Scariest Game You Ever Played

Silent Hill..
that ghost baby had me shook 
i've never played a "horror" game but metal gear solid, the part with psycho mantis, freaked me out
i've never played a "horror" game but metal gear solid, the part with psycho mantis, freaked me out
not a horror game but a level

the shalebridge cradle in thief 3

i couldnt sleep after playing that
not a horror game but a level

the shalebridge cradle in thief 3

i couldnt sleep after playing that
manhunt wasn't really scary. it was just suspenseful because of all of the hiding and sneaking around. only part that was a bit scary in the game was at the end when you had to face off against the pig with the chainsaw in that maze of rooms cuz you had no idea when he'd jump out at you.
manhunt wasn't really scary. it was just suspenseful because of all of the hiding and sneaking around. only part that was a bit scary in the game was at the end when you had to face off against the pig with the chainsaw in that maze of rooms cuz you had no idea when he'd jump out at you.
never played it but a game called LSD on PS2, even watching this dude play had me shook.

but right now Dead Space 2 had me freaked out for a bit but then again I never played DS1. smh at me playing this and being too old to be afraid of games
never played it but a game called LSD on PS2, even watching this dude play had me shook.

but right now Dead Space 2 had me freaked out for a bit but then again I never played DS1. smh at me playing this and being too old to be afraid of games
fatal fram scared the shxt outta me. i couldnt even play it unless i had someone else in the room never even beaten the game too much of a coward. -_-
fatal fram scared the shxt outta me. i couldnt even play it unless i had someone else in the room never even beaten the game too much of a coward. -_-
I've mentioned it before on a similar post, but I'm gonna mention it again, the maze level in Max Payne where the wife is screaming and the baby is crying, and you have to follow the trail of blood creeped the %%*% outta me.

Bioshock had me also when I tried it at my gfs house.
I've mentioned it before on a similar post, but I'm gonna mention it again, the maze level in Max Payne where the wife is screaming and the baby is crying, and you have to follow the trail of blood creeped the %%*% outta me.

Bioshock had me also when I tried it at my gfs house.
yo in the OG Jak and Daxter this big @+$ fish would pop up and eat you if you began to swim

that +%%+ used to spook me out
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