RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

Well, I'm signed up for the full marathon in Vegas in November, but I'll be making the drop back down to the half.  My training is terrible right now, and I have such a hectic October schedule, I don't think I'll be able to ramp it up when I'm supposed to do so.  It's already making me angry, and I haven't run it yet, so I think this will be the decision - I'll enjoy the run more, now.

It's the first time I've signed up for a race and failed to run it (at least, the distance for which I signed up).  A little disheartening.

Left my place and found a really cool trail along a river less than .5 miles away randomly lol. Couldn't find a spot to take good pics. Place is just gorgeous

Seriously feels awesome just running and seeing everything for the first time! Now, If only water fountains existed here [emoji]128542[/emoji]
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Left my place and found a really cool trail along a river less than .5 miles away randomly lol. Couldn't find a spot to take good pics. Place is just gorgeous

Seriously feels awesome just running and seeing everything for the first time! Now, If only water fountains existed here [emoji]128542[/emoji]

Awesome. It's amazing what you discover when you run....
I'm waiting for Nike's fall running apparel. I was not impressed by the second summer drop. The black, red and blue pallete was a bit bland. Anyone know when we can expect some new gear?
I love Asics socks, they are almost always on deep discount at the outlets too so I usually stock up.

Thorlo is nice too but pricey.

Nikes aren't too bad either.

Started at the gate, and ran through tiergarten. Tiergarten is insane!!!!! There's so many paths to choose from, and there's little ponds and statues all over. I tried to take a different path on the way back and ended up back on the same one, haha. Lots of trees all around, I don't think I'll ever find a better place to run through :lol:. When I went, it was pretty empty and peaceful. I wish I could've ran through every path, but I really need to conserve my energy now..even walking all day is something I'm getting a little worried about [emoji]128064[/emoji]
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Socks - I've been having good luck with C9 from Target. Cheap and fit me very well. They don't last as long as Nike, but nikes have a tendency to shrink over time. Plus C9 is almost always on sale and have a lot of different styles
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One of my old coworkers suggested to me that I make a blog/instagram displaying my photography at concerts and what not. He works in promo and seems to think he can eventually get me into getting photography passes to local shows, and who knows what it could become. Just a hobby for now though.

If anyone wants to support my page that currently has 10 followers (lol) it's @Rhythmicsynesthesia
Welp. Marathon on Sunday and my wireless headphones broke on me. I wore them for about 200 runs, and a lot when my regular headphones broke.

They were fine on my last run, then just stopped. The left earbud's speaker is out. Hopefully during the expo they are selling something I can use.

Needed them for one last, important run :lol: :smh:
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I wasn't paying attention this morning, and my run put me at 99.69 miles for the month - I should have gone down the street to hit 100.  
This morning's run...


On track to hit 100 miles for the month for the third month. Stoked that I am getting faster. Hope to run sub 30 minutes in my first 5km
Might not be impressive but I just did my fastest 5K.
26:21 lol I feel like a gawd.

Anytime you break your record it's a good feeling. Keep pushing, my 5k is around the same on average. I find it hard to run my fastest when It's not an official run, is it just me or do others have a lack of motivation to run fast when training?

Just wanted to share my progressive 16 miler last week. I definitely hit a wall from not eating properly. I usually run early morning and have a bowl of cereal or a Kind bar. I've started to realize that I need more protein before my runs. I also need to start carbing up much more the night before.

Can anyone recommend any good protein mixers?
I only eat carbs before all my runs. Always thought it was about carbs beforehand and protein afterwards for recovery

This whole week I've been carbing out. Just had dinner and ordered 2 orders of pasta, only ate half of the other though :lol:

Berlin marathon in the morning, absolutely no idea what's going to happen! I'm healthy and that's all that matters to me, hopefully I'm just feeling it tomorrow and get in the zone :smokin. Incredibly excited, this city is truely great.

I'm incredibly bummed they put me in the very last wave...might just make this a little frustrating.
I'll report back with, hopefully, great news :nerd:
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Went for my first run in months and I did a 4 miler with a 11 minute average. Surprised myself because I thought I was gonna be worse since I haven't ran and put on some weight 
Anytime you break your record it's a good feeling. Keep pushing, my 5k is around the same on average. I find it hard to run my fastest when It's not an official run, is it just me or do others have a lack of motivation to run fast when training?

There's a different level of adrenaline when you run an official race. You probably won't feel it on an ordinary training run. I haven't run an official race in years, but I recall the crowds cheering you on and slapping random strangers' palms certainly made me run faster! lol

Believe it or not, my first race was a full marathon. I initially wanted my first race to be a 1/2 marathon, but I got peer pressured into the full! :smh: I thought that I wouldn't finish, as twenty-six (.2) miles seemed so farfetched to me at the time. I trained for about five or six weeks, IIRC. Anyhow, the energy during a race is CRAZY! The crowd really helps you feel like you can run faster! I recall pounding my chest like KG did when crowds cheered me on, and they'd cheer even louder, which made me run even faster! I literally cried when I hit mile 26 then I dead sprinted the last 0.2mi. Finished at 3:30. I've never felt adrenaline like that on a run before! It still gives me chills and makes me a bit emotional! lol

Hit 1,000mi for 2016 after this morning's 7 miler.
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