Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

Okay so I promised another scary story of someone I know a little over a week ago.  Here it is:

During high school there was a kid in the grade below me named Seth.  I wasn't friends with him personally, but I knew people that were good friends with him. The town we live in was settled in the late 1600s, and his house is one of the oldest houses still standing.  My best friend told me a story about how he went to a party there one night and Seth told him he could take any room upstairs and sleep in it.  My friend made it up the staircase, looked down an extremely long, dark hallway, immediately felt scared out of his mind, and decided to sleep downstairs with all of the lights and the TV on.  It's a pretty creepy house.

One of my good friends Cory was really good friends with Seth in high school. One night Seth called Cory up hysterical.  He tells Cory that his parents were out, that weird things were going on in his house (lights flickering, sound of steps, doors opening and closing, etc.) and that him and his older brother are freaking out.  Seth was sitting at his bedroom window on the second floor waiting for his parents to come home when all he suddenly screamed bloody murder over the phone to Cory.  He told Cory that what appeared to be an old woman walked from the front of his house to the end of the driveway and was staring up into his window.  It was late at night, and she was slightly illuminated (Seth lived on a really dark road).  All of a sudden the woman started walking back towards the house.  At this point Seth and his brother bolted downstairs and out the back door.  The ran to the side of the house, got in the older brother's car and got out of there as fast as they could.  The next morning everyone learned that Seth and his brother were in a severe car accident right down the road from their house.

Seth was in a coma, but his older brother only suffered a few broken bones.  At the hospital Cory asked Seth's brother to finish the story.  Apparently as they were speeding away they looked into the rear view mirror of the car and the woman was in the backseat.  The brother then lost control of the car causing it to flip.  Seth made it out of the coma after a month, but he was never the same.  This story happened about 8 years ago.   Last I heard Seth is homeless in Philadelphia.

I asked Cory to recount the story to me a few months ago, but he flat out refuses to talk about it anymore.  He's still so shook and confused about what happened that night.  I always thought this story was just a rumor until I became good friends with Cory.  To this day I sometimes question if the story is just a figment of my imagination or something I had a dream about that's seeped into my memory, then my friend will bring up the story about his one time in the house and the other story.  I still have a hard time believing it.
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I read that LSD can stay in your system and give you random trips later on.

Stick to shrooms. Once they're out, they're out, and an eighth will last you for four hours. Just remember to be comfortable physically and mentally when you take it so that you have a good trip.
When i was a Junior in HS. I was playing basketball. I didnt get a winter jacket yet. It was Beginning of December. Jacket temperature here in Boston. So i just got a new jacket with the fur on the hood. Finally was warm that day walking to school since i didnt get a car yet.

I went to school that day warm and had basketball game that day. JV was before Varsity games always. It was a home game. So after our JV game i got dressed. Realized i wouldnt have money to pay for the train if i stay and watch the varsity team play. So since i had a student ID card it was free until after 8pm. So i made it to the T station before 8pm and im all good and warm.

Get out the T Station. This time its dark outside. So i do my usual slow walking, passed by the corner store to get a 25c bag of chips. I get out and do my usual cross through the school yard. Shortcut. As i get out the store i take like 10 steps.. Notice 20+ dudes walking up. They are a gang in city from a different neighborhood. Idk why they were there. But i just passed by them since i didnt wanna look like a ***** and turn around and run. So i pass by them they take the sidewalk. I hop off the sidewalk and walk on the street. Just of the edge of sidewalk. Mind you 20 goons 14 - 20. HS kids. Same age as me. I was nervous passing by them but just looked straight. Mind my business.

Than whewww i pass by and nothing happens. Im pretty relieved. But still a little nervous. I walk and start to cross the school yard. I start speed walking though. I dont look back. I can hear voices getting closer.

As i walk there is a wall where you cant see the person so as soon as i passed by that wall. With a heavy *** jacket on. I dipped soooooo fasttttttt... I never ran so fast. My house is litteraly 3 min walk from T Station. As soon as i hit that wall i heard them all running towards me. Im running down my street. Juking parked cars. They were about 50 yards before they started coming towards me because i can tell by they voices. But when i hit that wall mustve been like 75 yrds.

i get in my crib.. Soon as i get in lock the first door which is usually unlocked. I stay there looking out the glass window on the door. They cant see me. I wasnt 100% sure if they were chasing me. but soon as i looked out that glass.. I knew they were chasing me for sure and was going to do something terrible to me.They were so confused.. Running down the street. there were so many of them. I seen them.

I was going to get the beating of my life. I couldnt eat my chips. My hands were shaking like a MF.

Just one of the scary things that happened to me. Might not be much. But at that time i was shook everytime i came home from BBall practice.

Im talking sitting at the end of the Train and jogging up the stairs and sprinting home.

So many robberies that year at the T Station, dudes were getting stabbed and dudes just be posted out there.

Thank god i got my car a little while later. Wheewwww...
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Flying up a hill that curved doing at least 70.

Not sure what happened, lost control of the car and did a couple of 360s down the middle of the road and ending facing the opposite direction.

Thank god it was 2am and no on coming cars.

Happened to me last summer. I was merging on to the freeway, my dumb*** didn't slow down.

My car fishtailed, I over-steered and caused to do multiple 360s and finally hitting the wall.

The scariest thing about it was after the fact. I realize where we were... we were in the middle of an oncoming freeway.

Cars going 55+mph, they all could have collided and smashed us. But some how they all stopped! No one was hurt.
Off top when I got my ex preggo. Had to immediately find a Walgreens that sold the morning after pull at 1 in the morning. :smh:
got setup by some new people, dude put a glock to my head and was talking like he was gonna squeeze it, looked him in the face and told him do your worst, he smirked pulled back and he forgot to take the safety off, we tussled but his other homeboy  pulled out his strap and started busting, dumbass shot his mans in the leg and i got shot in the shoulder, he ran out of bullets, before he had second thought on reloading i was able to get a boot off in his face grab what i brung and he had and dipped out. So a basically a robbery that almost turned foul became a come up for me minus going to a hospital an hour away to avoid trouble. 

There's no trigger safety on a Glock for future reference.
when i was young i always had a bad attitude, would get into hella fights and hung around the wrong people who were gang affiliated. one day we were mobbin down the street and we see a house having a party and bbq outside. the people we see having the bbq were rival gang members. as we roll by my homies roll down the window, throw up their turfs and flags. i thought that was the end of that and kept driving. we saw my boys cousin so we pulled over to talk to him when all of the sudden i see 2 cars speeding in our direction. dudes were going so fast they ended up both crashing into parked cars. after they crashed their cars they hopped out and started dumping. these dudes were out to kill and i was trippin out how real the situation was as i was hiding behind my whip hoping none of the bullets get me. btw this all happened in BROAD DAYLIGHT on a busy street. my boy, who was RIGHT NEXT TO ME, got hit in the spine(RIP PITT). that day changed my life lol we used to mob around, smash on fools and think we were the hardest but that day it really sunk in that theres always fools that are just as down if not more. realized my life was too precious for this stupid bs. i was 17(27 now) and that was the last day i ever kicked it on "the block" too. life changer no doubt.
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Man this one time me and my boys were road trippin in winter and wanted to try out snowboarding so we head up this mountain and see this sign saying "DO NOT PROCEED WITHOUT SNOW CHAINS" (chains you fit on your tires for grip in the snow). Us being poor *** students were already stretching the budget out so we ignored it seeing the weather was good. So we hit the ski fields for most of the day but towards the last few hours a pretty bad snowstorm hit the mountain we were on so the place shut down and everyone had to leave. 

Anyways..we head down the mountain going sloow as hell and are about halfway down when out of nowhere our car just starts sliding towards the edge of the road and it just had to be the part that had no barrier blocking it..maaan I will never forget that feeling of sitting in a car sliding towards the edge of a cliff and not being able to do anything at all. 

Some how my boy managed to get the car under control and we stopped just in time..but man that feeling that I was about to die and my last words woulda been "OH F**K OH F**K FU**!!!!!!" 
I've seen Glocks with trigger safeties before... :rolleyes

Not calling anyone out, but if you've never had experience with firearms, you might not know what you're talking about.

I've seen Glocks with trigger safeties before... :rolleyes

Not calling anyone out, but if you've never had experience with firearms, you might not know what you're talking about.

You can't turn that "off"

glocks don't have a decocker nor an external safety

safe action trigger != safety

c'mon bruh i wouldn't post anything i don't know about.

Dude said the guy squeezed the trigger but the safety was on.

If you squeeze with a glock to the dome, you die, not post on NT.
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One time me my boy and our homegirl were smoking at his house, we made a bootleg homemade bong out of a 2 liter bottle of coke. So I took a big hit out of it and literally felt everything go super slow, so slow I could feel my heart rate slow down a lot. I literally thought I was having a stroke or something, I could barely move and couldn't say a word. After a bout a min or so it started to go away but I was pretty shook. 

Also had it happen to me when I smoked some knockout (that legal stuff) never again 
That was the onset of a panic attack.
Yes. Had one yesterday, they F****** suck. I had another one about a month ago on the bus. I usually do good at stopping them before they start, but this was by far the worst. I got cold and felt my whole left side of my body go numb then tingly. Honestly felt like I was having a stroke too. I almost fell out on the bus then and there. I got off the bus and walked a mile to my next stop. I paced at the stop for like 20-30 min just repeating to myself "calm down" and things of that nature. People were looking at me like I was crazy or something. Got on the bus and had to get off 5 min later. I walked about 2 miles to another bus stop that went to my school. Paced at that stop for about 15-20 min. Got on the bus, got to school and went straight to Health & Wellness. Took 2 aspirin and drank some water, then I was cool. Yeah that was my scariest moment there.
got setup by some new people, dude put a glock to my head and was talking like he was gonna squeeze it, looked him in the face and told him do your worst, he smirked pulled back and he forgot to take the safety off, we tussled but his other homeboy  pulled out his strap and started busting, dumbass shot his mans in the leg and i got shot in the shoulder, he ran out of bullets, before he had second thought on reloading i was able to get a boot off in his face grab what i brung and he had and dipped out. So a basically a robbery that almost turned foul became a come up for me minus going to a hospital an hour away to avoid trouble. 

There's no trigger safety on a Glock for future reference.
Idk son be posting mad stuff on nt that got me thinking is BS. But I been letting it ride
Back in the roots (kingdom of tonga)

99 was the year. Was drinking homebrew and rum with a couple villagers, the neighborhood rat and her homegirl. Hood rat chick took her bathroom breaks across field where supposedly old burial place was. Tried to get dome but homegirl was stumbling, off and sloppy. Later we all TKO at village owned bar like some damn homeless lol

Fast forward to next morning and hood rat chick is screaming her head off. She yells out in our native language that she can't see. I look and her eyes are crossed and bleeding.......,:-/. My uncle (bar manager) yells at hood rat chick to flee from our land due to bad karma to our business lol

I Guess the location of her piss breaks was a bad idea :-/.

Heard that her eldest auntie had to do some ceremonial ritual and pour holy aqua to keep her alive..some TRIPPY ish....
Fellow Tongan on NT!! Dope even tho im only half 
 but man I hear those puke tevolo/possesed stories happen all the time back on the island smh
having my right big toe split in half. it was literally hanging off by the skin. could see the bone and everything. it didnt hurt when it happened. when i looked down...i was in more of a shock than anything. happened 14 years ago and the toe nail took some years to heal up 
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Lol man homie just spoke of a gun company he is familiar with doesn't mean it was really a glock could of just been the 1st brand that came to mind :lol:
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