Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

Bruh you cant leave us hanging. What happened after???

well it was awkward after because i guess they knew, after they opened the door the left. at the split second i got scared because well... yeah. she later told me they thought she was in trouble
Helped my brother in Law pack, to move to Miami, decided to do the road trip thing......

Figured we could travel down with an O

Me, Him, Wifey (Her Brother) deiced to take shifts, went through mines with a breeze, 9 Pm - 6 A

He took over in VA............

Waking up to them boys pulling us over...........................

Will Continue Later..................

Hid the goods in some food......................

My wife is tapping my leg like........WE ARE GETTING PULLED OVER!!!!

I'm like %^#$^#..................... Anyway they make us get out the care, and he pulls out his K9

K9 goes around the whip, makes no noise and all of a sudden he tells us they think there's narcotics in the whip....

I start thinking of where I'm gettin bail $$$, cuz in my mind I AM FINISHED

He called another pig, they go IN AND OUT of the car looking for chron, Me like a Dummy left some guts in the whip, so they are going MOD

Finally for whatever reason, the bag of food we had, they didnt go through................... :tongue:

After wasting about 90 minutes of our time, they let us go...................

We was quiet the rest of the ride............................

Never Again................
One of the scariest moments in my life I can think of was when me and a homie split on a boat of "Vitamin C" pills one day. I was meeting my friend that wanted to cop 20 vit c's from me after I got them. I was on my way to meet him when I noticed a cop car tailing my car HELLA close! I was driving cool, didn't run any stops, speed limit. He hits the lights and I'm right across the street from my friend I was meeting up. He asks me for my license and registration. I was feeling more nervous than a hooker in church at this point. Shaking (I always had a tendency for my hands to shake if I try to hold something still) as I gave him my license and registration.

My homie had his thin nike basketball bag with him and had his pills and about an O of his medication. I didn't trip off that he had his O but I didn't know it was in the same container with his pills and didn't separate his stuff. I started smelling the bud and it got hella stronger in smell because the window was down but there was no air flow from driving to air it out. Cop came back, asked if we had warrants, luckily none of us did and he said "Alright well get your license light fixed." Ended up driving into the parking lot to meet up my friend, and he said "Damn...I thought you guys were done!!" Lmao It was scary at the moment but laugh about it now.
getting shot at on metropolitan or almost going into a diabetic coma.
You Salvadorean?

I was in El Salvador once and some cousins and I got confronted by some MS-13 members. I was about 15 or so and saying i was shook was an understatement. They are mocking us and pushing us around until some members of the town gang came along and grabbed us. One of the guys recognized me (my aunt is their gang leader) and told me to go home and that they will take care of it. I didn't leave my grandpas house for the rest of the trip.

I get sleep paralysis too. I'm surprised so many NTers experience it as well. I used to go in, get scared and do everything i could to wake up. Used to wake up from it banging on the walls, running to the other room, and sometimes even smacking my wife. I got ballsy and tried to relax and go lucid, and it worked sometimes. I stopped trying to do that when i started seeing evil shadows while paralyzed. Stopped watching ghost stuff and they seem to have slowed down. I get one here and there but nothing crazy. Although i was in the someone blow my mind thread the other night and while i was trying to fall asleep i felt like ET was trying to phone home from the side of my bed.  
yup im Salvadoran born in the states though.
Like last summer i had to watch one of my professors houses because they went out of town for a month.
it's an old house in the country, surrounded by trees, no neighbors...nice house tho, you can tell its old but they did alot to it.

Like 3 weeks into it i come back to the house around 9pm.
They have this HUGE garden in the backyard and my routine was to water/till it before the sun came up, and after it came down.

so im out there watering the garden and im looking at the rear of the house.
His daughters room is facing the backyard and you can see the window.
So i look, and i see her in the room looking down at me, and she waves.

so i waves back.

And at this point im s****** my pants because aparently they decided to come home a week earlier. The house wasnt in the best shape to say the least lol.
And there was plenty roaches on the back porch, trees in the fridge etc.

so now im trippin.

So then i go inside and all the lights are still off. I look around and no one is there, Check the girls room.

no one.

so then i call my professor cuz now im a lil concerned. And basically i call to see if he ever came back, but instead i made up this convo about bugs eating the tomato plants. And as he's explaining to me how to handle that...I HEAR HIS DAUGHTER IN THE BACKGROUND.


And so im walkin round this old house wit a knife thinkin some lil girl done broke in
and i notice the door to the basement is open a little. Now i remember specifically going into the basement ONCE to do laundry, and i remember closing the door, because its a really old door, and you have to "work" to shut it tight, and its a little tricky to lock it because you have to lineup the deadbolt just right.

there is no entry to the house from the basement.

mention that **** to him bro, maybe he will tell you house is haunted,. def bring that to his attention fam!
The last week i only went there in the morning and sunset to water the plants.
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