RIP George Floyd

Yeah but compared to population its still 16 times more. And we got lots of guns here too.
But the main difference is our cops have three years of training. Not 6 months and there you have your gun go shoot some people.

Three years is awesome. I think police here should have a minimum of 5 years training
I mean forget women being physically unfit, half the cops in big cities are obese. So that throws the "physical requirements" out the window.

Absolutely. Being obese is just as bad as being frail. With cops not hesitating to shoot someone in the back, it's not surprising that often times when the cops show up and they have to pursue someone on foot, they shoot at them because their fat *** can't catch up
Absolutely. Being obese is just as bad as being frail. With cops not hesitating to shoot someone in the back, it's not surprising that often times when the cops show up and they have to pursue someone on foot, they shoot at them because their fat *** can't catch up

I have a cop friend, in his younger days he would tell dudes you can run, but just know imma catch you. :lol:

But yeah, we have tons of problems with our system. Theres not one solution to fix any of it.

that dude in the lavender shirt looks genuinely surprised at the action. :lol:
Absolutely. Being obese is just as bad as being frail. With cops not hesitating to shoot someone in the back, it's not surprising that often times when the cops show up and they have to pursue someone on foot, they shoot at them because their fat *** can't catch up
Think about it, they are not getting the best and brightest to be among the ranks. They aren't getting the most physically ambitious as well. That job is about retirement and pension, then the ability to own a gun. They are most def not doing the job for the most noble reasons.
Think about it, they are not getting the best and brightest to be among the ranks. They aren't getting the most physically ambitious as well. That job is about retirement and pension, then the ability to own a gun. They are most def not doing the job for the most noble reasons.

A lot of cops do it as a plan b when their plan a doesnt work. Go figure after that.
A lot of cops do it as a plan b when their plan a doesnt work. Go figure after that.

Bruh living in NYC I was told to become a cop 500 times in my life. Anytime I got laid off or quit a job and was job hunting, people instantly would say "hey why not become a cop?"

I have friends who are cops. Majority of them went in for the benefits and all that. But I respect them because I know them as people and they're good dudes so I'm not gonna dislike them strictly because they're police. But I also personally know people who became cops and were trash people before that badge. So naturally they became trash cops as well.
Cops go to the range weekly. You mean to tell me he couldn’t shoot her in the *** or leg? She wasn’t a small girl.

they’re handling weapons that are like an extra hand. They’re familiar with it. They know how to handle it, it’s nothing like being a home gun owner and only shooting at the range every now and again. These people are trained and continue to practice as part of their jobs.
Bruh living in NYC I was told to become a cop 500 times in my life. Anytime I got laid off or quit a job and was job hunting, people instantly would say "hey why not become a cop?"

I have friends who are cops. Majority of them went in for the benefits and all that. But I respect them because I know them as people and they're good dudes so I'm not gonna dislike them strictly because they're police. But I also personally know people who became cops and were trash people before that badge. So naturally they became trash cops as well.
That plan b "become a cop" is like a constant soundtrack in your 20s in NYC.
Bruh living in NYC I was told to become a cop 500 times in my life. Anytime I got laid off or quit a job and was job hunting, people instantly would say "hey why not become a cop?"

I have friends who are cops. Majority of them went in for the benefits and all that. But I respect them because I know them as people and they're good dudes so I'm not gonna dislike them strictly because they're police. But I also personally know people who became cops and were trash people before that badge. So naturally they became trash cops as well.
There are several who are a part of BLACK police org's that I get down with in NYC. 100 Blacks in Law enforcement is one of them. This is their mission statement.

As stated on the organization's website, their mission is as follows:

  1. To fulfill our moral mandate to our creator, to enhance and cultivate the blessings that have been bestowed upon us
  2. To serve as a model organization for individuals and other professionals in our communities so that we can again take our rightful place on the stage of history as a free, proud, and productive people
  3. To offer (via non repayable grants) a minimum of $1,000 a month to a worthy cause in the African American community
  4. To be the vanguard for justice on the behalf of those who traditionally have no voice in society
  5. To vigorously challenge racism, sexism, and all of the debilitating ism's that ****** the growth of today's global community
  6. To economically empower our people by pooling our resources
  7. To uplift our people through education
So how y'all feel about these vids?
Cause to me, every single one that of them deserved to be popped

Many will likely disagree, but I honestly think there are ways for the 2nd situation to be resolved without someone dying.

And 'deserve' has nothing to do with it.

There are smart enough people in this world to figure out a way to contain one man slow walking with a knife without emptying the clip in him. I don't know the answer though. Chemical agent? Rubber bullets? A net? :lol:

IDK but that was a lot time that elapsed.
So I gotta ask this question again, why is it that the police in DC had all the patience in the world, when MAGA crew began to hit them with metal gates, sticks and other? They are indeed taught to have patience with WHY TEE but not Black people.

To be fair they did smoke that unarmed white lady, i think it was secret service.

They should have had the less lethal weapons on deck like they do for literally every other protest but for some reason they didnt. I cant recall a situation where cops fire live ammunition into crowds of hundreds or thousands of people.

Ironically these same blue lives matter folks killed a cop that day. Guess they only back the blue when it suits their purposes.
Bruh living in NYC I was told to become a cop 500 times in my life. Anytime I got laid off or quit a job and was job hunting, people instantly would say "hey why not become a cop?"

I have friends who are cops. Majority of them went in for the benefits and all that. But I respect them because I know them as people and they're good dudes so I'm not gonna dislike them strictly because they're police. But I also personally know people who became cops and were trash people before that badge. So naturally they became trash cops as well.
man one of my best friends graduated with a 3.8 gpa in college and became a nypd cop because he said he hated school and didn't want to go to grad school

dude literally looks shellshocked when I see him once in awhile to hang out. I swear he has ptsd.. Seeing him now makes me NEVER want to be a cop. Dude is doing very well financially but mentally he changed for sure. Just one of them dudes who I could NEVER see becoming a cop too.
man one of my best friends graduated with a 3.8 gpa in college and became a nypd cop because he said he hated school and didn't want to go to grad school

dude literally looks shellshocked when I see him once in awhile to hang out. I swear he has ptsd.. Seeing him now makes me NEVER want to be a cop. Dude is doing very well financially but mentally he changed for sure. Just one of them dudes who I could NEVER see becoming a cop too.

i have a friend who went from banking into NYPD lol. We were pretty close and still keep in touch but dude went full "Thin Blue Line" status and is intolerable at times when it comes to certain topics.

Anytime I would send him a video or article of a situation where a cop messed up he would find a way to defend their actions and when I'd Tell him he's being biased he'd say "no I'm fair. If I saw something done Wrong I'd say so." I'm like wow interesting perspective since you've never once said any cop did something wrong
i have a friend who went from banking into NYPD lol. We were pretty close and still keep in touch but dude went full "Thin Blue Line" status and is intolerable at times when it comes to certain topics.

Anytime I would send him a video or article of a situation where a cop messed up he would find a way to defend their actions and when I'd Tell him he's being biased he'd say "no I'm fair. If I saw something done Wrong I'd say so." I'm like wow interesting perspective since you've never once said any cop did something wrong
eh you are better than me. I'm lucky he isn't on that "thin blue line" stuff. I would have been cut him off if he was like that. I don't really talk to him too much about situations with cops but he acknowledged that the George Floyd death was terrible and the cop got what he deserved pretty much.
To be fair they did smoke that unarmed white lady, i think it was secret service.

They should have had the less lethal weapons on deck like they do for literally every other protest but for some reason they didnt. I cant recall a situation where cops fire live ammunition into crowds of hundreds or thousands of people.

Ironically these same blue lives matter folks killed a cop that day. Guess they only back the blue when it suits their purposes.
Yes, secret service operates under a different set of rules than the Police dept. They can pop caps right back at the police, with no holds barred if need be.
This is the only person I know who went on to become a cop:

I work in the Dietary department at a hospital. One of my co-workers is the strangest person/biggest pathological liar I've ever encountered....I'll refer to him as "Lorenzo". Lorenzo has told everyone at work a million different stories about his past (he was in the Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines, he was stationed in Afghanistan, he's a substitute teacher, he has a Master's Degree, etc.). Pretty impressive for someone that isn't even 25 and can barely construct a coherent sentence. The experience of knowing him is like being perpetually stuck in the ending of the movie The Secret Window. He tells so many lies that you start questioning whether or not he actually told you what you think he told you, and you start thinking that you're imagining things and you're the crazy one. He periodically tells everyone he got accepted into a Police Academy and that he's quitting soon, then he'll spend a week and a half telling everyone about it and gradually start talking about it less and less until he just stops talking about it altogether. This has been going on for 2 years now. If you grill him on it, he'll go into hulk-mode and have a meltdown. I'm slightly convinced that he's a high-functioning autistic, and that the only reasons he hasn't been fired yet is because the supervisors feel bad for him/are amused by his antics/are afraid of what will happen if they do fire him.

Speaking of his anger issues: he puts women on a pedestal and gets extremely angry over things that have no impact upon his own life. A perfect example of this was the time we were sitting in the break room and one of the women in housekeeping was showing off her engagement ring to one of the cooks. The cook and the woman were flirting pretty heavily, so Lorenzo gets beat red in the face and storms out of the room with the quickness. I follow him back into the kitchen and he's freaking out...throwing garbage cans, punching food trucks, etc. I ask him what his problem is and he starts screaming about how she's engaged and she's not supposed to be doing that.

By this point you're probably thinking this is all irrelevant and lackluster, but don't starts coming together in the next part of the story.

Lorenzo is currently engaged, and is very protective over his fiancee. If anyone makes a joke about her, Lorenzo will be up in their face ready to exchange blows. However, there's a PCA that works on the second floor that took a liking to Lorenzo. I'll refer to her as "Horse Face." Horse Face would call the kitchen looking for Lorenzo so she could ask him if he wanted to go out with her sometime. Lorenzo would yell "STOP IT! I'M ENGAGED!" and hang up on her in front of everybody.

However, it turns out Lorenzo was putting on a front for everyone in the kitchen and was actually hitting her up on the down-low. Lorenzo arranges to meet up with her at an extremely sleazy motel one afternoon. They both arrive there, and Horse Face explains to Lorenzo that she thinks things are moving too fast and suggests that they go do something else first. Flustered, Lorenzo tells Horse Face to get in his car. Lorenzo drives her to a nearby pond, pulls his pants down, whips it out and says "put it in your mouth." Shocked, Horse Face refuses. Lorenzo then proceeds to jerk it in front of her while talking dirty for the next few minutes. Upon completion, Lorenzo drives Horse Face back to her car at the motel and they part ways.

The next day, Horse Face tells one of the other PCAs and the story spreads like wild fire. We're too afraid to approach him directly about it, but we've hinted at it and a meltdown/hilarity ensues every time.


-I work with a strange character known to lie and melt down easily

-He gets particularly upset over people in relationships being unfaithful because he's engaged

-PCA at work wants his D

-He pretends like he doesn't want it but hits her up on the sly

-She has second thoughts, so he takes her to a pond and masturbates in front of her

-Everyone finds out
Yes, secret service operates under a different set of rules than the Police dept. They can pop caps right back at the police, with no holds barred if need be.
Any Fbi or other federal agents can shoot the police?
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