RIP George Floyd

This is power.

This is why the peaceful and the vengeful are both so necessary.

This is why organization is important. We need the angry to impact the system physically while the peaceful continue to garner support and place themselves in spaces to change laws and structures.

Vengeful brothers applying pressure on the street while the peaceful are in the ear of state leadership to begin righting wrongs.

We needed Malcolm AND Martin.

The hand and the mouth. The Lightning and the Thunder. Can change the world.
Bruh literally lied to kick it. He was probably pledging allegiance in his head.

Don’t forget this one
I don't find racism funny but the things he said were so ignorant it makes me question whether he was serious or not.
Dude is pushing 40, been on NT for over 15 years, and had things explain to him a million times. Ignorance is not a valid excuse for his nonsense.

He was dead serious. He said multiple times he was serious.

And if he wasn't, then that makes him a race troll. So I don't know why you would want that around.

But given some of your other post, it is not surprising that you would.
Positive developments in Minny today but ppl shouldn’t let’s more work to do and, gotta keep the streets flooded and mess up the flow of business...They want us to go back to normal and forget bout this in a month like usual
Social Media never forgets but also has a short attention span. We will see if everyone goes back to posting their meals, workouts and poking their *** out etc.
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