RIP George Floyd

We fell for that American propaganda calling the French soft. Them folks bout action from what I can tell.


This is one of the hardest photos I have ever seen.
Americans think everyone else is soft :lol:
Folks have been getting hip to how they do in France lately, the collective energy there is always crazy

🔥 🔥
He was defending a woman getting beaten

Dudes are on the street en mass about everything, they were even holding company ceo's and executives hostage in their own offices during the last economic crisis until they were heard :rofl:

Civil disobedience is as ingrained in the country as a baguette :lol:

Big reason why they have one of the most comprehensive social safety nets and why they were spending almost 2 years straight on the streets every week to defend it before the quarantine

This is all I've been trying to say.
Who is "the United States"... the people, the government? I think otherwise seeing the diversity of all the people coming together with these protests. Obviously the racist people in power in our government don't have much of a conscious, but they don't make up the entirety of our government.

America is definitely a ****ed up place, as has been since it's inception, but WE are America, and we are the ones that will change it for the better. Can it be done with out violence? Not really because one side is going to take the violent approach no matter what, but I think it can be done with out a full scale war like some people want.
What Jordan box did you get this off of?!
are they shoes or athletic sneakers?

basketball sneakers

inb4 all shoes matter
The anti defund folks been hilarious

“who am I gonna call when a meth head breaks in?”

uh the cops you dumb ***** they just wont show up in military gear and hopefully don’t shoot your family for moving to safety too quickly
already you see the conversation being steered away from actual defunding by the democrat talking heads to "let's give them a little here and there, they'll be sure to accept this." no ***** we want the full abolition of police departments across the country. police ain't ****. we don't need them
Talking about Brothers of Convenience isn’t a thread derail! Especially not on THIS thread. They being Black on a thread where Black people are talking about being Black, and why we get killed by the police while being Black! They are derailing the thread! Keep it about the shoes!
'Police don't need less funding, just better training'


That money could be so much better served and go towards much more productive and beneficial avenues for society like education, housing and healthcare (all of which have been getting defunded for years) than towards letting law enforcement play dress up as occupying armies...
bro...edit that last part. kills the credibility of the post lol.

Benny was never president lol.

think inventor of bifocal glasses and kite experiments where he literally caught lightning in a bottle which led to the invention of the lightning rod.

can't say for sure if he was a racist, but he was in the ol boys club. i'm sure they all looked at us like expendable tools.

I'm not editing **** out, I'm honest enough with myself to admit I I actually mixed that particular free mason pale skin powder wig up with other actual presidents.

What are you doing?

black amercians? bruh we aint even wanna come here. and had to fight and die for the right be be called americans. even then....we're 'african americans'...white people are just americans. The Flag aint for us, the national anthem aint for us.

no bro.

black people are black people. whether here or abroad. dont let that toxic waste poison your mind or outlook. It will have you hating your own people.

Look here you two can speak for your own status and blackness in this country.
I personally feel that being called African American is ********.
What loyalties or political ties do I have to Africa? Besides originating there ...but now unfortunately knowledge and identity of my original tribe, culture and religion has been lost.
Name one stabilized country in Africa that even offered Black Americans any faith, safe refuge or hope these past 100 years when we were being hung and getting brutalized by police all these decades, besides now Ghana lately.(much love to Ghana)
Name one stabilized country in Africa that will ultimately save and offer refuge to our Hatian brothers and sisters when another natural disaster hits...or they eventually are being systematically starved to death there by France, America and Dominican Republic???
My grandfather, father and uncles didn't represent one African nation on their uniform when they were drafted to go fight in WW2 and Vietnam.
Us descendants of slavery are just as American as anyone else in this country.....with no other continents identity/name needed in front of American.
I personally don't give a crap about your fake pro African defeatist attitude about not being accepted here and this country never being created for us in mind.
We are here.....OUR ancestors built it for free....and we are here to stay...and I'm willing to kill and die for our stay,peace and equality here in America.
Miss me with that whole bitter black american" I hate this place,system so much" attitude.
You now have ample opportunities to grab a passport and try and set up a new life elsewhere in Africa, all this crying about nothing is for us but you scared to kill and die taking what's rightfully ours also.
If you are so pro African than why not work on moving to Africa?
Are you built like that??
Can some of you even go 1 day without WIFI or air conditioning?
Have you ever been to Africa? I've been to 5 countries in Africa.
Do you really have the mental means to move to Africa to create wealth and prosperity, in the mist of everything going on in Africa religious/politics wise?
I just feel some of you all really ain't even about that life, so why pump fake with all the BS?
Look at the end of the day....well no lets say at the end of your life....which would you want your tombstone to say?

Here lies an African American man who died angry, bitter and financially educationally limited in the country he was born in
Here lies a proud Black American who fought for success/equality and prosperity in the face a country built on of systematic oppression, outright racism and obstacles of inequality specifically targeting him.

You decide for yourself!
Last edited:

History has already validated Kaep even if he never plays another down. He was one of the first high profile voices to use their platform to speak wholly unabashedly about systemic racism directly in the 21st century and it cost him his playing career for it even while he tried going about it in the most respectful and peaceful way possible.

He was on the right side of the issue from the jump and the turning tide of public opinion has only cemented his place in that athlete-activist tier of men that had an undeniable impact towards long term progress in our society. He'll be looked back on in history the same way John Carlos and Tommie Smith, John Wooten, Kareem and Ali are looked back on as heroes and revolutionary public figures.
I am African and I live in the US

However, I do hate HOW the term AA is used. It seems like a phrase used by Whites to be ultra-politically correct. I hate how it sounds when they say it.

sugafree sugafree
History has already validated Kaep even if he never plays another down. He was one of the first high profile voices to use their platform to speak wholly unabashedly about systemic racism directly in the 21st century and it cost him his playing career for it even while he tried going about it in the most respectful and peaceful way possible.

He was on the right side of the issue from the jump and the turning tide of public opinion has only cemented his place in that athlete-activist tier of men that had an undeniable impact towards long term progress in our society. He'll be looked back on in history the same way John Carlos and Tommie Smith, John Wooten, Kareem and Ali are looked back on as heroes and revolutionary public figures.
I agree. Many, many, many, will sit with egg on their faces. Kaep was real with his.
I'm not editing **** out, I'm honest enough with myself to admit I I actually mixed that particular free mason pale skin powder wig up with other actual presidents.

Look here you two can speak for your own status and blackness in this country.
I personally feel that being called African American is bull****.
What loyalties or political ties do I have to Africa? Besides originating there ...but now unfortunately knowledge and identity of my original tribe, culture and religion has been lost.
Name one stabilized country in Africa that even offered Black Americans any faith, safe refuge or hope these past 100 years when we were being hung and getting brutalized by police all these decades, besides now Ghana lately.(much love to Ghana)
Name one stabilized country in Africa that will ultimately save and offer refuge to our Hatian brothers and sisters when another natural disaster hits...or they eventually are being systematically starved to death there by France, America and Dominican Republic???
My grandfather, father and uncles didn't represent one African nation on their uniform when they were drafted to go fight in WW2 and Vietnam.
Us descendants of slavery are just as American as anyone else in this country.....with no other continents identity/name needed in front of American.
I personally don't give a crap about your fake pro African defeatist attitude about not being accepted here and this country never being created for us in mind.
We are here.....OUR ancestors built it for free....and we are here to stay...and I'm willing to kill and die for our stay,peace and equality here in America.
Miss me with that whole bitter black american" I hate this place,system so much" attitude.
You now have ample opportunities to grab a passport and try and set up a new life elsewhere in Africa, all this crying about nothing is for us but you scared to kill and die taking what's rightfully ours also.
If you are so pro African than why not work on moving to Africa?
Are you built like that??
Can some of you even go 1 day without WIFI or air conditioning?
Have you ever been to Africa? I've been to 5 countries in Africa.
Do you really have the mental means to move to Africa to create wealth and prosperity, in the mist of everything going on in Africa religious/politics wise?
I just some of you all really ain't even about that life, so why pump fake with all the BS/
Look at the end of the say....well no lets say at the end of your life....which would you want your tombstone to say?

Here lies an African American man who died angry, bitter and financially educationally limited in the country he was born in
Here lies a proud Black American who fought for success/equality and prosperity in the face a country built on of systematic oppression, outright racism and obstacles of inequality specifically targeting him.

You decide for yourself!
Ghana is interesting. I am waiting for white people to try and make what they are attempting to do, illegal. If not illegal? Try and find a way to blow the place up. I trust NO white people when it comes to Black independence. NONE!
sugafree sugafree I don’t agree with everything in your post but I appreciate it a lot. Especially the end. When I say Americans, real patriots, that’s what I mean. People who are willing to stand and fight for this country and for fairness and the right to exist without fighting for the system itself. I’ll be damned if I’m ever chased out of my house.

Respect. I only ask that you remember it’s not the nations, it’s the people who are important. We have Brothers and Sisters who stand with us in those nations where the government doesn’t support or stand up against our struggle here at home.
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