Rush Limbaugh: We need segregated buses

Dec 26, 2002

In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses.
Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: "I think the guy's wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that's the lesson we're being taught here today. Kid shouldn't have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses - it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama's America."

A full transcript of Limbaugh's comments on his radio show is available at

Limbaugh's comments came after a called complained to say that local law enforcement said the attack probably wasn't racially motivated. The incident had been hyped by the conservative Drudge Report, which posted a video of the fracas.

"Police initially said the beating of the white student by two black students appeared to be racially motivated," the Associated Press wrote. "But police on Tuesday backed away from that."

That didn't stop Limbaugh from making his comments Wednesday.

"In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," Limbaugh also said. "I wonder if Obama's going to come to come to the defense of the assailants the way he did his friend Skip Gates up there at Harvard."

"White Americans are racists who have created what they call free markets that really just enslave the rest of America and her trading partners," Limbaugh also mocked. "I mean, it was white Americans that ran off Van Jones. No, look, let's just follow Eric Holder's advice and not be cowards about all this. Let's have an open conversation, an honest conversation about all of our typical white grandmothers. You had one, I had one. Obama had one. They're racists just like our students are. ACORN - hey, nothing but racism fueling the pursuit of ACORN."

Limbaugh also suggested that racism itself was acceptable.

"If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable?" the talk show host asked. "I'm sorry - I mean, this is the way my mind works. But apparently now we don't choose racism, we just are racists. We are born that way. We don't choose it. So shouldn't it be acceptable, excuse - this is according to the way the left thinks about things."

This is disgusting. How do people still have respect for this man?
"This is Obama's America."

cause white kids didnt get beat up on buses before Obama was president?
its funny because anyone with a decent education can read what he said and know that he didnt say we need to segregate buses ... he said it in a sarcastic tonemocking the president ... he then went on to say obama wont be "up in arms" about this video because its black on white and not vice versa ...

This man is a SHOCK JOCK. You are supposed to think and feel the way you feel right now from the garbage this man spews. For him, ALL publicity is goodpublicity, and by bringing this up we are supporting him. Next time you hear a snippet, or click on something he said somewhere, their are advertisements viacommercial or via web, you are putting money into his pocket. (As indirect as it may seem)
Anybody else get scared by the fact that there's people out there listening to him and saying to themselves: "You know, this guy makes sense..."
That kid got beat up because he moved another student's book bag. Kids will be kids, it was a case of violence, not racism.

But sure Mr. Limbaugh, try and plead your case to re-open segregation and set our country back 100 years.
Funny, and I am not supporting the guy; BUT, that is not what I got out of that at all. But you quoting MediaMatters (source of the story) is just as funny asthose who listen to Rush. Even in their attempt to twist his words you can still see the sarcasm. But this is NT, so have at it.
I'm not surprised by this line of action from Rush because racists do what racists do, BE RACIST.. ...
Originally Posted by the coolness

Anybody else get scared by the fact that there's people out there listening to him and saying to themselves: "You know, this guy makes sense..."


Thats the saddest thing about the whole situation, some people take him seriously.

Man, talk about fanning the flames.

Anybody else feel a weird tension in the air?

Julius F. Wrek

I'd like to think some people think of him as a serious political reporter (whatever you want to call it)...

You would think he'd have enough sense to NOT bring something as big as segregation up.

I mean, I thought Howard Stern was the DJ that was using shock to gain listeners???

Did Rush just stoop to Howard's level?
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