**********************Scammer Alert************************ @badboyd21 legit scammer

Fuggit goes John Kreese No Mercy:6800?!?!?!?! Face to face?!?!?!?! Is this a new record in scams? Has anyone ever been tricked out this hard? I hope all scammers do get hit with karma too tho. Even when scamming a resellers, but dang op, you look like Cole from Martin right about now.
Seems to me op reaped what he sowed. Resellers are ripping us off all the time..
IDK what threads on NT are funnier, scam threads or photoshop threads.

Giving some random person $6,800 for nothing in return :smh: :rofl:

That's a big L and I ain't talking 'bout Cool J
Unless you're suwoopin like BoldBity y'all wylin about fragment 1's.

Shoes are dope. Not $800+ dope but still clean.

$175 dope no damn Jordan 1 is worth $800-1000

This. **** how old they are or aren't, dropping more than double retail on Jordans, especially I's, is sad.

:rofl: :rofl:

Dudes all over this site pay resell with such enthusiasm. It's ridiculous. They're ******* shoes. :smh:

I remember some guy saying "I'll gladly pay 1000 right now" in the yeezy thread. The shoes hadn't even released online at that point.

___s barely even remember what retail is anymore.

I half-expect OP to come back and say that he won the case though :lol:

He has the kind of confidence that can only either be grounded in sound logic or sheer stupidity.
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Retail for jordans is already thirst status. Paying resale is just pure desperate status. Now, paying resale for preorders is just forever alone middle school boy bait status

OP could of avoided getting robbed (w/o a weapon) by using logic assessing the deal he was getting into...

Not going back to look/verify but I recall the number of shoes he was pre-ordering was 22.

Fragment 1's & Just Don 2's went for $800+ each out the gate.

At that $6,800 rate he would be getting each shoe for about $310.

Dude he was getting the shoes from is a known reseller so obviously he knew what the estimated market was going to be on said shoes...

I can't believe "is this too good to be true" didn't cross OP's mind once.

OP heard $6,800 & ran out to get a loan.  
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the lawlz in this thread are many...$310 per shoe...people wishing for others to get ripped off...the gifs...
Handed over $6800 like it was nothing.

It ain't tricking if you got it,

too bad he didn't get it.
thats what you get for being a reseller b

lol @ the scammers name being badboy
Even though he is a reseller or ****seller, he still didn't deserve to get scammed out of $6800 (even though it was foolish not to receive the items in person).
I been in there and its sad. Dudes brag like "just traded banned 1s, cork lebrons, wtk 7 and 3500 for red October's" and other dudes come in "wow what a steal bro, wish I would've got that steal"
$175 dope no damn Jordan 1 is worth $800-1000
There are the Banneds, Breds (94 and 2013), Royals, and Shadows.
6800 on 1's & 2's local meetup but there wasnt a exchange of shoes & money?
Damn I know them baltimore sneaker dudes too. I don't bang wit em. They just always seemed sneaky lol
What do you mean? Are you referring to Dino or that you don't buy shoes from anyone in Baltimore?  If the latter-well that's stupid.
I am still baffled anyone would just hand over some "sneakerhead" reseller $6800 cash
THIS. @StillIn729  I'm sure half of your recent reps are now from me. You say almost EVERYTHING I think and would say. Lol...you make it easy for me in the SB thread.  We must be cut from the same cloth.
I been in there and its sad. Dudes brag like "just traded banned 1s, cork lebrons, wtk 7 and 3500 for red October's" and other dudes come in "wow what a steal bro, wish I would've got that steal"
#Accurate  The Jordan 1 High thread isn't much better tbh.
This same **** badboyd21 got me for $450. Filed a claim through PayPal but it was after the 45 days. Filed a chargeback and temporarily got the money back but then a few weeks later the money got taken from my account. He's done this to countless people and all his friends and Twitter **** buddies still promote and stand up for this douche.
Why would it matter who I'm buying anything from? You're saying I need to know someone personally to buy something from them? ***** dummy. PayPal and my bank should be supporting me, I have all the evidence plus PayPal is supposed to be safe....lol yeah ok. Plus dudes are blatently backing him knowing he's a scammer. My thinking was if anything goes wrong I could always file a claim or chargeback.
Sry to hear this happened to you too.

I agree. I hate Paypal personally and they've lost me money in the past over their unfair and shady practices as well.  Tbh these same people bashing the OP and you are the same people who trust Paypal with their lives and large amounts of $.  I won't even link my bank acct to Paypal and only use it as a necessary evil.  My preference is Cash or Square, but most people in the sneaker world are too blind to open their eyes to other payment methods and no i'm not talking about Western Union either.  

Overall this thread was pure comedy, but I don't understand the OD slander on the OP.  Yall act like yall haven't ever made a stupid decision. Some of yall probably got STD's and unexpected baby mamas from stupid decisions.   I think he was wise the way he handled it AFTER he got scammed, but I hope that him sharing will open the eyes to some of you "new age" sneakerheads. The moral of the story is if it's too good to be true...it probably is and stop paying more than $200 for kicks.
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The shoes were supposed to be shipped to me upon release what i did was basically preorder 12 pairs total. The guy was a know sneakerhead and ive know him to have heat but i knew nothing of his other bad business deal until i blasted him on twitter.

i know im not the only one bothered by the word heat...

because he has "heat" youll give some 7k in cash :rolleyes
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