Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

About 4 years ago me and my family were vacationing in El Salvador. I had these two older cousins who were in the transportation business. Anyways one of my cousins routes involved him picking up a night crew at a restaurant late at night (About 11 Pm) so basically my cousin had this Nissan mini van that could occupy 12-15 passengers. So one night I decide to go with one of my cousins cesar and his wife on one that late night route. That night he had a full van so I had to ride upfront with my cousin driving, me in the middle hella uncomfortable, and his big wife on the right. The restaurant had employees that lived about in different cities not too far away. Any who my cousin was finishing his route, dropping off the last few employees that stayed in the same neighborhood. It was about 1:20 am when we got out of that bumpy neighborhood and got back on the paved road heading back to my aunts house finally. So when I look ahead I see emergency lights, I look on the side of the road and I see a shoe, and a shirt. But as we keep driving I see a severed head just laying there, and a lil more up ahead we see a black body bag with legs hanging out of it. In that moment I just felt so shook like if I had seen a ghost or something I was hella scared that night. It was the first time I had ever seen something of that measure. I was only 15 at the time.

One time on a different trip same van we were finishing up another route at night when we approached a bunch of MS-13 gang members (about 10 of them) One of them all tatted up on his face walked towards the van, my dad was in the front seat me, my mom and my aunt were all in the backseats. My dad handed him a $5 bill and a bunch of change. He let us get out of that hood alive. I'm thankful nothing happened that night. All they wanted was some money.
I read that LSD can stay in your system and give you random trips later on.

Stick to shrooms. Once they're out, they're out, and an eighth will last you for four hours. Just remember to be comfortable physically and mentally when you take it so that you have a good trip.

I use to want to drop but I ain't bout that HPPD life.
1. seen a ghost moving a balloon at my uncles house once, he said it was ok n a good thing (hes a medicine man) n after he said that a big ruckus happened down stairs, we were tha only 1s in his house

2. after about 3-4 months of binging off/on with thizz n pain killers 1 nite my face n arms tingled for about 6-8 hours....I called my dad n sister wondering if I should go 2 tha hospital. honestly cried n thought I would possibly die or end up with terrible brain damage or somethin

3. 1 nite kikkin it in my hood, I wasn't with tha kouple of bro's im usually with n outta nowhere tha party, about 8-10 bro's stoop up slowly n inched towards me.....thought I was gonna get beat half 2 death or worse. 1 of tha og's stopped n said no leave (my name) alone hes my bro blah, blah, blah. and tha party went bakk 2 normal....still trip out about it 2 this day
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I got hit by a car when I was 12. The front tire was less than a foot from my face.
After hs I had to have a lot of surgery to correct a medical problem. I almost died b/c apparently I was allergic to Percocet.
one thing about sleep paralysis is you are never supposed to open your eyes, I hear that makes it 100 times worse. you have to just relax. It actually is like the gateway to lucid dreaming but you have to be able to relax.

1. First time I can remember having sleep paralysis, I was in bed with my ex, and dozed off, then it felt like she was choking me while I was sleep but I couldnt move to get her off of me, so I start shaking uncontrollably then she wakes me up panicking trying to figure out why im shaking and sweating like crazy. I experience it more often then I'd like to admit but I have accepted it and I have actually been able to go lucid a couple of times.

2. When I was like 5 or 6, we are leaving our house and a car is blocking our driveway, my mom tells me and my cousin to hurry up and get in the car, we back out and go across the sidewalk to get out of the driveway. The car starts following us and I keep looking back, I see a guy hanging out the passenger side window with a gun but i have no idea what is going on, so we are in a high speed car chase on a main street, my mom ran like 5 red lights, stop signs, etc, and we go straight to the police station and the car doesn't stop, just keeps going. my mom makes a report but I dont think anything ever came of it. we moved from that street almost immediately after.

looking back at this, I have an idea of what was involved here but I have never spoken to my mom about it, ever.

3. about 11 years old, I was a young monkey, climbing up trees, on to garage and house roofs one day im climbing up this tree to see how high I can get, and I am pretty much at the top when the branch im on breaks, and im falling head first towards the ground for what seems like a lifetime and then I catch myself on one of the last large branches with my legs, hanging upside down about 5 feet away from the ground.

4. I use to work an overnight job 11p-7a and a day job from 11a-2p, one day I didnt get any sleep from the day to the night job, I get off work @ 7am and drive home, tired as ****. last thing I remember is getting off the expressway, next thing I know, I wake up and im driving on the sidewalk, a good 4 ft away from a tree and I swerve and miss it by what seems like a couple of inches. A bunch of kids are outside watching as I almost collide with the tree, there is a good 3 miles between the expressway and where I woke up at. I didnt have my seat belt on either so it wouldve been a wrap for me. since then, I NEVER..... NEVER get in the car and not wear my seatbelt... even if im in the back seat :/

5. My dad was killed when I was only a baby and people always tell me stories of how it happened and sometimes I have dreams like reliving it like watching it from a 3rd person view and it ***** me up every time. everyone always told me that he had dropped me off at home right before it happened it that drives me crazy

6. I use to have nightmares when I was like 4 until I was like 10 about this older lady with a tweety bird voice that wanted to kidnap me. she would hold me hostage in the mall and I would convince her to let me at least say goodbye o my family and when she would thats when I would wake up. This was a recurring dream I had like for years and years. But I never knew where the lady in the dream was from. So I get my first job at the central library here and who do I see as soon as I walk in? this lady, and I literally almost pissed on myself (I was 16) and she's like, I remember you, I use to come to your school when you were about 4 years old on the bookmobile. Needless to say, I started having those nightmares again. I had to quit that job. Thats part of the reason the movie insidious kinda ****** with me.

7. I had a dream one time that my Ex's brother in law was a pedophile so I always had a weird feeling about him. turns out he was molesting his step daughter. I was so mad because I had this dream like 2 years before it all came out. don't know if thats considered scary but It was creepy that my dream was right.

8. Had a gun pulled out on me after school one day by a guy who was mad at me for not letting him into my house party because I didnt know him.

9. sitting in my friends car after work one day in front of my house, we see a guy walking down the street with a large blanket, we think "this is weird, why is he carrying this blanket like this", he gets literally next to the car and pulls a shotgun from under the blanket and lets off shots. pellets ricochet and hit the car window and we panic but the the guy runs off. still have no idea who or what he was shooting at.

10. My cousin is over and we are about to leave out the house, as we are walking out, a gun fight breaks out right in front of our house with 3 dudes, all shooting at each other, my cousin tackles me back into the house.
Fell out of a loop de loop roller coaster at a fair. Lucky for me, it had a roof or id be dead...twice.
Girlfriend text saying she outside.....Side chick naked on my couch

Living a double life is so stressful
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Girlfriend text saying she outside.....Side chick naked on my couch

Living a double life is so stressful:smh:

You're next scariest moment is when it's the other way around.

Coming home from a hard days of work, walking up the stairs while taking off your tie... then hearing your woman moaning and groaning. :lol:
Scariest thing that happened to me was back in 2007 when I was in a bank that was being robbed. I still remember it so vividly. I was at the counter with my step sister, and she was withdrawing money. I was just standing there looking around the bank, and all of a sudden I see three guys walk through the door with ski masks on screaming everybody get the **** down to the ground and don't move. Then one of them fire 3 shots just for the hell of it. Two guys had a pistol, and the other guy had an ak-47.

There was also another guy that was in the get away car, so they got away. They ditched the car at a pep boys and got in a different car. My step dad was a cop in town, and he was just getting off from work and he was actually the first one to show up at the bank. A bunch of cops showed up shortly after with shotguns, but it's actually a good thing the robbers got away so there wasn't a shootout or hostage situation.

I aslo had a basketball game that night, which I only scored one point and played like **** because I was still so shaken up from what happened early. Had to stay at the bank for like an hour and a half to wait to get interviewed from the cops.

They continued to rob banks around the area every Friday at around 3:30, until they finally got caught after like their 8th robbery. An FBI agent got shot by friendly fire though when they caught them. My stepdad was actually able to get the bank security pics, so I have them of me kneeling down looking scared as hell haha. What a crazy experience. I'm always hesitant to going into banks because of what happened...always looking around and ish.
Scariest thing that happened to me was back in 2007 when I was in a bank that was being robbed. I still remember it so vividly. I was at the counter with my step sister, and she was withdrawing money. I was just standing there looking around the bank, and all of a sudden I see three guys walk through the door with ski masks on screaming everybody get the **** down to the ground and don't move. Then one of them fire 3 shots just for the hell of it. Two guys had a pistol, and the other guy had an ak-47.

There was also another guy that was in the get away car, so they got away. They ditched the car at a pep boys and got in a different car. My step dad was a cop in town, and he was just getting off from work and he was actually the first one to show up at the bank. A bunch of cops showed up shortly after with shotguns, but it's actually a good thing the robbers got away so there wasn't a shootout or hostage situation.

I aslo had a basketball game that night, which I only scored one point and played like **** because I was still so shaken up from what happened early. Had to stay at the bank for like an hour and a half to wait to get interviewed from the cops.

They continued to rob banks around the area every Friday at around 3:30, until they finally got caught after like their 8th robbery. An FBI agent got shot by friendly fire though when they caught them. My stepdad was actually able to get the bank security pics, so I have them of me kneeling down looking scared as hell haha. What a crazy experience. I'm always hesitant to going into banks because of what happened...always looking around and ish.

Damb, I think I would be scarred for life too. Lol, I'll deposit my checks from my phone and only use my CC lol. ATM will be the only place I'll ever come close to that resembles a bank.

My inputs: The standard, your girl's period came late and you you're frozen in fear. Can't find your phone... Fumbling your phone in midair. Trying to balance your chair in its hind legs only for it to tip too much, creating a mini heart attack. Taking that extra non existent step down the stairs when you're distracted by something.
I was out with my boys in the city one night. I parked my car and told my boys I'll be right back because I had to take a piss. I start peeing next to a store that is closed. Cops pull up behind me and say excuse me sir. Me being the idiot did not actually think this next move through. Don't know why but I just started booking it down the block.

I am running alongside a bunch of parked cars and I realize this is a long *** city block and I won't make it to turn a corner. I stop running and duck next to a car. Cops stop a few cars ahead of me. At this point, I start booking it back where I came from before the cops could make a U-turn, I hop into my car and the cops drive by. I stay in the car with my boys for 10 minutes while the cops are circling the block. 10 minutes pass and we proceed to hit the bar. I look back and say that was one of the dumbest things to do to get out of a measly ticket but its a hell of a story.
Long story short...Flying back home with my family from a trip, 3 out of 4 engines fail. We're flying over some mountain range over Utah or something and basically the pilot glided the plane the entire time and did an emergency landing in Salt Lake City. This was my 8th birthday too, could have gone out of the world the same day I came in 

Did get to slide down one of these on the tarmac though 
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About 4 years ago me and my family were vacationing in El Salvador. I had these two older cousins who were in the transportation business. Anyways one of my cousins routes involved him picking up a night crew at a restaurant late at night (About 11 Pm) so basically my cousin had this Nissan mini van that could occupy 12-15 passengers. So one night I decide to go with one of my cousins cesar and his wife on one that late night route. That night he had a full van so I had to ride upfront with my cousin driving, me in the middle hella uncomfortable, and his big wife on the right. The restaurant had employees that lived about in different cities not too far away. Any who my cousin was finishing his route, dropping off the last few employees that stayed in the same neighborhood. It was about 1:20 am when we got out of that bumpy neighborhood and got back on the paved road heading back to my aunts house finally. So when I look ahead I see emergency lights, I look on the side of the road and I see a shoe, and a shirt. But as we keep driving I see a severed head just laying there, and a lil more up ahead we see a black body bag with legs hanging out of it. In that moment I just felt so shook like if I had seen a ghost or something I was hella scared that night. It was the first time I had ever seen something of that measure. I was only 15 at the time.

One time on a different trip same van we were finishing up another route at night when we approached a bunch of MS-13 gang members (about 10 of them) One of them all tatted up on his face walked towards the van, my dad was in the front seat me, my mom and my aunt were all in the backseats. My dad handed him a $5 bill and a bunch of change. He let us get out of that hood alive. I'm thankful nothing happened that night. All they wanted was some money.
You Salvadorean?

I was in El Salvador once and some cousins and I got confronted by some MS-13 members. I was about 15 or so and saying i was shook was an understatement. They are mocking us and pushing us around until some members of the town gang came along and grabbed us. One of the guys recognized me (my aunt is their gang leader) and told me to go home and that they will take care of it. I didn't leave my grandpas house for the rest of the trip.

I get sleep paralysis too. I'm surprised so many NTers experience it as well. I used to go in, get scared and do everything i could to wake up. Used to wake up from it banging on the walls, running to the other room, and sometimes even smacking my wife. I got ballsy and tried to relax and go lucid, and it worked sometimes. I stopped trying to do that when i started seeing evil shadows while paralyzed. Stopped watching ghost stuff and they seem to have slowed down. I get one here and there but nothing crazy. Although i was in the someone blow my mind thread the other night and while i was trying to fall asleep i felt like ET was trying to phone home from the side of my bed.  
One of the time i been scared was when i was in like 10th grade...this chick claimed i knocked her up, i was like 14 or 15 shook :smh:
What's with NT's fascination with sleep paralysis? :lol:
For me, ive JUST started experiencing it like 3-4 months ago, other than that, it's just crazy how us as humans praise ourselves for our conscious thinking, yet we operate subconsciously to literally live

Like I never thought "why doesnt my body run in real life while I run in my dream" until I experienced sleep paralysis and researched

So many people say "I subconsciously think blah blah blah" when that's not real subconscious at all

Sleep paralysis is a prime example of the conscious mind and our deep subconscious colliding, I'm awake while my mind is releasing this chemical to paralyze me, I don't know how to stop myself from paralyzing me, im thinking "MOVE" while another part of my brain is like "dont move" and then the last thing I felt in my dream is real now because I'm awake and can't move

Idk, I'm horrible at explaining it
Long story short...Flying back home with my family from a trip, 3 out of 4 engines fail. We're flying over some mountain range over Utah or something and basically the pilot glided the plane the entire time and did an emergency landing in Salt Lake City. This was my 8th birthday too, could have gone out of the world the same day I came in 

Did get to slide down one of these on the tarmac though 

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Worst nightmare is to die in a plane crash. No lie. :smh: Props to that pilot fam.
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