asking me personally, pedophiles deserve to die too. If you’re asking me to rank what’s worse, i’d say racism because of said perpetual evil system in place
How bout caring about both man? Smh . You’ve got some finite, limited resource of care for people in your heart? It really Sounds like it
Ok you protect the rights of Target and I’ll stand up and next to and for black people. You really are your khakis.

edit: I just realized that you equate blacks to property. Slave vibes with you Brad.
Interested in the logic behind this statement.
It’s like there’s limited amount of care for other people. Destroying a dry cleaner or a convenient store that someone has worked hard to own isn’t the answer man. It’s hurting more people.
Destroying a Wendy’s, gas station, restaurant, and other people’s businesses ain’t the answer. You’re hurting legit businesses with real owners and employees. Cmon man aren’t you in ur 30s? nawghtyhare nawghtyhare
what does my age gotta do with anything
people have watched folks get killed
marched and did stuff peacefully
what happened
nothing or they got off
how do u institute change???
by destroying then rebuilding
on the ashes
this country went to war
just in order for slaves to be free
wasnt no protesting
or silent vigil gonna set us free
i get what ur tryna say
i do do
but in MY 34 years ive experienced
seen with my own eyes
and have been a victim
of the racsim in this country for too damn long
to sit here and march
i got kids
and im not gonna just sit here
for my 19, 14, 13, 3 year old
and 1 year old grandchild
to be a hashtag
so take that koombayah **** somewhere else
cause they wasnt tryna be peaceful
with their knee on his neck
When people display where their priorities lie, the. You will see their true morality. Like said before, racists who are ignorant of their racism are more dangerous than the ones who brandish it out in the open
I’m in my 20s so maybe a bunch of y’all are young as hell so hopefully y’all grow up and realize looting and destruction ain’t the right thing.
Are you in your 20s or 30s.

It’s like there’s limited amount of care for other people. Destroying a dry cleaner or a convenient store that someone has worked hard to own isn’t the answer man. It’s hurting more people.
You do understand you are asking people to use logic/reasoning when they are in a HIGHLY emotional state right?
what does my age gotta do with anything
people have watched folks get killed
marched and did stuff peacefully
what happened
nothing or they got off
how do u institute change???
by destroying then rebuilding
on the ashes
this country went to war
just in order for slaves to be free
wasnt no protesting
or silent vigil gonna set us free
i get what ur tryna say
i do do
but in MY 34 years ive experienced
seen with my own eyes
and have been a victim
of the racsim in this country for too damn long
to sit here and march
i got kids
and im not gonna just sit here
for my 19, 14, 13, 3 year old
and 1 year old grandchild
to be a hashtag
so take that koombayah **** somewhere else
cause they wasnt tryna be peaceful
with their knee on his neck
Facts. They want us to be submissive **** that ****. We literally don’t have much to lose because everything that you have can be taken away in a second. We gottta protect ourselves and our family, and if that means being violent so be it. Def getting my gun permit and stockpiling weapons legally like the white dudes do.
idk how y’all can support hurting another innocent persons business. It’s ok to feel love towards George and his family and be angry and upset about the situation It’s also ok to have empathy and love and appreciation towards the business owners in a city who grind to open their businesses. The 2 are not directly related at all. I’m not justifying anything I’m just saying that real business owners are getting hurt. Why can’t there be sympathy for both sides. If y’all don’t understand then I’m not sure what else to say
We can put a side by side list of all the businesses that have been unnecessarily destroyed by black Americans in the history of protests on one side, and all the black Americans who's lives have been destroyed by police (including men who spend years/lives in prison due to false arrests) and I'm sure the black lives destroyed side goes on WAY longer
It’s like there’s limited amount of care for other people. Destroying a dry cleaner or a convenient store that someone has worked hard to own isn’t the answer man. It’s hurting more people.
the same convenient store thats not owned by anyone in the neighborhood
the same cleaners not owned by anyone in the neighborhood
why dont they have these businesses in their own neighborhoods
us black folks cant even get loans to create businesses in OUR own hoods
no one cares about the leeches who take our peoples money
and dont give back or support them
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