San Antonio NT's Come in...

im taking my car,

i have 3 spots, the catch is that im staying in htown, so its only a ride there ,

so whoever wants to ride with me let me know,

ima be at jai early so ya,

dunno if i mentioned it before but im bringing dooms/trickstar blazers/ fujirods/lobsters to sell, pretty much all my impulse purchases
Y'all drive safely to h-town. Ucasta- i want to see video or pics wishing happy x-mas from t21d
Yo what up SA town NTers. So ... I will be moving down there mid April time frame (just in time for Fiesta) I only know of one NTer down there (Ca5perrr) who Iknow from the AF not necessarily know but we've seen each other and were in San Angelo
at the same time. But y'all seem like a close knit group andI'm down to do some things (when I'm not too involved with the family life) I'm pretty familiar with the area and it's my wife's hometown.Planning on getting a house out near Sea World somewhere. But I'm looking forward to it.
AJ fanatic - Welcome to SA sneaks up! you'll be here just in time for Sneaks Up 3.

I also stay out by sea world as well.

Ari- pics and L's coming soon!
Thanks guys! April will be here before I know it. I guess Sneaks Up is a summit or something comparable. I'm down though. Not sure if I have any exclusivesto show but I would show up. I'm in the UK now so getting some sunshine will be great of course until I'm tired of the heat. But again def. lookingforward to it.
I'll be headin to L.A. in January for a couple of days. What's the 411 on what to see and what to skip? It can be shoe spots, restaurants, sights, etc.Thanks.
whutp AJfanatic, let me know when you get down here, finally got out waiting for this job at securityhill, just chillin djing right now, get at me when u getdown here,

nicepics. from sunday

goodtime at the summit, W's and L's all around,

if u cant see by the pics, alot of hustlin was done by yours truly, and everyone else at the table

but where the fukccc was the kid who wanted a pair of dooms for $$400 this time around, smh,

ima be here til the 2nd maybe, well see, got the away jersey on,

retro go kill yourself for not going to the summit in YOUR OWN CITY

yall let me know whutp for mark, if its some kind of bbq ill provide the music, dunno if ima be djing the first weekend of the new yr if not ill let yall know.

in sneaker news, "nice pic ty", the more i see the lebrons sixes the more i likem, specially theeeeese mfukers

Thanks again to everyone that made the trip!
It wouldn't be the same with out y'all.
I'm glad everyone had a good time.
I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Again thanks for all the welcomes. Ya'll trynna pull me back into collecting. I really got out of it. In fact the last few pairs of J's I bought werethe blk/red XX3s and X/XIII pack. I just haven't been too impressed lately. As far as dunks ... never really got into those. I am gonna cop the purplefoams for sure though.

And Ca5perrr I will hit you up when I get in. I found out that I will be working in CT or that's where they are trynna put me anyways.

Do any of you guys ball (hoop) out there?
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