San Diego best bets for the White Cement IV's?

Apr 13, 2007
Went to Plaza Bonita for the Concord XI release and got skunked (was in line at 2:45 a.m.).  Don't want that to happen again for the IV's in the event I can't get them online.  I thought Plaza Bonita would give me the greatest chance, as they have like 6 stores that sell Jordan retros, but no luck.  For anyone with knowledge, should I give Plaza Bonita another shot because they have the most stores, or is there another spot that most people don't know about where I might get luckier?  Any info. wold be helpful, I have no special connects, I know no one that works in a shoe store.  I'm just a regular guy who wants a pair of these shoes.  Distance isn't really an issue either, anywhere in SD with the best shot of scoring them will do. 
What do you guys think?  Thanks in advance.
Nike has no love for SD. I'm try horton but keep in mind fashion gets the most pairs. Forget plaza, pure mayhem there.
one of my boy's is trying to get a pair as well. he went to plaza bonita and they told him that they're trying to avoid all the craziness from previous releases. he told me that they plan on handing out tickets on the night before, i can't remember what time or how it will work with the different stores. once people get their tickets, they have to come back the morning of release, i think he said about 6 am. people with tickets get priority and those who have tickets but don't show up just lost their spot to the next person in line. just going off of what i was told
Thanks for the info everybody, appreciate the help. I finally got through to Finish Line at Plaza Bonita and dude said they're passing out tickets at 8:00 tonight (2/17), and he recommended I get down there now because there are already a few people in line. Don't really want to try the ticket thing at 8 when I need to be online at 9. I'm not too confident about my prospects online but I'm even less confident in the ticket thing if people are already there and I don't get off work until 6. Then a drive into Chula Vista with Friday traffic won't get me there until 6:45 or so.

Any other ideas form San Diego folks? I'm at a total loss here. 
I'm right by plaza and I'm not even bothering with them. The workers always BS'in and saying oh we open at 4, 7, 8, and 10. Fools even had the audacity to say ppl are already lined up
^ I don't know man, someone posted a pic in the official IV thread of about 7 or 8 people lined up outside Plaza. And that was about 4 or 5 hours ago. I agree though, those Plaza employees just don't get it. Security guards there are something else too!
People were camping out at blends last night! I was like damn this is nuts. Online was a complete disaster as well. Might as well retire from this +$*.
Originally Posted by Skratch84

People were camping out at blends last night! I was like damn this is nuts. Online was a complete disaster as well. Might as well retire from this +$*.

I feel your pain bro. I guess the Concord release killed the shoe game. This release was worse than that release or any release I've been a part of. I failed miserably. I only wanted 3 pairs this year and it looks like I have to pay stupid reseller prices. 
OP ... did you get your pairs?

I did.  Struck out online as expected (you've all heard the horror stories), so took the 901 into downtown at about 8:00 to give The Attic a shot.  Wasn't too hopeful, but there were only 17 people in line.  Asked if anyone was looking for a 13 and they all said no, so I stuck around.  Even if they only had one size 13 it looked like I would get it.  Sure enough, I got the only 13 and THE LAST PAIR the store had.  Thanks to all of you who responded.  You know who you are.

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