San Antonio NT's Come in...

LOL at Gabe and Taco Sunday...


REMEMBER YOU GAG GIFT FOR WHITE ELEPHANT... Pretty much you can bring what ever you want...

The white elephant game played with gag-gifts, is played the same way except you bring an informal term for a practical joke device, comedic present, something you wouldn't want to be caught dead with or something that would just keep people rolling with laughter after unwrapping. It could be something you like or something that would just tick someone off...

This Sunday, the 21st, at 7pm, we will be having a nice Christmas dinner at Iggy's house...
(Iggy sent out the address, if you did not get the memo, let us know)

Lets bring less pies and more sides this time. We ended up with a lot of leftover pies and needed more mac n' cheese and casseroles and stuff...

Joesuf - Couple dozen Tamales
Jai Jai - Chairs
Jake - Some beer and dinner rolls and gravy and Tamales
Edmund - pending...
Norm - pending...
Ignacio - Pumpkin roll (Dessert) 2 dozen Tamales.. PM how much cash to bring you...
Ronnie - Chopped liver... I mean mashed potatoes and Heinekens!!!

David - Sodas and Water and a card table and 4 chairs
Manny - 6ft table
Damien - The world famous mac n cheese or bust... Not gonna make it...
Aaron - Forks, Knives, Spoons, Plates
Billy - Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad...
Gabe - Green Bean Casserole
Shawn - Mac n Cheese...
Casper - Soda Ice and Beer
Aris - possibility... PMed the address...
Omar/Erica - Potstickers aka Gyoza

Alright I have 4 dozen tamales in hand.

Remember to bring your PS3, XBOX 360 or Wii games and controllers if you feel like playing some games. I currently only have Gears of War 2 (1 controller) andMario Galaxy (1 controller).
^^ I can bring a few guitars and Guitar Hero World tour, (sorry no drums or mic). Also for the gag gift exchange, do we need to mark who it is from?


Today at 7pm, we will be having a nice Christmas dinner at Iggy's house...
(Iggy sent out the address, if you did not get the memo, let us know)

Joesuf - Couple dozen Tamales or Queso
Jai Jai - Chairs
Jake - Some beer and dinner rolls and gravy and Tamales and Stuffing
Ignacio - Pumpkin roll (Dessert) 2 dozen Tamales.. PM how much cash to bring you...
Ronnie - Chopped liver... I mean mashed potatoes and Heinekens!!!

David - Sodas and Water and a card table and 4 chairs
Manny - 6ft table
Aaron - Forks, Knives, Spoons, Plates
Billy - Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad...
Gabe - Green Bean Casserole
Shawn - 12lb Turkey
Casper - Soda Ice and Beer
Aris - possibility... PMed the address...
Omar/Erica - Potstickers aka Gyoza
Damn good lookin' out on the turkey! Anyway, Erica's cooking our stuff then we're gonna head out and scoop her son up and then we'll be there.Probably some time between 7 and 8... See y'all there!
Everyone thanks for coming out to the house for the party. Lydiette and I really appreciate that you guys stayed and helped clean up. Next time there's afight, superbowl, etc. we can meet up here. Who knows? This will give me a reason to get the cable hooked up in the media room. It was good seeing everyone andI hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

I'll see some of you on Sunday. If we are going to caravan we need a time and meeting place before heading out.
by the time we found out we were'nt working the promo at Cowboy's i noticed i dont have the addy in my inbox?????? no luv 4 the newbie???? harsh lolall is well tho hope u guys had a good one.
by the time we found out we were'nt working the promo at Cowboy's i noticed i dont have the addy in my inbox?????? no luv 4 the newbie???? harsh lolall is well tho hope u guys had a good one.
by the time we found out we were'nt working the promo at Cowboy's i noticed i dont have the addy in my inbox?????? no luv 4 the newbie???? harsh lolall is well tho hope u guys had a good one.
by the time we found out we were'nt working the promo at Cowboy's i noticed i dont have the addy in my inbox?????? no luv 4 the newbie???? harsh lolall is well tho hope u guys had a good one.
by the time we found out we were'nt working the promo at Cowboy's i noticed i dont have the addy in my inbox?????? no luv 4 the newbie???? harsh lolall is well tho hope u guys had a good one.
by the time we found out we were'nt working the promo at Cowboy's i noticed i dont have the addy in my inbox?????? no luv 4 the newbie???? harsh lolall is well tho hope u guess had a good one.
Sorry man. You should have PMd one of us for the address. We would've passed it along. There will be other get togethers.
Originally Posted by iborroel

Sorry man. You should have PMd one of us for the address. We would've passed it along. There will be other get togethers.

no biggie hey can i erase that? my comp froze and when i restarted it i saw all those extra post? sorry guys
Good to see yall Sat morning. Wish there was pics!!! Especially of David waving his flag to git them fools to do a semi run. Look like they where waiting forpermission from him to go to the store. Good laughs at the breakky kept me going through the day.
Originally Posted by SRod336

Originally Posted by iborroel

Sorry man. You should have PMd one of us for the address. We would've passed it along. There will be other get togethers.

no biggie hey can i erase that? my comp froze and when i restarted it i saw all those extra post? sorry guys
Nah can't delete them. I'm sure it wasn't your comp that froze and it was this POS forum server NT uses. Just ease off the postbutton, hit it once and it'll register in time if it takes awhile.
Originally Posted by SRod336

Originally Posted by iborroel

Sorry man. You should have PMd one of us for the address. We would've passed it along. There will be other get togethers.

no biggie hey can i erase that? my comp froze and when i restarted it i saw all those extra post? sorry guys
We should just call you "SRod235" instead of 336 cuz you ran pg 235 my friend... Yeah though but what Omar said, just hit it once andlet it do its thing... The server just gets overloaded sometimes I think... Also, if you cant get a response from someone, just message one of us... I thinkeveryone probably just thought that someone else was gonna send you the address so no one sent anything lol... Sorry man... Next time...

As for the Christmas shin dig.... It was nice. Thanks to Ignacio for the hospitality. We had a some great food, good car bombs and some even better laughs!!!

Cant wait for the Houston trip, I oddly enough have never even been to Houston so its gonna be fun!!! Chime in..(Aaron)"Kill yourself!"(Aaron)

Iggy - I am still smad about those Atlantic Penny 2s!!!!! My grail right there!!!

Pictures will be posted as soon as I regain control in my fingers from that darn shocking camera!!!! P.S. I am saving the gum for HOUSTON!!!!!
sorry i missed it tonight guys,
been busy, got in round 1am form the valley had a good weekend, busy,
but a good one,
and of course what wouldnt be a trip without the official pic

hadnt posted these since my other laptop crashed, so here some pics form the last gathering
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