RIP George Floyd

Of's almost impossible to play a single match of CoD without seeing some little worm with MAGA or Trump or some racial slur as their clan tag
I've lost count on how many times I've been called, or heard the N word on CoD over the years. (Or seen a confederate flag emblem. )

Racism in the video game community is really big. It ain't just CoD either.
He the only white dude with a real "hood pass"

Oh wow, please do your homework before you say that about Neal.

He played a major part in chappelle show falling apart. I’m not sure that he and Dave are on speaking terms. This goes all the way back to ‘03.

He definitely does not have a hood pass. The concensus seems to also be that “hood passes” and invitations to the proverbial “cookout” are extinct like a Blockbuster rental card.
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Whatever the Koch brothers own, needs to be l00ted, then burned to the ground. One that I’d participate in is the complete disruption of wall street trading, as done with 9/11. I am all for the complete disruption of this entire country, just to get these changes done. Women need to own their bodies, and ALL Black people should be free from oppression.
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There’s a weird underbelly of online gaming

It needs to be called out

A lot of these recent Twitter announcements and statements from video game companies have already started exposing those closet, racist, MAGA-loving mother****ers in the very comment sections of those posts............just look at Nintendo's, Sony's, and Xbox's recent Twitter statements supporting these protests and Black Lives Matters, and on-cue you will see 5-6 racist *** son of *****es talking **** about "POLITICS NEED TO STAY OUT OF VIDEO GAMES"
While I agree with this sentiment if you’re trying to improve your skill and making gaming a career this isn’t really an option. Now if you’re just play to relax then it makes sense
Let me clarify, when I team up in like WZ it’s with people I know. But I’ll play multiplayer online all day against anyone.
Sorry if this has already been posted but I guess this was at a "protest" in Denton, TX on Monday. But then they probably all posted a social media blackout pic on Tuesday so they must all be feeling like they're changing the world right now

They all saying ***** tho

Oh wow, please do your homework before you say that about Neal.

He’s played a major part in chappelle snow falling apart. I’m not sure that he and Dave are on speaking terms. This goes all the way back to ‘03.

He definitely does not have a hood pass. The concensus seems to also be that “hood passes” and invitations to the proverbial “cookout” are are extinct like a Blockbuster rental card.

You are the one who needs to do their homework. They are definitely on good terms and he was one of Dave’s selected (By Dave himself) to speak at the Mark Twain award. Watch for yourself....

"brown" folks are a disappointment right now.

**** is sad that BLM is the hardest thing to understand and comprehend.

This BROWN LIVES/ALL LIVES MATTER is trash and makes me said that "my" people are this ignorant.
It's trash. Brown people are Indians. From India. These people want to be white and accepted by the white people. They don't want to be minorities. You can't have pale skin and call yourself brown when it's convenient.
Didn't even know schools were strictly tied to property tax. That's systemic as ****.
Yup, that’s why suburban schools have more resources and school districts/zones are drawn in certain ways...The white flight left most city public schools for dead, everything is planned by them ppl to stay on top and keep the foot on the neck of the rest of us...Just sometimes they try to get slick wit it...You can tell what it is with the schools cuz even when they move back into the city, the kids never go to the local schools always private or somewhere away from their neighborhood zone
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