Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

simple minded people should not see this movie, a female friend of mine just came out of it and said "the movie was good but the ending ruined it"

I said you dont know what your talking about and shut the phone on her

lol its not that serious bro...

lol. im goin to see this tomorrow. but this comment was just too funny
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I'm inclined to believe that he was, in fact, sane. How would he have known about the experiments? Why would they have a fence around a lifeless lighthouse? His flashbacks of his wife do, however, show her bleeding and dripping in water way before it's revealed that she had killed her kids in the river and shot her, or atleast before his flashback had begun. He was the perfect candidtate to be one of the "ghosts", not only was he military trained, but he also had two huge trama's in his life that could led a person to shutter island. the conversation he had with the dude in the jail cell that he supposedly beat up, he was talking about the experiments also. The mark of sanity is making rationale decisions, in even an seemingly unreasonable world. The old adage is "Just becasue your paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you", the fact that throughout the movie he had been acting very reasonable for the situation.
but the role he had taken as Teddy was that of a sane man (this being if he was actually andrew).  

  superantigens trying way too hard....can't blame you though, it's a thought provoking story. great movie
great movie. i love that last line in the end.
but what if he was actually sane the whole time and then they convince him that he was crazy all along, and then go right back to their nazi/zombie experiments, that ending would've been hilarious.
went to see this last night at the theater..
(just finished it at home with a stream)

dont ask

but it was a sick movie.. Deff will watch again on dvd to catch all the little things i didnt the first time
Definitely going to go see it again. No way you can take it all in with one viewing.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

maybe SuperAntigen is posting FROM shutterisland??? Think about it... Super Antigen = Pat Gensinuern psychotic patient #67?

I'm a little late but seen it today and I think this film could go 50/50 either way.
Amazing film though.

This was a good movie. Coming out of the theater, I was thinking he was sane and my girl was saying leo was always insane.

After disscussing it with my girl on the way home and reading some of your guys post I'm kinda leaning towards insane.

When this movie was talking about nazi scientist and how they would experiment on people. It reminded me of "project paperclip". That after WWII, nazi scientist were bought to the U.S. to continue on certain projects. And also on the montauk project when they talk about bout drugging the people and brainwashing them.

When they first arrive at the island and went through the gates, it seem as if the audience was going through those gates and I was thinking, oh no this film is going to mess with our brains. But it didnt. Well it kinda did. 

One question, why did that lady at the beginning, the one with no hair, gave the shush sign and then she smiled. That was kinda funny. But the way the doctor were playing it seem as if they were trying to convince leo that he was crazy(in the lighthouse scene). But they were telling him his real reality.

I want to see it again and pay close attention to when he was talking to that nazi doc when they were listening to classical music.   
Hey fellas,  what the symbolism of the rats, smoke(someone was talking about it here), and the fire? 
Just saw this tonight after eating a couple special of the best suspense films I've seen in a long time.
I originally thought he was sane, but after seeing it a second time I feel he was insane.

When they say they found Rachel Solando and he is talking to her, telling her to tell him what she did....

She goes "Then I went for a swim in the lake" And put a rather large emphasis on this... and then he looked choked up after hearing that
just saw it. great movie, but the book is better. granted they had to leave out some stuff or else the movie was going to be hours long.. but i think they left out too many key parts that would make people understand the movie better. i dont understand why they added the part where teddy walks with the warden and the orderlies. book ends where chuck and teddy are talking on the stairs.
Pretty good movie, I thought. Spoilers probably.

But I definitely agree that the he was definitely crazy. For a second I thought he wasn't, but after thinking about everything again, it's clear that he is crazy.
In fact, I would like to point out the part where he is interviewing the Axe lady and she tells him to run. She knows he is a patient there at Shutter Island and that he is getting a chance to role play, etc. etc. She tells him to run because this would be his only chance in getting off of the island (if it were going to be possible for him to get off anyways, this would be it) so that he could just get out of there - I mean nobody wants to be inside an asylum of any sort. Wanting to escape is natural, she was telling him to just get out of there.

Also, his flashbacks with his wife where she is saying 'Teddy, this is going to ruin you' or whatever, it's true. It ruined Teddy because Teddy never existed and he was coming to a realization with everything said by the doctor.

Great movie in my opinion, you just gotta think a lot.

I also want to note that he is indeed crazy just by how everyone interacts with him. I forgot which patient it was, but whoever he was interviewing said that "everybody knew about it" and they were all in on it, it being the role play. So yeah, they all knew what was going on and they were all playing along with it. Also, if he was in fact sane, then Rachel Solando, the woman he met in the cave, would have been real as well - however the doctors don't go try looking for her or anything, they just ignore his report of her location because she isn't real. Which makes sense when she says that she is moving locations so that she will not be caught - she can't be caught because she doesn't exist.

And didn't he only get down there because he saw Chuck's body down there, thinking that he fell and died? Yeah, dude was crazy.
Saw this twice, best movie I have seen in a while. Went with shorty and she said it was stupid, I gave her the
 Definitely not for the simple minded as someone said a few pages back.

Rayray yourcliffnotes are on point, great observation of all the points in the movie
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Spoiler [+]
After looking at both sides, I'd have to say he was not crazy. I think from the begining, when Leo was missing his cigarettes, it was so he could get drugged. Then the same later on, when they were "wet". I think he was being drugged for awhile...

Then the drugs he's taking throughout the whole movie...

I think the convo he had the the Rachel in the cave & the guy in the cell was true too.

Then "RUN" when his "partner" only left...

To many clues to name.

Then the ending, I think the quote meant that he could live a monster (believing & accepting what they are telling him) or die a hero (accepting his death & staying true to what he believes in).

Honestly, I see both sides to the story (if he's insane or sane). That's what irks me
But I think the fact he's sane outweighs that he's insane.
this. You know the movie was good when people are interpeting that quote differently....the quote really seperates what side ur on and its an excellent final scene of to the movie.

Not better than The Departed n my boys was just talkin about this the the other day
Just watched it. Great movie. I gotta watch it again to catch all of the things that I didnt catch the first time through.

Honestly, shame on those who say this is better than "The Departed." No matter how you viewed the ending (crazy, not crazy), it was kind of a bust. Sure, it was well acted, moderately suspenseful, had some "thinking" to do after you saw it... but think about what you're saying. The Departed was one of the best crime dramas/thrillers of our generation.

Shutter Island? Really? Wait 3 years and tell me you honestly feel the same way about it.

For anyone knows what this means, the R5 or something that looks like one is floating around and legit.
Haven't gone through the whole post yet. Can anyone explain to me why he was on the boat in the beginning then?
Just watched it last night. Really good movie. It was pretty slow in the beginning though. I had a feeling from the start that both leo and chuck were patients. What made me think it was the fact that all the security guards were cautious looking like if they were nervous about the two of them when they first arrived. I def didnt think chuck was the doctor though.
Originally Posted by krazyl3gz

Haven't gone through the whole post yet. Can anyone explain to me why he was on the boat in the beginning then?
1. that's how he got there if he was sane
2. it fit into Teddy's reality that he was arriving from somewhere outside of the island and had never been to shutter island before (if he was insane)

Originally Posted by Noskey

For anyone knows what this means, the R5 or something that looks like one is floating around and legit.
R5 has the video quality of a dvdrip, but the audio is from the theatre (cam)

Side note, I still think he was crazy.
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