SA Sneaks Up Softball Team

^^^Im down Manny, count me in. Will you be spearheading this campaign? By when would you need the money?
I'm in...

i say we should keep practicing to stay fresh. Lets start this monday...
Next Summer I propose a Sneaks Up bowling team or 2, not to hijack the thread, but it could be a lot of fun. And we could do it on a night that didnt interferewith the softball team.

Just a thought
OK here it is fellas.

Here is the list I have, if you know somebody isnt going to play, please let me know.

First thing is you have to pay to play. If you dont like it, I'm sorry.

I am trying to get a sponsor to help us out if not its the same price thats already been paid


Ucasta- Paid
Fred- Paid
'Mikey- Paid
Jai jai- Paid


These are the names I'm unsure about but I think they are down, if anybody can confirm please shoot me a text or reply in this thread

when i spoke to ant it was unclear, it seemed like he wanted to play but suggested on not paying

It came to my attention that people played this past season without paying and thats not going to fly this season.

So if i missed anything or you dont agree with something let me know. Im trying to be honest and fair
Im in too! for any league.....

I only want to play though if we have the core people that were there from the begining.....

I'm talking practices and everything.......Even though I had to leave in the last inning for the last game,

our team came a long way....Even with the lost, that was the most complete game (I think) we had all season.

Nobody be down on themselves, teams have been playing together from years, so dont be discouraged by any mishaps this season.

Take in all in stride and it was a learning exprience of us all.....

We all know were people are postion wise and were they are comfortable.....I say if we only spread out our batting rotation better we will be fine.

Season 2 The Redemption.......coming soon!
hey fellas, new season on the rise. lets start off on the right track.
practice today, monday, 8/11/08, 6/630ish.
st. mary's softball fields.
gotta pic up lil bro at 6 so ill be there around 630.
good practice last night. very productive...and tiring! lol
every1 agree on practicing again this wed. guessin 630?
i dont get off work till 7 so ill be there round 730.
Can't make it out 2night, leg is slowly healing and gotta watch the little one.
hey guys are we having a practice on monday? If so theres a possabilty I may have go to into work at 6:00pm, but wont know until tonight....keep me updated
i wanted to practice tonight too! my LAST game for my OTHER team this thrs.
If the weather and scheduling permit, would anyone be interested in going to the batting cages on Friday.
Okay guys, time to get back on our game.......We need a practice and the weather should allow it now...

Set up a time and Lets get to it!
I know people started school and are working. I propose practice this Friday at the usual place. Everybody let me know if you can or cant make it. Swing onthrough anytime joe
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