Sad what this World Has Come to : 19 Year old from DC Shot and killed for his Nike Sneakers

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Son. This has been going on since the 80's. Aint nuthin new B.
Coming in here to say the same exact thing. The world already came to this.
what this world has come to? this $**+ been happening for 3 decades now.... since the 80's
Originally Posted by NobleKane

what this world has come to? this $**+ been happening for 3 decades now.... since the 80's

but why yall acting like that crap is fine? Nobody done nothng to stop it. Organazation "SIN SHUN" will not allow this mess to continue
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

News is reporting No suspects arrested for this crime. Any of ya'll NT'ers who live in  D.C. just Be Safe and alert. Someone Dangerous still out there armed with a gun and can strike again ANYTIME.

ITs sad. Things like this makes me wanna cry. Like why? Just take the shoes and let the dude live. It pisses me off. I hope they find the killer. Mess makes me mad. I'm praying for the familys on both side. Somebody lost their child, a child lost his dad, just too manys L's. Sad man.

We need to make a stop the violence organization on sneakers.. Not sure if Meth would be up for it, but I'll do whatever possible to stop it. This killing and violence over Sneakers is becoming way too common. We need to do something about this. Niketalk and people involved in sneakers need to promote the end of this voilence for sneakers. We can get co signs from Nike and even known famous sneaker heads like Kanye or Wale. Lets make this happen. I'll talk to Meth to see if he is seriously intersted and we can open this foundation and get a real plan mapped out.
stop trollin. What the hell is that gonna do? You swear like a thug out of DC is gonna think twice about robbing/killing someone for their shoes because Yeezy or Wale said so. 
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Screw going after them, take all their loved ones out and make them suffer

You got it all wrong b. killing them would be as dumb as the kid getting killed for his Nikes. Thinking like that wont change a thing 
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

News is reporting No suspects arrested for this crime. Any of ya'll NT'ers who live in  D.C. just Be Safe and alert. Someone Dangerous still out there armed with a gun and can strike again ANYTIME.

ITs sad. Things like this makes me wanna cry. Like why? Just take the shoes and let the dude live. It pisses me off. I hope they find the killer. Mess makes me mad. I'm praying for the familys on both side. Somebody lost their child, a child lost his dad, just too manys L's. Sad man.

We need to make a stop the violence organization on sneakers.. Not sure if Meth would be up for it, but I'll do whatever possible to stop it. This killing and violence over Sneakers is becoming way too common. We need to do something about this. Niketalk and people involved in sneakers need to promote the end of this voilence for sneakers. We can get co signs from Nike and even known famous sneaker heads like Kanye or Wale. Lets make this happen. I'll talk to Meth to see if he is seriously intersted and we can open this foundation and get a real plan mapped out.
stop trollin. What the hell is that gonna do? You swear like a thug out of DC is gonna think twice about robbing/killing someone for their shoes because Yeezy or Wale said so. 

Did you grow up in the crack era? Rappers came together and made songs to promote stopping violence. It clearly worked because the crack era ended. I'm not saying i'm perfect, but don't diss an idea of peace. Anything is possible man. I truely wish this stuff would stop. Its guys with mindsets like yours that allows for behave like this to continue for decades. How is it trolling because I want violence to stop?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Not human. They're animals.
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by NobleKane

what this world has come to? this $**+ been happening for 3 decades now.... since the 80's

but why yall acting like that crap is fine? Nobody done nothng to stop it. Organazation "SIN SHUN" will not allow this mess to continue
its not fine but because one is a fan of sneakers people should pay special attention to crimes based on shoes? sorry to say this but ANYTHING of value that criminals can get their hands on will attract these types of people to do something violent.
Crime is crime. get involved with your community watch if you want to do something about CRIME as a whole.

if dude was flashin a rolex he probably would have had the same fate. these lowlifes want ANYTHING of value. 
You people talking like this is no big deal and just an every day occurrence need to wake the hell up. 

There is nothing normal or even moderately acceptable about this situation. NOTHING.

A human life was taken away from his children and family forever over some leather, rubber and glue. 


I swear,  some of you NTers are borderline sociopaths and don't even know it.

Some blame should go towards Nike/JB. People need to just recognize what they are all about and just drop them all together.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Ridiculous, have these dudes ever thought of pointing a gun and just asking for the shoes. If your sane you would easily hand the shoes over no questions asked.

This. They didn't even have to kill him. ^ That would have been enough
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral


/thread, and I'm not black, if it matters.

RIP to dude, all for some sneakers?

#$@*!*+ trying to get things the easy way, What's new?
Originally Posted by ricky409

real life...

does this happen in any other race/color?

I'm sure it does? Material objects are just amplified in the minority mindset
I would think this should fall under all kinds of robberies.. I'm sure people get killed over other meaningless material things
Originally Posted by ricky409

real life...

does this happen in any other race/color?

I'm sure it does? Material objects are just amplified in the minority mindset
I would think this should fall under all kinds of robberies.. I'm sure people get killed over other meaningless material things
thats why i beat up my kicks so it wont even be worth stealing but still have sentimental value to me
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