Saddest Day Ever....

Sep 4, 2005
My dog is getting put to sleep today. Knew her since I was real young and is breaking my heart because she is suffering just crying the whole night. R.I.P tomy first doggie =[
That's pretty rough.

Friend of mine had to do that to his 17 year old dog recently - older than his kids. She'd been pretty unwell but it's still hard to deal with.
I lost my dog the day he ate up my moms couch....dropped him off at the Humane Society....I still believe he got adopted! yup, he got adopted to a nice lovingfamily!
My dog from my childhood died a few years ago. It killed me, my mother more, though. He was almost as old as me. He was really weak for a while andcouldn't jump up to the chair anymore even. It was sad. We sat around him in his last moments - he died pretty quickly. I always miss the pets, but my momwould always get really attached to them because I'd always be at work or school - seeing her cry was the worst part.
I think whats worse is when its unexpected. 2 months ago my 1 year old german shepard got hit by a car, rushed him to the vet that night, put him to sleep thenext day after evaluating every option we decided it was the best for him. He had a fractured hip and after surgury he just wouldnt be the same energetic,playful dog that he was. Hearing my mom cry over the phone was probably the worse part because we got him when he was 6 weeks and she was so attached. Thebest dog ever... RIP Rocky
Same thing happened to me on Christmas eve. Teddy was 17 years old. Dude couldn't even get up anymore. Even put up a fight at the vet.
My deepest sympathy. Real Talk
That's tough. RIP to your dog fam. I dread the day that happens to my Deja.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by yungmatt

I know the feeling

Lost two dogs that way.

But it's better than finding your dog dead in the backyard.
.....Or $%!%+$$ up your week and traumatizing you at a young age because your pops found your dog dead in the backyard and threw him away. Nowyou're outside at high noon in June, playing 3 on 3 in the driveway, and something is smelling like zombie breath.You !%%+ around and chase a loose ball to the dumpster and find Chip in that *#% all rigor mortissy and @#**

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