Sad what this World Has Come to : 19 Year old from DC Shot and killed for his Nike Sneakers

That one girl was right, you have all these clowns running about talking about they get money, money over everything, money this and money that but they would still take the time to rob someone of their gear.

I have no respect for people like that and just view them as bums. Robbing is never good but to rob and take someones life for trivial things that aren't even necessities? They aren't starving and robbing food/water, these dudes or killing people over sneakers. Not only animals but bums as well.
JD214 wrote:
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral


/thread, and I'm not black, if it matters.

RIP to dude, all for some sneakers?

#$@*!*+ trying to get things the easy way, What's new?

Grow a pair bro.. every opportunity you get to co-sign something like that, or speak negatively about black people, you take it. Did a black dude smash your sister or something? 
... and we know you're not black, it's evident by your posts.
id think a gun would be more expensive than a pair of shoes.

ugly things can happen in certain lifestyles/mentalities.

too bad they grow up into it and it aint as easy as telling them to get out. they wouldnt want to. even for the kid...getting a kid at 19 isnt so wise. theres so much life out of there.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

JD214 wrote:
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral


/thread, and I'm not black, if it matters.

RIP to dude, all for some sneakers?

#$@*!*+ trying to get things the easy way, What's new?
Grow a pair bro.. every opportunity you get to co-sign something like that, or speak negatively about black people, you take it. Did a black dude smash your sister or something? 
... and we know you're not black, it's evident by your posts.
Not to make this racial but if you aren't able to handle and accept the facts that this dude happened to be black who are we kidding.
Check out the thread in DC MD VA...I think it was a little more to it than just the shoes...and also dude was holding and was able to get a few shots off himself...

Either way it is a sad story.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

That one girl was right, you have all these clowns running about talking about they get money, money over everything, money this and money that but they would still take the time to rob someone of their gear.

I have no respect for people like that and just view them as bums. Robbing is never good but to rob and take someones life for trivial things that aren't even necessities? They aren't starving and robbing food/water, these dudes or killing people over sneakers. Not only animals but bums as well.
Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Son. This has been going on since the 80's. Aint nuthin new B. 

yep. RIP though....glad da blood gang frenzy died down years ago in NYC, or else those red foamposite penny kicks dropping next month would've been

a problem.
tim teufel wrote:
Not to make this racial but if you aren't able to handle and accept the facts that this dude happened to be black who are we kidding.

I don't live Cincinnati, but this article is interesting.  I'm neutral towards the actual statements and analyses of these individuals, but the numbers don't lie. 

"The vast majority of people being murdered are African American in the City of Cincinnati," said Hamilton County Prosecutor, Joe Deters. "The vast majority. Well outside the 40 percent of the population it should be. In 2009, the City of Cincinnati did not have a single white victim of a homicide. (That) tells me that we have a subset in the underclass of Cincinnati which is committing a lot of violent crime and they tend to be black. And the reality is, you almost always commit murder within your racial classifications. So when we've got a young black man up in the coroners office, it's almost always a result of another young black man shooting him."

That same year, 2009, no white men were killed but 44 black men were victims of homicide in Cincinnati as well as 11 black women. Prosecutor Deters says he doesn't know why there are so many homicides in the African American community in Cincinnati, but he can speculate.

"I'm not a sociologist," said Deters. "I don't know the answer to that. I do know that, in our juvenile system, when you go to juvenile prison, I have been told that over two thirds of those kids in juvenile prison were raised by their mothers only or their grandmothers only and they had no male authority figure in the household."

it's odd how they don't speak on other ethnicities, but maybe it'd be redundant to report insignificant figures.
the article goes more in depth on speculation of such causes as broken families and no father figure, but i figured that's too much to talk about.

i just wonder why dudes always talk about going raw when they're in no position to raise a child whether it be financially stable or mentally mature enough.  some of these dudes will never be ready to be father figures. [applies to all races]

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I really hope there was a long standing beef or something (not saying that makes it better)

But to think someone can literally take another man's life for $200 sneakers is really sad

que the "i don't want to live on this planet anymore" pic.  RIP to dude
People mugging other people for shoes is a fact, it happens and will continue to happen. But how can the news just say that this was because of the guy's apparel. What if there was other motives behind the story?

Yeah, they took his shoes and jacket...but, was it the killers' real intention to steal his shoes or was it already planned to have him kill? Or maybe this guy did something to the killers' that make them come after him. Or maybe they were coming for someone else and got confused with the victim as the target? I could go on and on...

The point is, the news puts a headline, give us a summary of the story, and most people are going to believe it. Remember, there are two sides to every story.
Originally Posted by CuteUglyhaha

What if there was other motives behind the story?

Yeah, they took his shoes and jacket...but, was it the killers' real intention to steal his shoes or was it already planned to have him kill? Or maybe this guy did something to the killers' that make them come after him. Or maybe they were coming for someone else and got confused with the victim as the target? I could go on and on...

That may just be the break the police needed.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

tim teufel wrote:
Not to make this racial but if you aren't able to handle and accept the facts that this dude happened to be black who are we kidding.

I don't live Cincinnati, but this article is interesting.  I'm neutral towards the actual statements and analyses of these individuals, but the numbers don't lie. 

"The vast majority of people being murdered are African American in the City of Cincinnati," said Hamilton County Prosecutor, Joe Deters. "The vast majority. Well outside the 40 percent of the population it should be. In 2009, the City of Cincinnati did not have a single white victim of a homicide. (That) tells me that we have a subset in the underclass of Cincinnati which is committing a lot of violent crime and they tend to be black. And the reality is, you almost always commit murder within your racial classifications. So when we've got a young black man up in the coroners office, it's almost always a result of another young black man shooting him."

That same year, 2009, no white men were killed but 44 black men were victims of homicide in Cincinnati as well as 11 black women. Prosecutor Deters says he doesn't know why there are so many homicides in the African American community in Cincinnati, but he can speculate.

"I'm not a sociologist," said Deters. "I don't know the answer to that. I do know that, in our juvenile system, when you go to juvenile prison, I have been told that over two thirds of those kids in juvenile prison were raised by their mothers only or their grandmothers only and they had no male authority figure in the household."

it's odd how they don't speak on other ethnicities, but maybe it'd be redundant to report insignificant figures.
the article goes more in depth on speculation of such causes as broken families and no father figure, but i figured that's too much to talk about.

i just wonder why dudes always talk about going raw when they're in no position to raise a child whether it be financially stable or mentally mature enough.  some of these dudes will never be ready to be father figures. [applies to all races]

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well its pretty much known that most black crime is against other black people. For the simple fact that in alot of areas, you wont find a diverse selection of people. If white people lived hand in hand with black people in the "hood" then you'd see more crime against other races.   
Originally Posted by CuteUglyhaha

Yeah, they took his shoes and jacket...but, was it the killers' real intention to steal his shoes or was it already planned to have him kill? Or maybe this guy did something to the killers' that make them come after him. Or maybe they were coming for someone else and got confused with the victim as the target? I could go on and on...

The point is, the news puts a headline, give us a summary of the story, and most people are going to believe it. Remember, there are two sides to every story.

Exactly.  Also, folks have to realize that this storyline of this kid being shot and killed soley for his shoes plays right into the story a few weeks ago from the Concord madness and everything that came from that.  The news showed clips of kids getting trampled and such trying to get those shoes and with that story still fresh on peoples mind now a few weeks later they highlight this story of a kid getting killed for another pair of Nikes.  A killing did occur this time around, but I highly doubt it was for certain over these shoes. 

^^ I was waiting on someone to say something about KAYLA:pimp:

These kids got it all wrong...everything is just steal, kill, take...the morons think a fight is the only way to handle things. It makes it even worse when they go after kids that do know right from wrong and aren't accustomed to the ways of the jungle.

I don't know jack about the victim, but I do know now there is one more child coming into the world without a father. The cycle just continues on and on.

I'm moving to the burbs ASAP.
Amazed at the denial in this thread like yall really didn't know the dude would be black, even before the wshh logo loaded. And I believe the shoes to have been the motive. They killed him and took them so it is not an illogical jump to conclusion or some media conspiracy against black folk
leave it to hazee to write his usual simpy flowery prose.

why don't you try to adopt his kid? you wanted to marry that girl that got aced by the subway, this is your time to put up.
So the dude got shot and killed and then they took his shoes? Or they made dude take his shoes off and he refused and then they shot him? Something isn't adding up
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

if someone wants my shoes and has a gun, the shoes are coming off quickly.

i definitely understand where you're coming from, the only reason i differ in thought (but truly won't know unless it ever happens, which i pray not) is that in my culture (jamaican) people will take your stuff and still shoot you so i kind of have a "i'ma die for mines" mentality.

and maybe i'm contradicting myself, but i am sensible and realize shoes are worth my life though. RIP to the man who was killed. Makes me really sad to hear something like this and especially because i live in the area 

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