Saints Suspension handed down Vilma out the entire season

Originally Posted by Peep Game

So I'm guessing Roman Harper sucks too much to get any penalty?


* pun intended *


With the way the NFL and Roger have vilified Greg Williams, I am surprised that these player suspensions were for so long.  With the NFL has made Williams out to be this monster, the mastermind behind this whole bountygate thing, it makes no sense to be handing out such lengthy suspensions to players.  I think this fact will make the players have an easier time getting the suspensions reduced if these decisions are brought to court (especially Vilma's).
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11


Was expecting 6-8 MAX for any of these guys... yikes.


And the Donte Stallworth case has no relevance to the bounty scandal so I don't know why it was even brought up.
It don't matter. It was an institutional problem

It's as if a professor advocated gambling and you suspend the student for a year for gambling in class
Originally Posted by DubA169

This is disgusting

It's like penalizing soldiers followed orders.
when one of the "soliders" is contributing to the pool of's more than just following orders
Yeah that's why the gambling comparison is better

I mean a year? That's just ridiculous
no doubt a year is EXTREMELY STEEP. if anything though, it's setting an example to make sure it doesn't happen again. as much as people hate goodell...he's got a tough job. it's not easy dealing with +#%% like this. and it seems like EVERY few months there something for him to deal with.
Its not steep if Vilma had just as much to do with it then the coaches, alleged to be enforcing it as well, leading the way and contributing large sums of money.

This cannot be a slap on the wrist if this is something you don't want done every again.
Originally Posted by DubA169

This is disgusting

It's like penalizing soldiers followed orders.
Really? Because someone told Vilma to offer a bounty on Favre and likely others?

People really crying about this? If I did this to someone else, it would be a felony.
It's about personal responsibility. And the "soldier" analogy is not a good one because military personnel are in life-threatening situations. This is football.
And David Hawthorne....Saints will be fine. Fujita/Hargrove don't even play for them anymore
Roger is lame, but I don't have a problem with this....Think about it. Really think about what went on.

By the way...Favre is a warrior, man. No doubt.
^^Yea, going back to see how much him and Kurt Warner got beat up is crazy. Every single hit they took was vicious.
I don't know all the details, but the suspensions seem excessive. Can't believe I just said that.
when you think of this bounty crap in conjunction with what just happened to seau (not saying the two are directly related, obviously) just makes it tough to feel bad for those involved. injuries and concussions are a part of the game, but going out of your way to create them for financial gain is terrible. again, not saying seau's suicide was a result of concussions, but if there is ANY connection whatsoever, then this looks 1000 times worse...
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