Saying Goodbye, My Humble Collection (Part 1)

Nooooooo, I 'just' left you the throne in Queens and you stepping away from it already? was a good run'

man....i'm always interested and amazed at what people have that don't post!
that is just insane!

definitely recognize the screenname... always associated it with tons of heat.

can't wait to see the rest.

I've always enjoyed (and been quite envious of) your ATC collection. Sucks to see you "retire", butspeaking from experience I suppose it's inevitable for us all sooner or later. Hope to see the rest of your collection sometime. Be easy

Sorry to see you go, im sure its not all for good, i thought that as well but some how you get called back, anyhow your agassi collection is very muchrespected
Man, that is one complete looking collection. My screen is in flames. lol. I wish I had a pair of the lwp's. Especially the white pair. Still wearable impretty sure.
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