Saran Wrap on Jordan 11?

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Tell him that he shouldn't have wrapped them or any other sneaker in plastic wrap in the first place, it's a horrible idea. If his goal was avoid oxidation, it doesn't look like he succeeded. His best bet is using warm water and a gentle brush to scrub it off or a Magic Eraser.
When you wrap in plastic you still have to let the rest of the shoe breathe you can't total seal the shoe off from air the leather needs here so it doesn't get stiff and crack
Hey, what's going on everyone. So my friend has a pair of Concord 11's that he wrapped in Saran Wrap. He took it off but there's still some on the toe box. Any way to remove this? I'm trying to buy them but that's getting in the way, thanks.
set them on fire.
Heat the residue with a blow dryer should come right off. Could use a heat gun will be faster but could also ruin the shoes if not careful
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