Royal Foamposite 1s releasing Feb 12 2011 ((NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING! YOU WILL BE BANNED!))

so yeah how about them royal blue foams!

but she does have a cake.
Foam pros?!!!!!! 
 I guess I'm going to have to just find a DS royal pair some where on the net in 11.0.... these foam pro's don't have the clear sole...they have the black sole. I was really looking foward to the Ones.
...Damn first the Metallic reds get changed then these?
 I bet they're going to just re-release the HOH pearls toward the end of the year instead of the 02 white's...
  ehh....its a pass right now but once I see some quality pix I might be back on it. I really hope nike doesn't start to slack on the double stack zoom air either! 
y'all need to chill. shoes aint droppin til september and will is known to just throw stuff out there for the hell of it.
foam pros arent confirmed.
Nike corporate is also known 2 throw stuff out there for the hell of it also. Lets go over some examples

Such as when nike air retros were confirmed for the cdp's in 2008
The HoH pearls were rumored 2 be foam ones for months until pics surfaced 2 weeks before launch
Infared retro 6 pack anyone?

I've noticed this website likes 2 believe fairy tales, that end in disapointment. I keep it real, stop allowing Nike corp 2 use this website 2 test waters. Its getting beyond played out

Foamposite pro royal, confirmed
its only april maybe during the summer we will get some more news.

Till then i don't believe anything.
^who knows, they may make a foam pro, with a clear sole. Newer generation collectors won't be able 2 tell the difference
Trust me, they already bounced this idea around during corp meetings
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