RIP George Floyd

Our ancestors built this country for free, so we have as much right to be here as anyone. That said, going to the motherland isn’t a bad option. I planned to visit this year, but the virus derailed those plans. If I’m healthy and able, I’m definitely going next year.
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Americans think everyone else is soft :lol:
I personally stopped stopped being proud of that **** when I saw the worst neighborhoods in Mexico. Those dudes be OWNING, like really owning their neighborhoods with truck full of armed dude making rounds. That was the first time that I felt like I couldn't do **** if anything happened.:smh:

Honestly, all of these developed countries look soft compared to 3rd-world countries. **** even in Philippines I seen people beat up laying on the ground with no one reacting to it but me. :lol:
sugafree sugafree I don’t agree with everything in your post but I appreciate it a lot. Especially the end. When I say Americans, real patriots, that’s what I mean. People who are willing to stand and fight for this country and for fairness and the right to exist without fighting for the system itself. I’ll be damned if I’m ever chased out of my house.

Respect. I only ask that you remember it’s not the nations, it’s the people who are important. We have Brothers and Sisters who stand with us in those nations where the government doesn’t support or stand up against our struggle here at home.

Agreed and that's where people get me wrong and love to put words in my mouth here..... tomdiginson tomdiginson yea I'm talking to you!
I love all black brothers and sisters, but I'm black american and my black american folks take priority before we can do anything else for anyone,.
The past circumstances of our history forged a special collective of people on this earth mentally,spiritually and historically!
This isn't about feeling entitled or special over any other black people...its about directly knowing and relating to my brothers and sisters from the same cloth as me first.
These are the people I know and can relate with the best on a spiritual emotional level, I can somewhat put more trust into because our ancestors once held hands on and off the platantions!
I don't know African and Carribean blacks like that....I truly don't feel where they stand spiritually or mentally to trust them with such sensitive issues that stir my peoples emotions and mental well being.
A ton of black Americans like me feel the same way....we have been betrayed and heart broken enough trusting other non ADOS people of color in this country.
Young black woman was just found stabbed and hanging from a free in South Africa. If this “movement” is real, it can’t stop now. And it can’t become a bunch of controlled protests. I left the one on the plaza this past weekend because it was too whitewashed. Nothing against white people standing up for equality too, but it was 80% non black people, with randoms trying to get laughs in between chants. It was also kinda guided by a couple cops at the end of each block on motorcycles. Not for protesting alongside cops either. As shown by several articles posted here, they’re only doing that to placate protesters. They’ll kneel in front of the camera and beat you with a baton the next day.
Agreed and that's where people get me wrong and love to put words in my mouth here..... tomdiginson tomdiginson yea I'm talking to you!
I love all black brothers and sisters, but I'm black american and my black american folks take priority before we can do anything else for anyone,.
The past circumstances of our history forged a special collective of people on this earth mentally,spiritually and historically!
This isn't about feeling entitled or special over any other black people...its about directly knowing and relating to my brothers and sisters from the same clothe as me first.
These are the people I know and can relate with the best on a spiritual emotional level,.
I don't know African and Carribean blacks like that....I truly don't feel where they stand spiritually or mentally to trust them with such sensitive issues that stir my peoples emotions and mental well being.
A ton of black Americans like me feel the same way....we have been betrayed and heart broken enough trusting other non ADOS people of color in this country.
Don't lie. You've pushed that angry "if you're not black American go back to your country" narrative in threads over the years. All of a sudden you're on some "what I meant was" and "you're putting words in my mouth".
Don't lie. You've pushed that angry "if you're not black American go back to your country" narrative in threads over the years. All of a sudden you're on some "what I meant was".

You come off as someones bitter scorned baby mama..I just told you where I stand.
I could care less about being liked or making you feel better at this point.
So we can agree to disagree.
Either respect my stance or don't...but I bet you stay the hell outta my way when it comes down to action :wink:
I have nothing else to say to you at this point. Peace!
The only difference between a lot of the groups you're trying to single out though is a boat stop.

Black folks been catching hell all over the world just cause of the melanin in our skins, black folks all over the world are standing with us in solidarity because they see how ****** up the supposed greatest country on Earth treats us.

I'll be damned if I let a diaspora or colonization which fundamentally not allow me to "trust" any other black people not from the USA.
You come off as someones bitter scorned baby mama..I just told you where I stand.
I could care less about being liked or making you feel better at this point.
So we can agree to disagree.
Either respect my stance or don't...but I bet you stay the hell outta my way when it comes down to action :wink:
I have nothing else to say to you at this point. Peace!
And you're a prejudice fool.
We have people here on NT I would like to call "OPPORTUNIST OF THE MOMENT". unfortunately a black man was violently killed for SOME OF US TO REALIZE, What police brutality looks like in America and how systematic racism plagued America for years. Now all of a sudden you'll have "OPPORTUNIST OF THE MOMENT" people who come out of the woodwork and tell you to sign a petition that just a few years ago the FBI labeled the KKK and other white supremacists groups as domestic terrorism. In might seem progressive, but to Frank's and honest. It's a bunch of Bullcrap to sign a petition that the highest form of law enforcement has already don't the foot work for. I've see more approaches like across social media and as well our own government.

Don't fall for the trap of these "OPPORTUNIST OF THE MOMENT" individuals and our groups. It's not a sincere gesture nor do they seek to solve problems within the black community locally or globally.
He's been able to duck this for too long. Sometimes I forget he did this ****.
Jordan brand needs to drop the business relationship they create to make his Jordan shoe.

This is how you'll know when Jordan brand is taking the issues in the black community seriously. Drop the people who revealed themselves racist, even if they apologized or have a recently made a announcement they care for BLM.
I hope so, but its one of those things where I gotta see it to believe it.

It's going to require them to get a supermajority again most likely like when they passed the affordable care act and a democratic president. Or maybe the reaping that takes place in November will finally wake some of the GOP up.
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