RIP George Floyd

So there was no option for him to fire his taser or try and de-escalate the situation further through any of the other methods they've been trained to do in assault situations?

Things were happening too fast for any kind of de-escalation. From the time he got out his car to when she was shot was what, 10 seconds? And once he got out ol girl was tackled and then girl with the knife made her move. Now, could he have used a taser? Yeah I think so, but that option was gone cause he reached for his gun first. Whatever option he was going with, taser or gun he was gonna use at the point of the stab.
Things were happening too fast for any kind of de-escalation. From the time he got out his car to when she was shot was what, 10 seconds? And once he got out ol girl was tackled and then girl with the knife made her move. Now, could he have used a taser? Yeah I think so, but that option was gone cause he reached for his gun first. Whatever option he was going with, taser or gun he was gonna use at the point of the stab.

Again so there WAS another option. He CHOSE to use deadly force. Had he decided to use the taser instead to subdue in the scenario as she was trying to stab the girl everybody would still be alive more than likely as opposed to surely at least one person is not going to survive the encounter based on the choice he made with the gun, correct?
So I gotta ask this question again, why is it that the police in DC had all the patience in the world, when MAGA crew began to hit them with metal gates, sticks and other? They are indeed taught to have patience with WHY TEE but not Black people.

I wish they would’ve started smashing heads in there so all them over privileged old *** white people who were visiting (or whatever they were there for) could’ve seen first hand how **** is in the real world :lol:
I re-watched the video.
iDC, he could've shot once maybe twice toward a lower limb and ol'girl would've gave up any adrenaline or aggression she had towards the one in pink. The LIKELIHOOD of her living through a shot to the leg is far greater than 4 shots to her torso. Not a true marksman.
I'm final with it.

Edit: The moment the girls fell in front of him is when a taser should've been drawn.
Again so there WAS another option. He CHOSE to use deadly force. Had he decided to use the taser instead to subdue in the scenario as she was trying to stab the girl everybody would still be alive more than likely as opposed to surely at least one person is not going to survive the encounter based on the choice he made with the gun, correct?

Im not the one who said there was only one option. :lol:

Im saying there were NO options once he chose his gun. At that point he was gonna shoot if something were to happen, and he did when girl tried to stab other girl. The OPTIONS were there before he chose his gun, taser whatever whatever. Once h took his gun out and girl went for the other girl to stab her you expect him to switch to the taser? No time, she was literally 2 seconds away from getting the other girl.
I re-watched the video.
iDC, he could've shot once maybe twice toward a lower limb and ol'girl would've gave up any adrenaline or aggression she had towards the one in pink. The LIKELIHOOD of her living through a shot to the leg is far greater than 4 shots to her torso. Not a true marksman.
I'm final with it.

No man, we are NOT doing the shoot at the limbs thing bro. It dont work like that.
I've watched the video a couple of times now and I don't see how anyone could act like shooting her was the best or only way to end the altercation. Also seems entirely reckless considering how close the other girl was to Ma'Khia Bryant. He could've easily missed and shot the other girl.

She had her back turned to the officers. Instead of standing there with his gun drawn he could have easily ran up behind her and pulled her by the shoulders, which would have allowed for the girl in pink to run away and for the situation to be dealt with in a safer fashion.

I know this comes off as Monday morning quarterbacking for a split second decision, but cops are paid to make these split second decisions and these criticisms are completely valid considering that we're the public they're supposed to be serving.

The cops that yelled "blue lives matter!" need to be terminated as well. Garbage human beings.
Why do I get the feeling that NikeTalk has members of police forces here participating in discussion?
Why do I get the feeling that NikeTalk has members of police forces here participating in discussion?

I think there used to be at least one, Hawaii something was his SN. Not sure if he posts but I'd be interested to hear his take on all of this.
Why, because you say so?
The only target that works is to shoot for the torso?

The cops are trained to assume everyone is a zombie who can eat bullets and feel no pain, anywhere but the head or chest. The only time I condone deadly force is in an active shoot out but even then cops will let white shooters live. Figures.
Honestly the only thing I fault the parents for is calling the cops in the first place but like everyone is saying we don't really know what transpired before this vid. Those other girls may have been trying to kill her, who knows.

If you call the cops in a violent situation someone is probably going to get killed. Mom and dad should have done more to break up the fighting before the cops got there, or forced their daughter inside.

If you invite cops into your business bad things will happen. Not excusing the cops, they're savages. But sometimes you just can't call them because everybody looks like an enemy to them. They'll shoot victims and aggressors.

BUT, If the neighbors called the cops then you can't do anything about it.
I think there used to be at least one, Hawaii something was his SN. Not sure if he posts but I'd be interested to hear his take on all of this.
I really think that this place is being monitored by the police, law enforcement. Something is amiss.
This is totalitarian levels of abuse. I'm happy they didn't get shot but this is not right on so many levels and constitutionally one could argue this may be a violation of civil rights (I know none of that matters when you're black or brown).

The story behind that vid is that they "fit the profile" for two people who'd just robbed a store.

As if two robbers are dumb enough to be riding their bikes right along side the highway out in the open.
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