San Antonio NT's Come in...

Im calling ducktales on the new pickup, I dont see a supreme sticker anywhere

I can take a 6ft table
I got the chairs on lock... I think I got 10 in the garage. Oh and CASPER pic's or Ductales....I need tagged pics of the newest pick-up.
Aaron, nice pick up on the Flights...

Newest pick ups... Homestead Grays UTTs...

I had these when I was a kid...

And just finished Jai Jai's painting...
As for the white elephant gift exchange...Lets do a $30 limit...
Or we could do it with gag-gifts...
The white elephant game played with gag-gifts, is played the same way except you bring an informal term for a practical joke device, comedic present, something you wouldn't want to be caught dead with or something that would just keep people rolling with laughter after unwrapping. It could be something you like or something that would just tick someone off...

This Sunday, the 21st, at 7pm, we will be having a nice Christmas dinner at Iggy's house...
(Iggy sent out the address, if you did not get the memo, let us know)

I will update it regularly until Sunday...

Lets bring less pies and more sides this time. We ended up with a lot of leftover pies and needed more mac n' cheese and casseroles and stuff...

Joesuf -
Jai Jai -
Jake - Some beer and dinner rolls and gravy...
Mikey -
Edmund -
Norm -
Ignacio - Pumpkin roll (Dessert)
Fred -
Ronnie - Chopped liver... I mean mashed potatoes and Heinekens!!!

David - Sodas and Water and a card table and 4 chairs
Manny - 6ft table
Damien - The world famous mac n cheese!!!!
Aaron - Forks, Knives, Spoons, Plates
Billy - Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad... (Can we assume the same thing Billy?)
Gabe - Green Bean Casserole
Shawn -
Art - Not gonna make it...
Casper - Soda Ice and Beer
Aris -
Mike -
Omar/Erica - Potstickers aka Gyoza
Matt - Not gonna make it....

Tamales, Queso, Turkey, Stuffing, Big Red????
ive had a couple ppl call me , (besides omar) couple flakes tooo
i had some chick tx me about it too
aNd sHe wAss tXtN mE lIkE tHiS i wAs lIkE ++#??
ppl offered 75-300 so we'll see whutp...

and of to the valley i go.
(hopefully) see yall on sunday
hey somebody hit me with the address?! I have to work promoting Golds Gym at the MMA fight at Cowboys' (YES that cowboys n NO there won't be any rodeohappening that night) but imma try n leave there around 9 r 10 just to catch up with the guys i met b4 and meet those that i havent. Of course the food willbe gone but i'll bring some non-alcoholic beer n pretzels. . . . lol
never got the memo? but gotta company xmas dinner/party at 7.
gonna be late. sum1 txt me info plz? or am i left out.
see yall sunday....maybe.
Sorry guys I wont be able to attend. I go into work at 9pm on Sundays....This Sunday unfortunate is no different.

Somebodys got to make hot cheetos, and drive San Antonio's Obesity Rate even higher!

Let you all know if anything new changes. Iggy thanks for the PM, ill text back my info too ya!

Fred, hit me up, want to see what your dumping at Houston
*** also anyone getting the 11/12 pack Saturday, sneaker note since we hardly talk about sneaks anymore
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