Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

I grasp the concept that you want people to look at you and that you're one of the many sheep that where what magazines tell you to wear. I get it. I'm just secure enough to wear what I like and not really care if others notice it or even like it.

You do know everything is flying right over your head right?
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Is it making statements though?

Everyones closet is gonna have different kinds of clothing in the sense that:

You have a peacoat? Thats a timeless piece.

You have a long tee? Thats a trend piece.

You have a (using myself as an example) an OW sweater? Thats a statement piece. Maybe could also considered a trend piece.

One item doesnt have to fit in one category. You can have a gaudy peacoat with emblems and writing sll over it, you took a classic peacoat and made it to a trendy or a statement piece.

You can take an OW hoodie and take the patches off and make it a classic fit and you have a basic, timeless piece.

Theres no real right or wrong, its merely a label, if that even.
Everyones closet is gonna have different kinds of clothing in the sense that:

You have a peacoat? Thats a timeless piece.

You have a long tee? Thats a trend piece.

You have a (using myself as an example) an OW sweater? Thats a statement piece. Maybe could also considered a trend piece.

One item doesnt have to fit in one category. You can have a gaudy peacoat with emblems and writing sll over it, you took a classic peacoat and made it to a trendy or a statement piece.

You can take an OW hoodie and take the patches off and make it a classic fit and you have a basic, timeless piece.

Theres no real right or wrong, its merely a label, if that even.
We're just different people man. I don't put a label on clothes I buy. It's a f'in hoodie man. I don't care if it's timeless, trendy, or makes a statement. I care that I like it. That's literally all I care about. I couldn't care less if anyone notices it. You obviously care about clothing way more than I do and that's cool. You do you.
We're just different people man. I don't put a label on clothes I buy. It's a f'in hoodie man. I don't care if it's timeless, trendy, or makes a statement. I care that I like it. That's literally all I care about. I couldn't care less if anyone notices it. You obviously care about clothing way more than I do and that's cool. You do you.

Youre def either a 19 year old kid or a 35 year old man passed his prime. Its really not a big deal either. Putting "labels" on your different clothing items really doesnt require any thought. Not like im on excel making a spreadsheet of how many timeless pieces I have. :lol:
Youre def either a 19 year old kid or a 35 year old man passed his prime. Its really not a big deal either. Putting "labels" on your different clothing items really doesnt require any thought. Not like im on excel making a spreadsheet of how many timeless pieces I have.
Wait, I'm 19 or 35 bc I don't put that much thought and effort into clothing? You realize you are the very small minority right? Most people view a hoodie or a t shirt as just that, a f'in hoodie or t shirt.

Btw it's "past his prime". Less fashion mags, more English book.
Wait, I'm 19 or 35 bc I don't put that much thought and effort into clothing? You realize you are the very small minority right? Most people view a hoodie or a t shirt as just that, a f'in hoodie or t shirt.

Btw it's "past his prime". Less fashion mags, more English book.

So lets be the grammar police now as well. :lol:

If you dont understand what a statement piece is, or a timeless piece is then keep it moving. I tried explaining, you clearly said you dont care about the notion or give it a thought. That was the entire point to begin with. So whats the point of this? You got your definition but youre too cool for the concept, which really isnt even a big deal to begin with. :lol:
So lets be the grammar police now as well.

If you dont understand what a statement piece is, or a timeless piece is then keep it moving. I tried explaining, you clearly said you dont care about the notion or give it a thought. That was the entire point to begin with. So whats the point of this? You got your definition but youre too cool for the concept, which really isnt even a big deal to begin with.
The point is someone said a logo hoodie is timeless and you came in saying they weren't. People have been wearing hoodies with logos for 50+ years. It may be beneath you but a f'in hoodie is about as timeless as it gets. It may not say Surpreme on the front of it in 20 years but I guarantee you people will be wearing hoodies with logos in 20 years.  Keep rocking your unisex clothes though. I'm sure you're quite cute in them.
The point is someone said a logo hoodie is timeless and you came in saying they weren't. People have been wearing hoodies with logos for 50+ years. It may be beneath you but a f'in hoodie is about as timeless as it gets. It may not say Surpreme on the front of it in 20 years but I guarantee you people will be wearing hoodies with logos in 20 years.  Keep rocking your unisex clothes though. I'm sure you're quite cute in them.

I remember when I was 19 and like this. :lol:

And no one said hoodies with logos, BOX logo hoodies. What brand had a box logo hoodie 50 years ago? Where are you even getting that number from? :lol:
I remember when I was 19 and like this.

And no one said hoodies with logos, BOX logo hoodies. What brand had a box logo hoodie 50 years ago? Where are you even getting that number from?
 that you think I'm 19. Whatever it takes for you to feel better about wearing unisex clothes with your cute self.

Hoodies have been around since the 1930's. I can't say for sure when someone slapped a logo on it but I know for a fact that Nike had them in the 80's and that's over 30 years ago. I feel confident in saying Nike wasn't the first company to put a logo on a product that had been out since the 1930's.

Educate yourself:
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Youre not bothering anyone with unisex clothing comments b. :lol:

My choice in clothing was never the issue, it was the whole timeless thing. But if you need to make yourself feel like youre winning I guess I like to look cute. :lol:

And BOX LOGOS. When they stand the test of time we can call them timeless. Why you showing me an article of the history of the hoodie. Did you really have to google an article to make your point? :lol:
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Youre not bothering anyone with unisex clothing comments b.

My choice in clothing was never the issue, it was the whole timeless thing. But if you need to make yourself feel like youre winning I guess I like to look cute.

And BOX LOGOS. When they stand the test of time we can call them timeless. Why you showing me an article of the history of the hoodie. Did you really have to google an article to make your point?
I thought you would take the time to educate yourself but I was wrong. My b.

Are you really saying a logo being in a box makes it different? That's hilarious. Fact is hoodies with logos on the front have been around for a very long time. The hoodies today are no different than the Hilfiger ones in the 90's, which was 20+ years ago. I realize hoodies are beneath you though. We all get that. Just don't be so ignorant to think a good hoodie isn't timeless.

I'm tired of ruining the thread. You're a dumbass that pays $300 for a tshirt and is cool with wearing unisex clothes. Congrats. The rest of us will kick in our timeless hoodies.
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