RIP George Floyd

Was this posted? Whose mans is this....

Was this posted? Whose mans is this....

Yeah it was posted earlier. He's basically accusing the 75 year old man of terrorism, after all in his view 'Antifa' are terrorists.
The person behind the One America News Network report that Trump is referencing is literally on the Kremlin payroll.

Na he has every right to protect his family. There's been a bunch of hate crimes and break ins recently in certain neighborhoods.

Once that happens and your family is involved anything goes.

An Alabama police department has admitted one of its white officers punched a black shopkeeper after he called 911 to report a robbery because he mistook him for a suspect, according to multiple reports.

Both and the Associated Press reported that Decatur police admitted the mix-up on Monday.

At a news conference on Monday, department chief Nate Allen played new body cam video showing the the arrest of Kevin Penn in March but did not release it separately. The video appeared to have been edited with overlays and a slowed-down portion, and cut out at the moment that previous footage suggests the punch was thrown.

It shows police entering the Star Spirits & Beverages store on 15 March with guns drawn, before an officer ahead of the body cam-wearer asks Mr Penn to put down his own weapon, being held on the counter. A person, possibly the alleged robber, can be seen prone on the ground.


An Alabama police department has admitted one of its white officers punched a black shopkeeper after he called 911 to report a robbery because he mistook him for a suspect, according to multiple reports.

Both and the Associated Press reported that Decatur police admitted the mix-up on Monday.

At a news conference on Monday, department chief Nate Allen played new body cam video showing the the arrest of Kevin Penn in March but did not release it separately. The video appeared to have been edited with overlays and a slowed-down portion, and cut out at the moment that previous footage suggests the punch was thrown.

It shows police entering the Star Spirits & Beverages store on 15 March with guns drawn, before an officer ahead of the body cam-wearer asks Mr Penn to put down his own weapon, being held on the counter. A person, possibly the alleged robber, can be seen prone on the ground.

Na he has every right to protect his family. There's been a bunch of hate crimes and break ins recently in certain neighborhoods.

Once that happens and your family is involved anything goes.

I agree with you if he can prove it but if he has a legal gun why is he dumping it in the street something is up

that could be an excuse but your right I don’t know if you live in queens ny but There has been a number of break-ins in affluent exclusive communities in Queens New York.

But to be honest i don’t trust this guy

he has the money to get the best lawyers to beat the case And can say he’s Innocent and that he was only protecting his family
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I'm in Queens. Definitely heard of the break ins. Lots of small business owners and people in those neighborhoods are on edge.

He's also very well known in the Diamond District and knows the right people if **** hits the fan again.
Na he has every right to protect his family. There's been a bunch of hate crimes and break ins recently in certain neighborhoods.

Once that happens and your family is involved anything goes.

Naw, man. You can’t chase and shoot at dudes cause you think they’re casing your neighborhood.
You not protecting your fam 2 miles away. If someone really was watching him thatd been the time to roll up and take all his **** while his wife and kids waiting on daddy *** to come back home
Yea idk the full story behind it. His store was just robbed and random people in his neighborhood have been going around checking houses at night. Its all on cameras.

So naturally, the paranoia will kick in.

All I know is that people in Queens have been on edge from home break ins this last week.
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