Hope I don't get the cancellation email. I ordered a little after 8:00 this morning.
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Damn, that sucks. I stopped ordering from FNL when they canceled my order a couple months ago. Waiting for NDC to drop these so I can use my gift card.
Just called a rep. And they said that they didn't have many pairs and that their system does t update on time and that others may hav e already ordered a bunch and sold out before I got to it.
Damn, if mine get cancelled I have to wait for them to resend me another wcr that I used to cop....I've never had an order cancelled from them before though. Knock on wood...
If my pair gets canceled, I'll easily go "Urban" and they will give me a 40 dollar credit. Thats what happened last time when I ordered Squads and they sent me Tarp Roshes, THEN they restocked Squads in a FSR after the agent told me they were gone and would never be restocked.

Just be persistent if they do you dirty.  A company never likes an upset customer.
damn that cant be good, knew it was too good to be true. I even tweeted FNL when they dropped the link, whether they had a FSR or not. You figure they would know since they update when a size is sold out for Retro's and bigger releases.
How the hell can they not know that they didn't have that many pairs to sell, they had to have received their pairs in the warehouse way before considering how they released 8.5 & 11 so they had to have inventory then, just waiting for the right time to drop it. Honestly, if fnl cancels my order, I'm boycotting them. If your system is not updated HOURS after release, then you might as well close down the company
I ordered 2 10s, 2 7s and 1 10.5. 2 separate orders with 2 rewards. They better give me back my rewards. I ordered at 545 west coast time.

****, i ordered a 10. i copped and got confirmation before the twitter link. idk if that helps at all...i havent gotten a cancelation email yet, but im pretty much expecting it. welp, gotta get me rewards back then...

edit: just checked my order status online and it still says processing. PLEASE GO THROUGH!!! THE KNICKS ALREADY LOST TODAY!!! my day cant get worse :rolleyes
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I would assume if you placed your order before FNL tweet you should be good right? FNL would not tweet that the shoes are available if they know dont have any in stock or would they? 
Ordered size 8 at 9am PST. Received a confirmation at 9:20am. No cancellation email yet... And even if it does get canceled, I'm with jreag - I'm alright with my 2 pairs of OG Mangos. I can wait on V2s...

Plus, I still see sizes 8-8.5, 11-13 available.
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wtf do they fulfill online orders from their stores instead of from their warehouse?? Mint FB all over again. :smh: I didn't cop so no cancellations here.
I would assume if you placed your order before FNL tweet you should be good right? FNL would not tweet that the shoes are available if they know dont have any in stock or would they? 

I ordered mine before teamroshe and FNL tweeted. Good luck guys. but I won't be ordering from finishline anymore.
Damn, that sucks about cancelled orders. Seeing as their site still has size 12's i should be ok. Im hoping at least. I ordered around 7 am west coast time.
Hope mines doesnt get canceled, my size is an 8 and there still seems to still have 8's on the site sooo im hoping! haha. knock on wood!
damm, I also ordered a size 8 and got confirmation, but didn't do it til about 11:50am pst. Hope it goes through
i ordered around 7am PST. No cancellation yet, would definitely suck if they cancel all orders PRIOR to the FNL tweet.
As of right now on FNL-

8 - 11 pairs

8.5 - 5 pairs

11 - 7 pairs

11.5 to 13 - At least 25 pairs each size
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