San Antonio NT's Come in...

Big Up's to Ignacio for letting us use your house for the "Sneak's Up Christmas Extravaganza". For those of you riding with me to the HoustonSummit, I should have confirmation on my brothers Explorer by tomorrow. I will let you all know if plans change. I guess we should establish at set meetingpoint and time for our departure on Sunday. I say we leave around 8:30-9:00am on Sunday at any location off of I-10, feel free to make suggestions.
the laredo trip is still on the works, still need to talk to some ppl, no worries ill let you know.
i might be leaving to htown a day early if this dj gig can come thru, or if any of the htown lurkers knows of anyone/anywhere that needs a dj for the 27,
who plays EVERYTHING (hiphop, house, mashups, 80s, 90s, cumbias, colombianas, freestyle, booty) all depends on the situation n the club,
if not im taing my car as well, but im staying for a couple days so it would be a ride up only,
and i will be djing today at metro park, which is right next to the urban outfitters at the new part of la cantera,
might be there tomorrow and thurs as well,
hey anybody that wants to go to H-TOWN i have two spots in my vibe (4 cylnder car) so far me ,david and maybe josh
Oh yeah... I almost forgot!!!

Nice Aaron!!!

Big thanks to Ignacio for hosting the Christmas shindig. You and Lydiette have a great collection. OG Taxis, OG 95s, 94s, consortiums =
Good stuff.
I have an extra seat in the Saturn, Megan has to work, so she will not be going.

Gabe, you and K are still going with me?
fred i dont know-they are not my favorite colorway-but something about them just really grab me...other than those the only ones I really want after that arethe Home PE's and the LA graffiti's and i think i'm done with my Lebron VI jones after that. Oh and i've been looking for those Lebron WorldTour shirts like crazy but no luck.
if i end up going to htown on sat n get ther eaaaaarly ima try to cop one of these at pg.
yall know ima huuuge bun b fan
If you guys feel up to it... We could all meet at my apartment complex (the place where the Thanksgiving feast was if you don't remember)...

Just throwing that out there...
We should really meet somewhere along the way to Houston. Either at Jais house or somewhere off 90 (Foster Rd.) maybe...Just being practical
Gotta watch the truck stops... Especially at nite... We sure we want to leave vehicles there?

That's why we could leave the vehicles at the apartment...

Edit: Who is driving? And who all is going?
The Flying J off of Foster works since it's on the way. I don't think individuals are leaving any cars there. I am assumming everyone will be ready togo by the time we meet at the Flying J.
Originally Posted by iborroel

The Flying J off of Foster works since it's on the way. I don't think individuals are leaving any cars there. I am assumming everyone will be ready to go by the time we meet at the Flying J.
beat me to it, thanks iggy. Thats the way we usually do it: you leave your car at the drivers house. We then meet up as a group at the designatedplace/time so we can take off together.
I am driving, and could I meet you guys at the Dairy Queen in Seguin?

Its WAY easier for me to just take hwy 46 and cut across. If anyone is riding with me (I have 3 seats available) I can PM directions to my casa.
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